A Word to the Little Flock - James S. White

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from <strong>the</strong> fact, that we are exhorted <strong>to</strong> watch for it;<br />

and if we do not watch, Jesus will come on us "as a<br />

thief,"<br />

and we shall "not know what hour" he will<br />

come upon us. So, that none but those who truly<br />

watch, and "hold fast," will know <strong>the</strong> true time. -<br />

(Rev. 3:2-3) Here I will introduce a quotation from<br />

"The True Midnight Cry," of Aug.22, 1844.<br />

"Concerning <strong>the</strong> time of that (Christ's) coming,<br />

he says, in Mark 13:32, "But of that day and hour<br />

knoweth no man, no, not <strong>the</strong> an- gels which are in<br />

heaven, nei<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong> Son, but <strong>the</strong> Fa<strong>the</strong>r." It is<br />

thought by many, that this passage proves that men<br />

are never <strong>to</strong> know <strong>the</strong> time. But if it proves this, it<br />

likewise proves, that <strong>the</strong> Son of God, himself, is<br />

never <strong>to</strong> know <strong>the</strong> time; for <strong>the</strong> passage declares<br />

precisely <strong>the</strong> same concerning him, that it does<br />

concerning angels and men. But can any person<br />

believe that our glorious Lord, <strong>to</strong> whom all power<br />

in heaven and earth is given, is, and will remain<br />

ignorant of <strong>the</strong> time until <strong>the</strong> very moment that he<br />

comes <strong>to</strong> judge <strong>the</strong> world?<br />


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