Then Shall the Sanctuary Be Cleansed - Donald K. Short

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But more than this. No previous generation has<br />

had anything that remotely compares with <strong>the</strong><br />

detailed instruction found in <strong>the</strong> Spirit of Prophecy<br />

given to <strong>the</strong> remnant church. Not only is <strong>the</strong>re<br />

instruction for all <strong>the</strong> practical aspects of living for<br />

Christ but what is to be expected in <strong>the</strong> future and<br />

how to meet it has all been unfolded. What more<br />

could be done to convince God's people of His<br />

supreme regard for <strong>the</strong>m and His purpose that <strong>the</strong>y<br />

truly be sons of God?<br />

The Tabernacle of God With Men<br />

The second coming of Christ has been<br />

imminent ever since <strong>the</strong> year 1844. The end has<br />

been near since <strong>the</strong> 2300 years were fulfilled<br />

because this prophecy is <strong>the</strong> last before <strong>the</strong> second<br />

advent wherein time is a factor. Therefore since<br />

1844 all points of time have been equidistant from<br />

eternity in that <strong>the</strong> end of time was constantly<br />

imminent dependent upon <strong>the</strong> course which <strong>the</strong><br />

remnant church would choose. The end could have<br />

come years ago had <strong>the</strong> church truly desired such<br />


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