Hometown Rankin - February & March 2016

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“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every<br />

situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,<br />

present your requests to God.” – Philippians 4:6<br />

On <strong>March</strong> 3, after 5 days of treatment,<br />

Campbell was released to go home. “We<br />

were all very thankful to be going home to<br />

our familiar territory, routine, food, etc. “<br />

Like most children, Campbell was a creature<br />

of habit. He thrived in his own environment.<br />

“We will return to the clinic for our post op<br />

appointment at 8:40 Thursday morning and<br />

then our first outpatient treatment will be at<br />

12:30 on Thursday. We will continue to do<br />

outpatient for treatment weeks two through<br />

five, barring Campbell doesn’t get fever or<br />

sick, which would put us back in the hospital.<br />

David and I have decided that each day we<br />

would find at least one thing to give God<br />

praise for...we are thankful and blessed to get<br />

the opportunity to do that each day of<br />

treatment. Each morning, our prayer is that<br />

Campbell’s side effects from treatment<br />

would be minimum or NOT AT ALL.<br />

We boldly pray for not at all. I am constantly<br />

reminded to experience true joy in each and<br />

every moment of the day and cherish the<br />

time God gives me with my family.”<br />

“I will extol the Lord at all times; HIS praise will<br />

always be on my lips.” –Psalm 34:1<br />

“Our bold prayer is that at six weeks,<br />

when Campbell has his first evaluation, that<br />

they will find no cancer. We know this is a<br />

bold request, but our God is bigger than cancer<br />

and we know HE hears each and every request<br />

we offer up to HIM. Our other request is<br />

that the side effects from the chemo will be<br />

minimum or none at all. Thank you again for<br />

all of your prayers, love and support. We are<br />

praying without ceasing that Campbell will be<br />

completely healed…his story is not finished.”<br />

Throughout the treatment, Jill and David<br />

sought moments of normalcy for their children.<br />

About a month after he was diagnosed,<br />

Campbell was able to return to Trinity<br />

Preschool for a brief moment to enjoy Fairy<br />

Tale Day. He dressed as a pirate, and his<br />

twin sister, Avery, dressed as Rapunzel. A few<br />

days later, Jill arranged a photo session with<br />

photographer Allison Muirhead. “Our<br />

friendship/relationship with Allison goes<br />

back 7 years. She took our wedding pictures,<br />

newborn pictures, first year pictures and many<br />

other pictures since, of the twins and our family.<br />

I knew there was no one else I wanted to take<br />

these very special pictures and capture our<br />

family as only she can. Because we don’t know<br />

what the future holds for our family, we wanted<br />

to have memories of what we were before<br />

chemo/radiation.”<br />

Radiation…such a scary word. “It’s one I<br />

never thought I would speak of, especially<br />

pertaining to my child.” A meeting with<br />

doctors revealed that Campbell was<br />

unfortunately not a candidate for the proton<br />

therapy the family had hoped for. “Because<br />

of the rare location of his Rhabdo (in the<br />

abdomen) and the studs that were left from<br />

surgery, the proton therapy will not work.<br />

Without getting too detailed, proton therapy<br />

hits the tumor (or cancer cells) with radiation.<br />

Because Campbell’s cells are probably so<br />

small, there is no way to know what to hit<br />

and you can’t just hit thin air and hope you<br />

are hitting the possible cancer cells remaining.<br />

In his case, you can’t hope, you have to<br />

know for certain that the radiation is hitting<br />

what it is supposed to so that it won’t come<br />

back. So, the only way to do that is to radiate<br />

his entire abdomen.” The good news is the<br />

radiation could be done at UMC. The bad<br />

news would be the toll it would take on<br />

Campbell. The side effects from radiation<br />

will be worse since it is targeting his abdomen…<br />

nausea, vomiting, intestinal issues (because<br />

the intestines do not like radiation), etc. He<br />

will be put to sleep every day for five days a<br />

week for five weeks (because of his age and<br />

the need to be completely still he has to be<br />

put to sleep). He will also be receiving chemo<br />

throughout radiation. We are scared, we are<br />

nervous and we worry about the many side<br />

effects to come. Secondary cancer is a big<br />

one. We know that God provides the wisdom<br />

and tools to the doctors to do their jobs so<br />

we signed the papers once again and said do<br />

whatever you have to in order to save his life<br />

and give him a chance at living a long, full life.”<br />

The toll on the entire family was hard.<br />

“I’m tired, we are tired and my heart aches<br />

for my four-year-old who doesn’t understand<br />

why we keep doing all of this to him. I don’t<br />

know if there has ever really been a time in<br />

my life where I cried out to God that I was<br />

so scared and I wasn’t sure I could keep<br />

going. As much as I feel we are fighting an<br />

uphill battle, HE reminded me that HE is<br />

right there, fighting the battle with us. Oh<br />

gosh how HE loves Campbell more than<br />

I do…HE loves him so much I can’t even<br />

fathom the depths of HIS love for him. So<br />

I release it to HIM, I release Campbell to<br />

HIM, trusting HIM to continue to carry us<br />

through on this journey.”<br />

“Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD<br />

is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the<br />

earth. HE will not grow tired or weary, and HIS<br />

understanding no one can fathom. HE gives strength<br />

to the weary and increases the power of the weak.<br />

Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men<br />

stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD<br />

will renew their strength. They will soar on wings<br />

like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they<br />

will walk and not be faint.” –Isaiah 40:28<br />

“From the fullness of HIS grace we have all received<br />

one blessing after another.” –John 1:16<br />

By January, Campbell’s little body was<br />

struggling from the effects of the radiation.<br />

“I’m going to be honest (and David and I<br />

have always said from day one of this journey,<br />

we would never sugarcoat it to make it more<br />

pleasant because honestly there aren’t a lot of<br />

days I count as pleasant). November and<br />

December were rough months for us.” It was<br />

<strong>Hometown</strong> madison • 79

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