Military Occupational Classification and Structure - U.S. Army

Military Occupational Classification and Structure - U.S. Army Military Occupational Classification and Structure - U.S. Army
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Table 11–21 Standards of grade technical inspection NCO Number of positions* Line Duty position Grade 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Explanatory notes 1 Asst tech inspector SGT 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 1. Full time position performing direct, general, intermediate and depot level maintenance support, quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) of weapons, systems, materiel, medical and associated equipment. 2. Technical inspection MOS positions will be MOS specific and reflect the MOS title or weapon, system specific, followed by the suffix "TI". 2 Technical inspector SSG 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 3 Qual con supv SFC Supervising 10 or more technical inspectors (except for aviation, CMF 67, "TI" position where grading is MOS specific. Notes: 1 *Blank spaces in this column indicate not applicable. Table 11–22 Standards of grade Combat Training Centers, NTC, JRTC andCGSC NCOs (Table 3–22) Line Duty position Grade Explanatory notes U.S. Army National Training Center(NTC) 1 Training support NCO SSG Support Division (Spt Div) of Operations SupportGroup (Ops Spt Gp). 2 Squad ldr indv tnr Team indv tnr SSG 1. Section (Sec) or squad (Sqd) of Ops Spt Gp.Subsequent squad or team (Tm) "indv tnr" NCO positions gradedSSG. 2. Individual (indv) Sqd and Tm trainer (tnr) will beMOS specific and reflect the branch action or echelon functionfollowed by the suffix "indv tnr" and graded SSG. 3 Individual trainer SFC 1. Bde, Bn, or Co, Btry or Trp Stf Cbt Tng Elm, orBde FSB in Spt Div of Ops Spt Gp. 2. Indv Tnr will be MOSspecific and reflect the Br, action, or echelon function followedby the suffix "indv tnr" and graded SFC. 4 Training NCO SFC Hq or Plans and Ops Br of Ops Spt Gp. 5 Operations sergeant SFC Ops Tm or in armor test analysis and fix (TAF) Secof Ops Spt Gp. Subsequent operation Ops Tm and TAF Sec NCOpositions graded SFC. 6 Platoon sgt indv tnr SFC 1. Platoon Tng Elm in task force (TF) Cbt Tng Divof Ops Spt Gp. Subsequent Platoon Indv Tnr positions also gradedSFC. 2. Plt Indv Tnr positions will be MOS specific followedby the suffix "Indv Tnr" and graded SFC. 7 TAC ops NCO MSG Tng analysis committee in Spt Div of Ops Spt Gp. 8 Sr NCO indv trainer MSG 1. Bde or Bn Stf TF Cbt Tng Elm, and Bde FSB Divof Ops Spt Gp. 2. Indv Tnr will be MOS specific and reflectthe Br, action or echelon function followed by the suffix "IndvTnr" and graded MSG. 9 Operations sergeant MSG 1. Hq or Plans and Ops Br. 2. Live Fire (LF)Range Ops Sec of Ops Spt Gp. 3. Subsequent Ops positionswill be graded SFC. 10 Sr plans NCO MSG Plans Tm of Ops Spt Gp. Subsequent plans positionsgraded SFC. 11 Ch NCO indv trainer SGM Operations Group: a.Principal Bde Tng NCO in Stf Cbt Tng Elm. b. Principal Bde Tng NCO in TF Tng and BdeFSB Div. c. Principal Bn Tng NCO in Stf CbtTng Elm. U.S. Army Joint Readiness Training Center(JRTC) 12 Data coll NCO SSG Command post exercise (CPX) Sec of Ops Gp.Subsequent data collection positions also graded SSG. 13 Squad ldr o/c SSG 1. Observer/controller (o/c) or control (con) Tmin Sqd of Ops Gp. 2. Sec Tm Ldr o/c in Elm of Ops Gp. 14 Training mgt NCO SFC G3 Sec of Ops Gp. 15 TAF NCO SFC 1. TAF Tm in Div of Ops Gp. Subsequent positionsalso graded SFC. 2. TAF NCO positions will be MOS specificand reflect the Br, action, or echelon function title. DA PAM 611–21 • 31 March 1999 901

Table 11–22 Standards of grade Combat Training Centers, NTC, JRTC andCGSC NCOs (Table 3–22)—Continued Line Duty position Grade Explanatory notes 16 Controller SFC 1. Ops and CPX Sec of Plans and Emergency Mgt Ctr(EMC) Div. 2. Live fire exercise (LFE) Div of OpsGp. 3. Contlr positions will be MOS specific and reflect theBr, or function followed by the suffix "contlr" and graded SFC. 17 Operations sergeant SFC 1. Plans Sec in Plans/EMC Div of Ops Gp. 2.LFE Div of Ops Gp. 3. Subsequent operations positions alsograded SFC. 18 Plans operations sgt SFC Sp Ops Sec in Plans/EMC Div of Ops Gp. Subsequentplans/ops positions also graded SFC. 19 Platoon sergeant o/c SFC 1. Observer/control Plt Elm or Tm in Bde C2 Div ofOps Gp. 2. PSG o/c positions will be MOS specific andreflect the Br, action or echelon function title followed by thsuffix "plt o/c." 20 Observer/controller SFC 1. Observer/control Tm or Sec in Bde C2 Div of OpsGp. 2. Tm NCO o/c positions will be MOS specific andreflect the Br, action, or echelon function title followed by thesuffix "plt o/c." 21 Sr NCO o/c SFC 1. Maneuver Elm in Bn Task Force (BNTF) Tng Div ofOps Gp. Subsequent positions also graded SFC. 2. BNTF Tm NCOo/c positions will be MOS specific and reflect the Br, action, orechelon function title followed by the suffix "o/c." 22 Operations sergeant MSG 1. S3 Sec of Ops Gp. Second ops position will begraded SFC. Subsequent Ops positions graded SSG and SGTrespectively. 2. Ops Sec in Plans/EMC Div of Ops Gp.Subsequent positions will be graded SFC and SSG. 3. Sp OpsSec in Ops Div of Ops Gp. Subsequent positions will be gradedSFC. 4. Leaders Tng Prog Sec in "G3" Stf Sec of Ops Gp. 23 Sr ops NCO con MSG 1. Principal NCO in: a. CPXSec in Plans/EMC Div of Ops Gp. b. LFE Divof Ops Gp. 2. Controller positions will be MOS specific andreflect the Br, or function, action, echelon title functionfollowed by the suffix "contlr" and graded MSG. 24 Sr NCO o/c MSG 1. Bde, or Bn Stf NCO o/c in Ops Gp. 2. SrNCO o/c positions will be MOS specific and reflect the Br,action, or echelon title function followed by the suffix "NCOo/c." 25 ARNG ops sgt con MSG Plans and EMC of Ops Gp. 26 First sergeant o/c 1SG Principal NCO in Co Maneuver o/c Tm of Ops Gp. 27 LTP ops NCO SGM Principal NCO in Leadership Training Program (LTP)Div of Ops Gp Hq, JRTC. 28 Ch ops sergeant SGM G3 Sec and Plans/EMC Div of Ops Gp. Subsequentpositions also graded SFC. 29 Ch NCO o/c SGM 1. Principal Bde NCO o/cin: a. Bde C2 Div of OpsGp. b. CSS Div of OpsGp. c. FS Div of OpsGp. d. Avn Div of Ops Gp. 2. PrincipalBn NCO o/c in Task Force (BNTF) Tng Div of Ops Gp. 3. ChiefNCO observer/controller positions will be MOS specific andreflect the Br, action, or echelon title function followed by thesuffix "NCO o/c." U.S. Army Command and General StaffCollege (CGSC) Battle Command Training Program (BCTP) 30 Staff o/c SFC 1. Ops Gp for BTCP Div and Corps simulation Tng atU.S. Army Command and General Staff College (CGSC). 2. Stfo/c positions will be MOS specific and reflect the Br, action, orechelon title function followed by the suffix "stf o/c." 31 Sr enlisted o/c MSG 1. Ops Gp for BTCP Div and Corps simulation Tng atCGSC. 2. Sr enl o/c positions will be MOS specific andreflect the Br, action, or echelon title function preceded withthe prefix "Sr" and followed by the suffix "o/c." 32 Operations sergeant MSG Ops Gp or Ops Div of CGSC. Subsequent positionswill be graded SFC and SSG. 33 Ch enlisted o/c SGM 1. Principal NCO in Ops Hq of CGSC. 2. Ch enlo/c positions will be MOS specific and reflect the Br, action, orechelon title function preceded with the prefix "Sr" followed bythe suffix "o/c." U.S. Army Reserve Exercise Division 34 OPFOR NCO SSG Lane Team of Field Exercise Battalion. No morethan two OPFOR NCOs in grade of SSG per Lane Team. 902 DA PAM 611–21 • 31 March 1999

Table 11–22<br />

St<strong>and</strong>ards of grade Combat Training Centers, NTC, JRTC <strong>and</strong>CGSC NCOs (Table 3–22)—Continued<br />

Line Duty position Grade Explanatory notes<br />

16 Controller SFC 1. Ops <strong>and</strong> CPX Sec of Plans <strong>and</strong> Emergency Mgt Ctr(EMC) Div.<br />

2. Live fire exercise (LFE) Div of OpsGp.<br />

3. Contlr positions will be MOS specific <strong>and</strong> reflect theBr, or function followed by the suffix<br />

"contlr" <strong>and</strong> graded SFC.<br />

17 Operations sergeant SFC 1. Plans Sec in Plans/EMC Div of Ops Gp.<br />

2.LFE Div of Ops Gp.<br />

3. Subsequent operations positions alsograded SFC.<br />

18 Plans operations sgt SFC Sp Ops Sec in Plans/EMC Div of Ops Gp. Subsequentplans/ops positions also graded<br />

SFC.<br />

19 Platoon sergeant o/c SFC 1. Observer/control Plt Elm or Tm in Bde C2 Div ofOps Gp.<br />

2. PSG o/c positions will be MOS specific <strong>and</strong>reflect the Br, action or echelon function title<br />

followed by thsuffix "plt o/c."<br />

20 Observer/controller SFC 1. Observer/control Tm or Sec in Bde C2 Div of OpsGp.<br />

2. Tm NCO o/c positions will be MOS specific <strong>and</strong>reflect the Br, action, or echelon function<br />

title followed by thesuffix "plt o/c."<br />

21 Sr NCO o/c SFC 1. Maneuver Elm in Bn Task Force (BNTF) Tng Div ofOps Gp. Subsequent positions<br />

also graded SFC.<br />

2. BNTF Tm NCOo/c positions will be MOS specific <strong>and</strong> reflect the Br, action, orechelon<br />

function title followed by the suffix "o/c."<br />

22 Operations sergeant MSG 1. S3 Sec of Ops Gp. Second ops position will begraded SFC. Subsequent Ops positions<br />

graded SSG <strong>and</strong> SGTrespectively.<br />

2. Ops Sec in Plans/EMC Div of Ops Gp.Subsequent positions will be graded SFC <strong>and</strong><br />

SSG.<br />

3. Sp OpsSec in Ops Div of Ops Gp. Subsequent positions will be gradedSFC.<br />

4. Leaders Tng Prog Sec in "G3" Stf Sec of Ops Gp.<br />

23 Sr ops NCO con MSG 1. Principal NCO in:<br />

a. CPXSec in Plans/EMC Div of Ops Gp.<br />

b. LFE Divof Ops Gp.<br />

2. Controller positions will be MOS specific <strong>and</strong>reflect the Br, or function, action, echelon<br />

title functionfollowed by the suffix "contlr" <strong>and</strong> graded MSG.<br />

24 Sr NCO o/c MSG 1. Bde, or Bn Stf NCO o/c in Ops Gp.<br />

2. SrNCO o/c positions will be MOS specific <strong>and</strong> reflect the Br,action, or echelon title<br />

function followed by the suffix "NCOo/c."<br />

25 ARNG ops sgt con MSG Plans <strong>and</strong> EMC of Ops Gp.<br />

26 First sergeant o/c 1SG Principal NCO in Co Maneuver o/c Tm of Ops Gp.<br />

27 LTP ops NCO SGM Principal NCO in Leadership Training Program (LTP)Div of Ops Gp Hq, JRTC.<br />

28 Ch ops sergeant SGM G3 Sec <strong>and</strong> Plans/EMC Div of Ops Gp. Subsequentpositions also graded SFC.<br />

29 Ch NCO o/c SGM 1. Principal Bde NCO o/cin:<br />

a. Bde C2 Div of OpsGp.<br />

b. CSS Div of OpsGp.<br />

c. FS Div of OpsGp.<br />

d. Avn Div of Ops Gp.<br />

2. PrincipalBn NCO o/c in Task Force (BNTF) Tng Div of Ops Gp.<br />

3. ChiefNCO observer/controller positions will be MOS specific <strong>and</strong>reflect the Br, action,<br />

or echelon title function followed by thesuffix "NCO o/c."<br />

U.S. <strong>Army</strong> Comm<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> General StaffCollege (CGSC) Battle Comm<strong>and</strong> Training Program (BCTP)<br />

30 Staff o/c SFC 1. Ops Gp for BTCP Div <strong>and</strong> Corps simulation Tng atU.S. <strong>Army</strong> Comm<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> General<br />

Staff College (CGSC).<br />

2. Stfo/c positions will be MOS specific <strong>and</strong> reflect the Br, action, orechelon title function<br />

followed by the suffix "stf o/c."<br />

31 Sr enlisted o/c MSG 1. Ops Gp for BTCP Div <strong>and</strong> Corps simulation Tng atCGSC.<br />

2. Sr enl o/c positions will be MOS specific <strong>and</strong>reflect the Br, action, or echelon title function<br />

preceded withthe prefix "Sr" <strong>and</strong> followed by the suffix "o/c."<br />

32 Operations sergeant MSG Ops Gp or Ops Div of CGSC. Subsequent positionswill be graded SFC <strong>and</strong> SSG.<br />

33 Ch enlisted o/c SGM 1. Principal NCO in Ops Hq of CGSC.<br />

2. Ch enlo/c positions will be MOS specific <strong>and</strong> reflect the Br, action, orechelon title function<br />

preceded with the prefix "Sr" followed bythe suffix "o/c."<br />

U.S. <strong>Army</strong> Reserve Exercise Division<br />

34 OPFOR NCO SSG Lane Team of Field Exercise Battalion. No morethan two OPFOR NCOs in grade of<br />

SSG per Lane Team.<br />

902 DA PAM 611–21 • 31 March 1999

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