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gods, there were no wars of religion, I answer that it was precisely<br />

because each State, having its own cult as well as its own government,<br />

made no distinction between its gods and its laws. Political war was<br />

also theological; the provinces of the gods were, so to speak, fixed by<br />

the boundaries of nations. The god of one people had no right over<br />

another. The gods of the pagans were not jealous gods; they shared among<br />

themselves the empire of the world: even Moses and the Hebrews sometimes<br />

lent themselves to this view by speaking of the God of Israel. It is<br />

true, they regarded as powerless the gods of the Canaanites, a<br />

proscribed people condemned to destruction, whose place they were to<br />

take; but remember how they spoke of the divisions of the neighbouring<br />

peoples they were forbidden to attack! "Is not the possession of what<br />

belongs to your god Chamos lawfully your due?" said Jephthah to the<br />

Ammonites. "We have the same title to the lands our conquering God has<br />

made his own."[42] Here, I think, there is a recognition that the rights<br />

of Chamos and those of the God of Israel are of the same nature.<br />

But when the Jews, being subject to the Kings of Babylon, and,<br />

subsequently, to those of Syria, still obstinately refused to recognise<br />

any god save their own, their refusal was regarded as rebellion against<br />

their conqueror, and drew down on them the persecutions we read of in<br />

their history, which are without parallel till the coming of<br />

Christianity.[43]<br />

Every religion, therefore, being attached solely to the laws of the<br />

State which prescribed it, there was no way of converting a people<br />

except by enslaving it, and there could be no missionaries save<br />

conquerors. The obligation to change cults being the law to which the<br />

vanquished yielded, it was necessary to be victorious before suggesting<br />

such a change. So far from men fighting for the gods, the gods, as in<br />

Homer, fought for men; each asked his god for victory, and repayed him<br />

with new altars. The Romans, before taking a city, summoned its gods to<br />

quit it; and, in leaving the Tarentines their outraged gods, they<br />

regarded them as subject to their own and compelled to do them homage.<br />

They left the vanquished their gods as they left them their laws. A<br />

wreath to the Jupiter of the Capitol was often the only tribute they<br />

imposed.<br />


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