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Descriptions of Medical Fungi 89<br />

Exophiala spinifera complex<br />

Synonymy: Phialophora spinifera Nielsen & Conant<br />

Rhinocladiella spinifera (Nielsen & Conant) de Hoog<br />

E. spinifera has a worldwide distribution and is a recognised causative agent of<br />

mycetoma and phaeohyphomycosis in humans. Zeng et al. (2007) presented an<br />

overview of the medically important Exophiala species.<br />

Recent molecular studies have re-examined Exophiala spinifera and have recognised<br />

two species: E. spinifera and E. attenuata (Vitale and de Hoog, 2002). These two<br />

species are morphologically very similar and can best be distinguished by genetic<br />

analysis.<br />

Molecular Identification: ITS sequencing is recommended for accurate species<br />

identification (Zeng and de Hoog, 2008).<br />

Morphological Description: Conidiogenous cells are predominately annellidic and<br />

erect, multicellular conidiophores that are darker than the supporting hyphae are<br />

present. No growth at 40 O C.<br />

E. spinifera Annellated zones are long with clearly visible, frilled annellations.<br />

E. attenuata Annellated zones are inconspicuous and degenerate.<br />

RG-2 organism.<br />

Exophiala spinifera (Nielsen & Conant) McGinnis<br />

Morphological Description: Colonies are initially mucoid and yeast-like, black,<br />

becoming raised and developing tufts of aerial mycelium with age, finally becoming<br />

suede-like to downy in texture. Reverse is olivaceous-black. Conidiophores are<br />

simple or branched, erect or sub-erect, spine-like with rather thick brown pigmented<br />

walls. Conidia are formed in basipetal succession on lateral pegs either arising<br />

apically or laterally at right or acute angles from the spine-like conidiophores or from<br />

undifferentiated hyphae. Conidiogenous pegs are 1-3 µm long, slightly tapering and<br />

imperceptibly annellate. Conidia are one-celled, subhyaline, smooth, thin-walled, subglobose<br />

to ellipsoidal, 1.0-2.9 x 1.8-2.5 µm, and aggregate in clusters at the tip of each<br />

annellide. Toruloid hyphae and yeast-like cells with secondary conidia are typically<br />

present.<br />

Note: Yeast cells show the presence of capsules in India Ink stained mounts and<br />

cultures will grow on media containing 0.1% cycloheximide. No growth at 40 O C.<br />

References: de Hoog and Hermanides-Nijhof (1977), McGinnis and Padhye (1977),<br />

Domsch et al. (1980), McGinnis (1980), Nishimura and Miyaji (1983), de Hoog (1985),<br />

Matsumoto et al. (1987), Dixon and Polak-Wyss (1991), de Hoog et al. (2000, 2003,<br />

2006, 2015).

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