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Descriptions of Medical Fungi 135<br />

Synonymy: Rhizomucor variabilis Zheng & Chen.<br />

RG-2 organism.<br />

Morphological Description: Colonies are whitish to ochraceous, with buff-ochre<br />

reverse. Sporangiophores arising from hyphae or from stolons; rhizoids abundant.<br />

Sporangiophores are hyaline, up to 2 mm long, 9-23 μm wide, simple or once branched,<br />

with branches terminating at a higher level than the main stems; branches all ending in<br />

a sporangium. Sporangia subspherical to spherical, up to 100 μm diameter. Columella<br />

spherical, ellipsoidal to cylindrical, about 40 μm wide, sometimes lobed, with or without<br />

an apophysis. Sporangiospores are hyaline, smooth-walled, very variable, mostly<br />

subspherical to ellipsoidal, 3-11 × 2-7 μm. Chlamydospores are abundant. Maximum<br />

growth temperature 38 O C.<br />

Comment: Mucor irregularis differs from other species of Mucor by having abundant<br />

rhizoids of different sizes and sporangiospores of highly variable shape, mostly<br />

subspherical to ellipsoidal (Lu et al. 2009, 2013). This species is closely related to<br />

Mucor hiemalis (Voigt et al. 1999).<br />

RG-1 organism.<br />

Mucor irregularis Stchigel et al.<br />

Mucor ramosissimus Samutsevich<br />

Morphological Description: Colonial growth is restricted, greyish and does not<br />

grow at 37 O C (maximum temperature for growth is 36 O C). Sporangiophores are<br />

hyaline, slightly roughened, tapering towards the apex and are erect with repeated<br />

sympodial branching. Sporangia are grey to black, globose or somewhat flattened,<br />

up to 80 µm in diameter and have very persistent sporangial walls. Columellae are<br />

applanate (flattened), up to 40-50 µm in size and are often absent in smaller sporangia.<br />

Sporangiospores are faintly brown, smooth-walled, subglobose to broadly ellipsoidal,<br />

5-8 x 4.5-6 µm in size. Oidia may be present in the substrate hyphae, chlamydospores<br />

and zygospores are absent. Assimilation of ethanol is negative and that of nitrate is<br />

positive.<br />

Comment: Mucor ramosissimus differs from other species of Mucor by its low, restricted<br />

growth on any medium, extremely persistent sporangial walls, columellae that are<br />

applanate or absent in smaller sporangia (often resembling Mortierella species), short<br />

sporangiophores that repeatedly branch sympodially as many as 12 times, and the<br />

occurrence of racket-shaped enlargements in the sporangiophores (Hesseltine and<br />

Ellis 1964b, Schipper 1976, Scholer et al. 1983, de Hoog et al. 2000, Schipper and<br />

Stalpers 2003).<br />

Antifungal Susceptibility: M. ramosissimus (Espinel-Ingroff et al. 2015a, Australian<br />

National data); MIC µg/mL.<br />

No. 16<br />

AmB 19 2 4 3 6 1 1<br />

POSA 13 4 4 2 2 1

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