Military Occupational Classification and Structure - U.S. Army

Military Occupational Classification and Structure - U.S. Army Military Occupational Classification and Structure - U.S. Army
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and control, automated information system (AIS) security, configuration management nerk control, and programming computer syst e m s . M a i n t a i n s a w a r e n e s s o f a d v a n c e s i n e m e r g i n g c o m p u t e r system technologies. Establishes technical criteria and milestones for periodic assessment and update of operating, evaluation and maintenance standards. Develops operational, maintenance and evaluation standards and schedules for efficient operation. Plans and manages modifications to system software and data bases. Technical representative to the contracting officer on specified contracts and as technical consultant on computer, software, hardware, and systems engineering matters. (2) Special qualifications. (a) Possess a graduate degree in computer science, software engineering, computer systems engineering, or a related discipline (see DA Pam 600-3) or; (b) Possess an undergraduate degree in computer science, software engineering, computer systems engineering or a related discipline and must have successfully completed Training with Industry (TWI) in a related discipline (see DA Pam 600-3). ( c ) B e a g r a d u a t e o f t h e M a t e r i e l A c q u i s i t i o n M a n a g e m e n t (MAM) Course at the U.S. Army Logistics Management College (ALMC), Ft Lee, VA. Attendance at the Program Management C o u r s e ( P M C ) a t t h e D e f e n s e S y s t e m s M a n a g e m e n t C o l l e g e (DSMC), Ft Belvoir, VA is desirable. (3) Special grading of positions. For positions coded CPT and above. (4) Position coding. (a) AOC 53B will only be used in the first three positions of the r e q u i r e m e n t s c o d e o n a u t h o r i z a t i o n d o c u m e n t s . W h e n s p e c i f i c branch expertise is required, the position will be coded with the branch in the fourth and fifth positions; such as, 53B11. When automation skills and knowledge are required but are not the prim a r y r e q u i r e m e n t s o f t h e j o b , S I 4 H w i l l b e u s e d ; s u c h a s , 11A004H (see table 4-3). (b) Position must be supported with a validated DA Form 2654- R, (Request for Validation of Army Educational Requirements System (AERS)) Position. (5) Unique duty positions. (a) Software Engineer. (b) Automation Systems Engineer. (c) Knowledge Engineer (with SI 4K). (d) System Analyst. (e) Combat Developments Staff Officer. (f) Test Officer. (g) Assistant TRADOC Systems Manager. (h) Director, Decision Support Activity (with SI 4K). (i) Commander, Information Systems Development Center. e. Systems Automation Acquisition (53C). AOC 53C is an excepted program under the Army Acquisition Corps. (1) Description of duties. Manages the activities of Combat and Materiel Developments organizations involved in the conception, research, development, and acquisition of system automation materiel for the Army, from requirements formulation through the disposal of obsolete systems. Participates in all aspects of systems acquisition from the review of the Mission Area analysis and Battlefield Development Plan, resulting in a materiel solution, through all Life Cycle Systems Management model phases. Ensures that the Defense Acquisition Process procures the required battlefield automated systems, supplies, and services to support and sustain the readiness of our combat forces. Evaluates competing technological approaches and programs which may affect present or projected Army systems requirements. Supervises the development of schedules, procedures, and cost estimates for software and firmware. Directs testing and evaluation of proposed computer systems and other materiel systems for compatibility with objectives, policies, plans, and concepts. Assesses the performance, utility, military suitability and effectiveness of the automation system, concept or experiment and prepare a comprehensive evaluation. If a materiel solution is identified, the analysis includes evaluation of life cycle costs, DA PAM 611–21 • 31 March 1999 affectability, force structure implications, battlefield systems integration, and associated implications, regarding doctrine, training and logistics support. Represents the systems automation materiel user through the acquisition life cycle. (2) Special qualification. (a) Possess AOC 53B designation, and be selected by HQDA, PERSCOM as an Army Acquisition Corps Candidate, Skill 4M (see table 4-3). (b) Possess 3 years experience in Army Acquisition Corps AOC 53B developmental assignments, of which 1 year must be in an Acquisition Command (U.S. Army Materiel Command (USAMC), or the Information Systems Engineering Command (ISEC), and U.S. Army Information Systems Command (USAISC). (c) Attendance at the Program Management Course (PMC), Defense Systems Management College (DSMC), Ft Belvoir, VA is required of field grade officers for certification and award of Army Acquisition Corps Skill 4Z (Certified Acquisition Corps Officer). (3) Special grading of positions. For positions coded LTC and above. (4) Position coding. (a) AOC 53C will only be used in the first three positions of the position requirement code on authorization documents. When specific branch expertise is required, the position will be coded with the branch in the fourth and fifth positions; such as, 53C11. When automation skills and knowledge are required but are not the primary requirements of the job, Skill 4H will be used; such as, 51D004H (see table 4-3). (b) Position must be supported with a validated DA Form 2654- R. (c) Selected critical Army Acquisition Corp positions will be coded with SI 4Z (see table 4-3). (5) Unique duty positions. (a) Produce Manager. (b) Assistant Project Manager. (c) Project Manager. (d) Acquisition Staff Officer. f. Designated Systems Automation (53X). AOC 53X is for personnel classification only upon designation for FA 53 to indicate the officer does not meet the functional area qualifications outlined in DA Pam 600-3, paragraph 53-6. Upon completion of formal training or education, the officer will be awarded the appropriate FA 53 AOC. AOC 53X will also identify FA 53 officers who fail to maintain minimum training and experience requirements for AOC 53A, 53B, or 53C at each grade level. AOC 53X will not be used to code positions on authorization documents. 3–38. Operations, Plans, and Training (54) (Proponent: Combined Arms Command) a. Functional area descriptions. Encompasses officers required in those positions concerned with the planning, training, control and s u p e r v i s i o n o f c o m b i n e d a r m s o p e r a t i o n s . E s t a b l i s h e s c o m b i n e d arms doctrine, policy and priorities for the Army. Plans, controls and executes combat operations from brigade through Army level. Prepares detailed plans which support execution of national policies and strategy. Determines training needs of the Army and prepares and supervises training to support those needs. Establishes policies and standards for unit readiness and supervises unit efforts to meet readiness standards. Also, manages the force development process in the context of critical interaction and interrelationships between functions and systems of How the Army Runs. Establishes the composition of forces required to support plans, from the fiscally constrained force to the resourced force level. Provides authorization for the Program Objective Memorandum and Budget forces. Documents the force. Makes recommendations concerning the Tables(s) of organization and Equipment (ROE), The Army Authorization Document System (TAADS), The Force Development Management Information System (FDMIS), Force Accounting System (FAS), Total Army Analysis (TAA), Manpower Management, Force Modernization, Future Years Defense Plan (FYDP) and the Army Plan. b. Functional area qualifications. DA Pam 600-3 lists qualifications for entry and professional development in this area. 45

c. Operations, Plans and Training (54A). (1) Description of duties. (a) Advises, plans, coordinates and supervises combined arms operations, planning, and training for the Army. In positions at Corps level and higher, the officer is concerned with the planning and application of military operations and strategy, and development and implementation of Army policy, roles, and missions. At division level and lower is responsible for developing and executing unit operations, training, plans and programs. (b) Is the Army expert in the “How to” of training, as well as development and management of training functions. Plans and evaluates military operations. Prepares and reviews operations and concept plans to include war games. Participates in the Joint Operations Planning System. Establishes and monitors policy and standards for unit readiness. In staff positions in support command, or at installation or community level, is concerned with the execution of operations, plans and training in support of assigned missions. (c) Determines the structure, composition, position, and equipment requirements/authorizations of Active and Revserve Component Army forces. Arranges all components in the force structure in integrated organizations and units. (2) Special qualifications. Requires incumbent to be a graduate of CGSC. Reserve force officers are excluded from the CGSC requirement. Officers will attend the Force Development Officer Course prior to assignment to a Force Development position. (3) Special grading of positions. For positions coded CPT and above. (4) Unique duty positions. (a) TOE/MTOE Units. Primary operations, plans or training staff positions at division level or higher will be coded AOC 54A. Selected brigade and higher positions may be coded AOC 54A ias determined by the commander. (b) TDA Units. Selected operations, plans and training positions at service schooo, integrating centers and MACOM headquarters (and above) will be coded AOC 54A. (c) Examples of duty positions. 1. Far Plans Officer (DA ODCSOPS). 2. Airborne Command Post Operations Officer (Joint Command). 3. Operations and Training Staff Officer (Training Center). 4 . C h i e f , M a n e u v e r s / E x e r c i s e S e c t i o n ( M A C O M / J o i n t Command). 5. Chief, Force Management (MACOM). 6. Force Integrator (ODSCOPS). 7. Force Modernization Officer (ODCSOPS). 8. Command Manager (ODCSOPS). 9. Force Structure Officer (Division, MACOM). 10. Organization Integrator (ODCSOPS). 11. Systems Integrator (ODCSOPS). 3–39. Logistics (FA 90) (Proponent: Combined Arms Support Command) a. Functional area description. Ensures the development of officers to the grade of COL who are competent in planning and directing logistics operations from the factory to the foxhole, across the entire spectrum of logistics functions (that is; arm, fix, fuel, move and sustain the force). Provide progressive career and leader development through challenging command and staff assignments in logistics management. The FA 90 position identifier is used in personnel authorization documents to identify logistic officer positions in the grade of CPT to COL. These positions require experience in synchronizing and integrating the functions of supply and services, transportation, maintenance, aviation logistics, and medical service. FA 90 is a dual-track functional area for basic branch TC, OD, QM, and AOC 15D and 67A officers. Officers who meet the criteria for certification in FA 90 must also meet equivalent certification in their basic branch in the grade of MAJ, LTC, and COL. b. Functional area qualification. DA Pam 600-3 lists qualification for entry and professional development in this functional area. c. Logistics (90A). (1) Description of duties. Serves in a logistics officer position at 46 DA PAM 611–21 • 31 March 1999 DA staff, Joint staff, MACOM staff, Corps, Division, Group, Brigade, or Battalion. Responsible for planning, developing, and directing logistics operations, to ensure integrating the functions of supply a n d s e r v i c e s , t r a n s p o r t a t i o n , m a i n t e n a n c e , a v i a t i o n l o g i s t i c s , a n d medical service. (2) Special qualifications. (a) Served in a FA 90 assignment for at least 24 months. (b) Attended the support operations course. (c) Possess an advanced degree in logistics management. (3) Special grading of positions. For positions coded CPT and above. (4) Position coding. AOC 90A will be used in the first three positions and “00” will be used in the fourth and fifth positions. (5) Unique duty positions. (a) Director of Logistics. (b) Support Operations Officer. (c) Plans and Operations Officer. (d) DA Logistics Staff Officer. (e) Security, Plans and Operations Officer. (f) JCS Logistics Staff Officer. (g) DoD Logistics Staff Officer. (h) MACOM Logistics Staff Officer. (i) Division, Corps ACofS G4 or MACOM equivalent. (j) Maneuver Brigade S4. (k) Logistics School Assistant Commandants. 3–40. Contracting and Industrial Management (97) (Proponent: Assistant Secretary of the Army Research, Development and Acquisition (RDA)) a. Functional area description. The contracting function is a maj o r s e g m e n t o f t h e A r m y A c q u i s i t i o n p r o c e s s w h i c h p r o v i d e s , through execution of contracts and related contract management responsibilities, materiels and services required to accomplish the Army and DoD missions. The FA 97 officer performs those functional duties which are intended to utilize the inventive and productive capabilities of government and industry to provide the weapons, ammunition, aircraft, missiles, vehicles, electronics and other essential materiel and services required by the Army and DoD. Functional Area 97 officers are faced with the challenge of bridging the management gap between civilian industry and the military, along with ensuring the Defense acquisition process procures the required weapon systems, supplies and services to support and sustain the readiness of our combat forces. b. Functional area qualifications. (1) Qualifications. Must be branch qualified and possess at least a baccalaureate degree preferably in the business, industrial engineering, or management fields. Advanced degrees are preferred in contracting/procurement systems management/engineering and business areas. Must attend the Management of Defense Contracts Basic Course prior to first assignment in the functional areas. Completion of DoD mandatory curriculum is required for specific job functions, assignments and grade levels. (2) Tracks. There are three tracks a FA 97 officer may choose: (a) Dual track. After an entry level assignment in the functional area, officers may alternate between branch and functional area assignments. (b) Single track. Officers will have repetitive assignments in the functional area. (c) MAM track. Officers will attend the MAM basic course and pursue experiences that support certification as a MAM officer. Completion of the Defense Systems Management College twenty week program management course is mandatory for certification. A l l F A 9 7 a s s i g n m e n t s s u p p o r t t h e M A M q u a l i f i c a t i o n requirements. (3) Training with Industry. A unique feature of the FA 97 professional development program is the opportunity for selected officers to gain firsthand knowledge of the working of defense contractor operations through the TWI program. This is an entry level one year training program in a contractor’s plant with a mandatory follow-on utilization tour with the Defense Logistics Agency or the Army Materiel Command (AMC). Participation is by application with only

<strong>and</strong> control, automated information system (AIS) security, configuration<br />

management nerk control, <strong>and</strong> programming computer syst<br />

e m s . M a i n t a i n s a w a r e n e s s o f a d v a n c e s i n e m e r g i n g c o m p u t e r<br />

system technologies. Establishes technical criteria <strong>and</strong> milestones<br />

for periodic assessment <strong>and</strong> update of operating, evaluation <strong>and</strong><br />

maintenance st<strong>and</strong>ards. Develops operational, maintenance <strong>and</strong> evaluation<br />

st<strong>and</strong>ards <strong>and</strong> schedules for efficient operation. Plans <strong>and</strong><br />

manages modifications to system software <strong>and</strong> data bases. Technical<br />

representative to the contracting officer on specified contracts <strong>and</strong> as<br />

technical consultant on computer, software, hardware, <strong>and</strong> systems<br />

engineering matters.<br />

(2) Special qualifications.<br />

(a) Possess a graduate degree in computer science, software engineering,<br />

computer systems engineering, or a related discipline (see<br />

DA Pam 600-3) or;<br />

(b) Possess an undergraduate degree in computer science, software<br />

engineering, computer systems engineering or a related discipline<br />

<strong>and</strong> must have successfully completed Training with Industry<br />

(TWI) in a related discipline (see DA Pam 600-3).<br />

( c ) B e a g r a d u a t e o f t h e M a t e r i e l A c q u i s i t i o n M a n a g e m e n t<br />

(MAM) Course at the U.S. <strong>Army</strong> Logistics Management College<br />

(ALMC), Ft Lee, VA. Attendance at the Program Management<br />

C o u r s e ( P M C ) a t t h e D e f e n s e S y s t e m s M a n a g e m e n t C o l l e g e<br />

(DSMC), Ft Belvoir, VA is desirable.<br />

(3) Special grading of positions. For positions coded CPT <strong>and</strong><br />

above.<br />

(4) Position coding.<br />

(a) AOC 53B will only be used in the first three positions of the<br />

r e q u i r e m e n t s c o d e o n a u t h o r i z a t i o n d o c u m e n t s . W h e n s p e c i f i c<br />

branch expertise is required, the position will be coded with the<br />

branch in the fourth <strong>and</strong> fifth positions; such as, 53B11. When<br />

automation skills <strong>and</strong> knowledge are required but are not the prim<br />

a r y r e q u i r e m e n t s o f t h e j o b , S I 4 H w i l l b e u s e d ; s u c h a s ,<br />

11A004H (see table 4-3).<br />

(b) Position must be supported with a validated DA Form 2654-<br />

R, (Request for Validation of <strong>Army</strong> Educational Requirements System<br />

(AERS)) Position.<br />

(5) Unique duty positions.<br />

(a) Software Engineer.<br />

(b) Automation Systems Engineer.<br />

(c) Knowledge Engineer (with SI 4K).<br />

(d) System Analyst.<br />

(e) Combat Developments Staff Officer.<br />

(f) Test Officer.<br />

(g) Assistant TRADOC Systems Manager.<br />

(h) Director, Decision Support Activity (with SI 4K).<br />

(i) Comm<strong>and</strong>er, Information Systems Development Center.<br />

e. Systems Automation Acquisition (53C). AOC 53C is an excepted<br />

program under the <strong>Army</strong> Acquisition Corps.<br />

(1) Description of duties. Manages the activities of Combat <strong>and</strong><br />

Materiel Developments organizations involved in the conception,<br />

research, development, <strong>and</strong> acquisition of system automation materiel<br />

for the <strong>Army</strong>, from requirements formulation through the disposal<br />

of obsolete systems. Participates in all aspects of systems<br />

acquisition from the review of the Mission Area analysis <strong>and</strong> Battlefield<br />

Development Plan, resulting in a materiel solution, through all<br />

Life Cycle Systems Management model phases. Ensures that the<br />

Defense Acquisition Process procures the required battlefield automated<br />

systems, supplies, <strong>and</strong> services to support <strong>and</strong> sustain the<br />

readiness of our combat forces. Evaluates competing technological<br />

approaches <strong>and</strong> programs which may affect present or projected<br />

<strong>Army</strong> systems requirements. Supervises the development of schedules,<br />

procedures, <strong>and</strong> cost estimates for software <strong>and</strong> firmware.<br />

Directs testing <strong>and</strong> evaluation of proposed computer systems <strong>and</strong><br />

other materiel systems for compatibility with objectives, policies,<br />

plans, <strong>and</strong> concepts. Assesses the performance, utility, military suitability<br />

<strong>and</strong> effectiveness of the automation system, concept or experiment<br />

<strong>and</strong> prepare a comprehensive evaluation. If a materiel solution<br />

is identified, the analysis includes evaluation of life cycle costs,<br />

DA PAM 611–21 • 31 March 1999<br />

affectability, force structure implications, battlefield systems integration,<br />

<strong>and</strong> associated implications, regarding doctrine, training <strong>and</strong><br />

logistics support. Represents the systems automation materiel user<br />

through the acquisition life cycle.<br />

(2) Special qualification.<br />

(a) Possess AOC 53B designation, <strong>and</strong> be selected by HQDA,<br />

PERSCOM as an <strong>Army</strong> Acquisition Corps C<strong>and</strong>idate, Skill 4M (see<br />

table 4-3).<br />

(b) Possess 3 years experience in <strong>Army</strong> Acquisition Corps AOC<br />

53B developmental assignments, of which 1 year must be in an<br />

Acquisition Comm<strong>and</strong> (U.S. <strong>Army</strong> Materiel Comm<strong>and</strong> (USAMC),<br />

or the Information Systems Engineering Comm<strong>and</strong> (ISEC), <strong>and</strong> U.S.<br />

<strong>Army</strong> Information Systems Comm<strong>and</strong> (USAISC).<br />

(c) Attendance at the Program Management Course (PMC), Defense<br />

Systems Management College (DSMC), Ft Belvoir, VA is<br />

required of field grade officers for certification <strong>and</strong> award of <strong>Army</strong><br />

Acquisition Corps Skill 4Z (Certified Acquisition Corps Officer).<br />

(3) Special grading of positions. For positions coded LTC <strong>and</strong><br />

above.<br />

(4) Position coding.<br />

(a) AOC 53C will only be used in the first three positions of the<br />

position requirement code on authorization documents. When specific<br />

branch expertise is required, the position will be coded with the<br />

branch in the fourth <strong>and</strong> fifth positions; such as, 53C11. When<br />

automation skills <strong>and</strong> knowledge are required but are not the primary<br />

requirements of the job, Skill 4H will be used; such as,<br />

51D004H (see table 4-3).<br />

(b) Position must be supported with a validated DA Form 2654-<br />

R.<br />

(c) Selected critical <strong>Army</strong> Acquisition Corp positions will be<br />

coded with SI 4Z (see table 4-3).<br />

(5) Unique duty positions.<br />

(a) Produce Manager.<br />

(b) Assistant Project Manager.<br />

(c) Project Manager.<br />

(d) Acquisition Staff Officer.<br />

f. Designated Systems Automation (53X). AOC 53X is for personnel<br />

classification only upon designation for FA 53 to indicate the<br />

officer does not meet the functional area qualifications outlined in<br />

DA Pam 600-3, paragraph 53-6. Upon completion of formal training<br />

or education, the officer will be awarded the appropriate FA 53<br />

AOC. AOC 53X will also identify FA 53 officers who fail to<br />

maintain minimum training <strong>and</strong> experience requirements for AOC<br />

53A, 53B, or 53C at each grade level. AOC 53X will not be used to<br />

code positions on authorization documents.<br />

3–38. Operations, Plans, <strong>and</strong> Training (54) (Proponent:<br />

Combined Arms Comm<strong>and</strong>)<br />

a. Functional area descriptions. Encompasses officers required in<br />

those positions concerned with the planning, training, control <strong>and</strong><br />

s u p e r v i s i o n o f c o m b i n e d a r m s o p e r a t i o n s . E s t a b l i s h e s c o m b i n e d<br />

arms doctrine, policy <strong>and</strong> priorities for the <strong>Army</strong>. Plans, controls<br />

<strong>and</strong> executes combat operations from brigade through <strong>Army</strong> level.<br />

Prepares detailed plans which support execution of national policies<br />

<strong>and</strong> strategy. Determines training needs of the <strong>Army</strong> <strong>and</strong> prepares<br />

<strong>and</strong> supervises training to support those needs. Establishes policies<br />

<strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ards for unit readiness <strong>and</strong> supervises unit efforts to meet<br />

readiness st<strong>and</strong>ards. Also, manages the force development process<br />

in the context of critical interaction <strong>and</strong> interrelationships between<br />

functions <strong>and</strong> systems of How the <strong>Army</strong> Runs. Establishes the<br />

composition of forces required to support plans, from the fiscally<br />

constrained force to the resourced force level. Provides authorization<br />

for the Program Objective Memor<strong>and</strong>um <strong>and</strong> Budget forces. Documents<br />

the force. Makes recommendations concerning the Tables(s)<br />

of organization <strong>and</strong> Equipment (ROE), The <strong>Army</strong> Authorization<br />

Document System (TAADS), The Force Development Management<br />

Information System (FDMIS), Force Accounting System (FAS), Total<br />

<strong>Army</strong> Analysis (TAA), Manpower Management, Force Modernization,<br />

Future Years Defense Plan (FYDP) <strong>and</strong> the <strong>Army</strong> Plan.<br />

b. Functional area qualifications. DA Pam 600-3 lists qualifications<br />

for entry <strong>and</strong> professional development in this area.<br />


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