Military Occupational Classification and Structure - U.S. Army

Military Occupational Classification and Structure - U.S. Army Military Occupational Classification and Structure - U.S. Army
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(2) Special qualifications. Must be proficient in one of the following languages: (a) Belorussian. (b) Persian (Tadzhik). (c) Russian. (d) Turkic (Kazakh, Uzbek). (e) Ukrainian. (3) Special grading of positions. For positions coded MAJ and above. (4) Unique duty positions. None. h. China (48F). (1) Description of duties. Positions which require an FAO with expertise, regional training and language qualifications in the China region. ( 2 ) S p e c i a l q u a l i f i c a t i o n s . M u s t b e p r o f i c i e n t i n t h e C h i n e s e languages: (3) Special grading of positions. For positions graded MAJ and above. (4) Unique duty positions. None. i. Mideast/North Africa (48G). (1) Description of duties. Positions which require an FAO with e x p e r t i s e , r e g i o n a l t r a i n i n g a n d l a n g u a g e q u a l i f i c a t i o n s i n t h e Mideast/North Africa region. (2) Special qualifications. Must be proficient in one of the following languages: (a) Arabic. (b) Turkish. (c) Persian. (d) French. (3) Special grading of positions. For positions graded MAJ and above. (4) Unique duty positions. None. j. Northeast Asia (48H). (1) Description of duties. Positions which require an FAO with expertise, regional training and language qualifications in the Northeast Asia region. (2) Special qualifications. Must be proficient in one of the following languages: (a) Japanese. (b) Korean. (3) Special grading of positions. For positions graded MAJ and above. (4) Unique duty positions. None. k. Southeast Asia (48I). (1) Description of duties. Positions which require an FAO with expertise, regional training and language qualifications in the Southeast Asia region. (2) Special qualifications. Must be proficient in one of the following languages: (a) Thai. (b) Lao (c) Indonesian. (d) Burmese. (e) Kymer. (f) Vietnamese (g) Tagalog. (3) Special grading of positions. For positions coded MAJ and above. (4) Unique duty positions. None. l. Africa, South of the Sahara (48J). (1) Description of duties. Positions which require an FAO with expertise, regional training and language qualifications in the Africa, South of the Sahara. (2) Special qualifications. Must be proficient in one of the following languages: (a) French. (b) Afrikaans. (c) Swahili. (d) Somali. (e) Amharic. DA PAM 611–21 • 31 March 1999 (f) Portuguese. (3) Special grading of positions. For positions coded MAJ and above. (4) Unique duty positions. None. 3–33. Operations Research/Systems Analysis (49) (Proponent: TRADOC Research Analysis Command) a. Functional area description. The Operations Research/Systems Analysis (ORSA) functional area encompasses the application of analytic methods to the solution of varied and complex strategic, operational, and managerial defense issues. ORSA techniques are applied to the entire spectrum of military activities, and frequently are used to help identify optimal uses of many different scarce resources. ORSA techniques are important decision support tools, and analysis grounded in objective ORSA techniques provides decision makers with a quantitative basis for the evaluation of decision options. ORSA officers frequently bridge the gap among military, science, and management activities and acquire competence in a wide variety of Army functions. Specifically, ORSA officers: (1) Formulate problems and design research and study methods. (2) Conduct and supervise qualitative and quantitative analyses of complex military and related problems. (3) Apply objective, analytical, and orderly thinking to the analysis of complex operational and management problems, and supportthis analysis when appropriate with the use of ORSA tools and techniques such as statistical inference, nerk analysis, models, mathematical programming, and simulations. (4) Summarize and synthesize complex analyses into simplified terms and present results to decision makers. (5) Plan, evaluate, coordinate, and integrate ORSA actions with other staff elements and functions. b. Functional area qualification. DA Pam 600-3 lists qualifications for entry and professional development in this functional area. c. Operations Research, General (49A). (1) Description of duties. AOC 49A is used to code instructor positions and positions which can not be described more accurately by another AOC. Examples include positions on the staff of the Deputy Under Secretary of the Army (Operations Research) and instructor positions at USMA and ALMC. (2) Special qualifications. The officer must either possess a graduate degree in ORSA or complete ORSA MAC I. Officers completing ORSA MAC I are encouraged to obtain a graduate degree in a closely related discipline identified in DA Pam 600-3. Officers serving at the LTC and COL grade levels serve in positions requiring previous ORSA experience. (3) Special grading of positions. CPT to COL. (4) Position coding. Positions which require the following are appropriate for AOC 49A coding: (a) Decision analysis skills, including the application of appropriate ORSA techniques such as multivariate analysis, mathematical modeling, and nerk analysis. (b) Problem solving skills, including research design and methodology development. (c) Integration of operations research/systems analysis skills with other staff functions. (5) Unique duty positions. ( a ) M i l i t a r y A s s i s t a n t , D e p u t y U n d e r S e c r e t a r y o f t h e A r m y (DUSA) (OR). ( b ) I n s t r u c t o r a t U S M A , A r m y L o g i s t i c s M a n a g e m e n t C e n t e r (ALMC), NPS, AFIT or CGSC. d. Operations Research, Personnel (49B). (1) Description of duties. AOC 49B is used to code positions in which the primary focus is personnel issues. Officers assigned to these positions analyze military recruiting, retention, strength, mobilization, personnel, training and structure issues for both active and reserve components. Examples include assignments with U.S. Army Recruiting Command (USAREC), U.S. Total Army Personnel Command (PERSCOM) and the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel (ODCSPER). 41

(2) Special qualifications. The officer must either possess a graduate degree in ORSA or complete ORSA MAC I. Officers completing ORSA MAC I are encouraged to obtain a graduate degree in a closely related discipline identified in DA Pam 600-3. Officers serving at the LTC and COL grade levels serve in positions requiring previous ORSA experience. (3) Special grading of positions. CPT to COL. (4) Position coding. Positions which require the following are appropriate for AOC 49B coding: (a) Decision analysis skills, including the application of appropriate ORSA techniques such as multivariate analysis, mathematical modeling, and nerk analysis. (b) Problem solving skills, including research designand methodology development. (c) Expertise in personnel issues. (5) Unique duty positions. (a) Manpower Analyst. (b) Analyst in ODCSPER, PERSCOM, USAREC. e . O p e r a t i o n s R e s e a r c h , C o m b a t O p e r a t i o n s / M a t e r i e l S y s t e m s (49C). (1) Description of duties. AOC 49C is used to code positions where the primary focus is analysis of practical and theoretical issues regarding combat operations, doctrine, tactics, system effectiveness, force design, force structure and the deployment of weapon systems. Analyses frequently include evaluations of training, force effectiveness, and materiel systems and range from the assessment of the impact of a single system to the integration of multiple systems in joint operations. Officers assigned to these positions often use advanced computer simulations and models to address complex operational problems in command, control, andcommunications (C3), artificial intelligence (AI), and both combat and training development. Examples include assignments with TRADOC Analysis Command (TRAC), Concepts Analysis Agency (CAA), and various TRADOC schools and centers. (2) Special qualifications. The officer must either possess a graduate degree in ORSA or complete ORSAMAC I. Officers completing ORSA MAC I are encouraged to obtain a graduate degree in a closely related discipline identified in DA Pam 600–3. Officers serving at the LTC and COL grade levels serve in positions requiring previous ORSA experience. (3) Special grading of positions. CPT to COL. (4) Position coding. Positions which require the following are appropriate for AOC 49C coding: (a) Decision analysis skills, including the application of appropriate ORSA techniques such as multivariate analysis, mathematical modeling, and nerk analysis. (b) Problem solving skills, including research design and methodology development. ( c ) E x p e r t i s e i n c o m b a t o p e r a t i o n s a n a l y s i s , i n c l u d i n g u s e o f combat models and simulations. (5) Unique duty positions. Analyst in TRAC, CAS, Army Materiel Systems Analysis Agency (AMSAA). f. Operations Research, Planning, Programming, and Resource Management (49D). (1) Description of duties. AOC 49D is used to code positions in which the primary focus is determining optimal resource management and allocation strategies through analyses of force structure, m a n p o w e r r e q u i r e m e n t s , a u t h o r i z a t i o n s , p e r s o n n e l d e v e l o p m e n t s , materiel acquisition, and logistics programs. Officers assigned to these positions conduct conceptual studies and analyses of major Army and Department of Defense programs dealing with alternative military strategies, force designs, strategic force issues, logistics management, weapon systems and their associated resource management implications. Examples include assignments with the Cost and Economic Analysis Center (CEAC) and various Department of the Army staffs. (2) Special qualifications. (3) Special grading of positions. CPT to COL. (4) Position coding. Positions which require the following are appropriate for AOC 49D coding: 42 DA PAM 611–21 • 31 March 1999 (a) Decision analysis skills, including the application of appropriate ORSA techniques such as multivariate analysis, mathematical modeling, and nerk analysis. (b) Problem solving skills, including research design and methodology development. (c) Expertise in resource management and allocation. (5) Unique duty positions. Analyst in ODCSOPS, ASA (RDA). g. Operations Research, Test, and Evaluation (49E). (1) Description of duties. AOC 49E is used to code positions in which the primary focus is testing and evaluating complex weapons systems and future combat developments concepts within materiel acquisition and force development processes. Officers assigned to these positions design tests and experiments, determine measures of effectiveness, apply risk analysis, analyze and interpret empirical data, and obtain objective data for acquisition decisions, studies, training evaluations, system comparisons, analytic models, and war games. Examples include assignments with Operational Test and E v a l u a t i o n s C o m m a n d ( O P T E C ) a n d A r m y M a t e r i e l C o m m a n d (AMC). (2) Special qualifications. The officer must either posses a graduate degree in ORSA or complete ORSA MAC I. Officers completing ORSAMAC I are encouraged to obtain a graduate degree in a closely related discipline identified in DA PAM 600-3. Officers serving at the LTC and COL grade levels serve in positions requiring previous ORSA experience. (3) Special grading of positions. CPT to COL. (4) Position coding. Positions which require the following are appropriate for AOC 49E coding: (a) Decision analysis skills, including the application of appropriate ORSA techniques such as multivariate analysis, mathematical modeling, and nerk analysis. (b) Problem solving skills, including research design and methodology development. (c) Test and evaluation skills. (5) Unique duty positions. (a) Test Design Officer. (b) Analyst in Test and Evaluation Command (TECOM), AM- SAA, OPTEC. h. Trained ORSA (49W). AOC 49W will be assigned upon completion of ORSA MAC I or receipt of a graduate degree in a discipline listed in table 41-3 of DA Pam 600-3. This AOC will be retained until an assignment-based AOC is awarded. AOC 49W will not be used to code positions. i. Untrained ORSA (49X). AOC 49X will be assigned upon designation as a FA 49 officer. This AOC will be retained until ORSA MAC I has been completed or a graduate degree in a discipline listed in table 41-3 of DA Pam 600-3 has been received. AOC 49X will not be used to code positions. 3–34. Force Development (50) (Proponent: Combined Arms Command) (Rescinded.) 3–35. Research, Development and Acquisition (51) (Proponent: Assistant Secretary of the Army Research, Development, and Acquisition (RDA)) a . F u n c t i o n a l a r e a d e s c r i p t i o n . M a n a g e s t h e a c t i v i t i e s o f t h e Combat and Materiel Developer organizations involved in the conception, research, development and acquisition of materiel systems for the Army, from requirements formulation through the disposal of obsolete systems. Participates in all aspects of systems acquisition from the review of the Mission Area Analysis, Battlefield Development Plan, modernization plans, and Army Modernization Memorandum, resulting in a materiel solution, through all Life Cycle Systems Management Model phases. b. Functional area qualification. DA Pam 600-3 lists qualifications for entry and professional development in this functional area. c. Research and Development (51A). (1) Description of duties. Serves as manager or project officer in

(2) Special qualifications. Must be proficient in one of the following<br />

languages:<br />

(a) Belorussian.<br />

(b) Persian (Tadzhik).<br />

(c) Russian.<br />

(d) Turkic (Kazakh, Uzbek).<br />

(e) Ukrainian.<br />

(3) Special grading of positions. For positions coded MAJ <strong>and</strong><br />

above.<br />

(4) Unique duty positions. None.<br />

h. China (48F).<br />

(1) Description of duties. Positions which require an FAO with<br />

expertise, regional training <strong>and</strong> language qualifications in the China<br />

region.<br />

( 2 ) S p e c i a l q u a l i f i c a t i o n s . M u s t b e p r o f i c i e n t i n t h e C h i n e s e<br />

languages:<br />

(3) Special grading of positions. For positions graded MAJ <strong>and</strong><br />

above.<br />

(4) Unique duty positions. None.<br />

i. Mideast/North Africa (48G).<br />

(1) Description of duties. Positions which require an FAO with<br />

e x p e r t i s e , r e g i o n a l t r a i n i n g a n d l a n g u a g e q u a l i f i c a t i o n s i n t h e<br />

Mideast/North Africa region.<br />

(2) Special qualifications. Must be proficient in one of the following<br />

languages:<br />

(a) Arabic.<br />

(b) Turkish.<br />

(c) Persian.<br />

(d) French.<br />

(3) Special grading of positions. For positions graded MAJ <strong>and</strong><br />

above.<br />

(4) Unique duty positions. None.<br />

j. Northeast Asia (48H).<br />

(1) Description of duties. Positions which require an FAO with<br />

expertise, regional training <strong>and</strong> language qualifications in the Northeast<br />

Asia region.<br />

(2) Special qualifications. Must be proficient in one of the following<br />

languages:<br />

(a) Japanese.<br />

(b) Korean.<br />

(3) Special grading of positions. For positions graded MAJ <strong>and</strong><br />

above.<br />

(4) Unique duty positions. None.<br />

k. Southeast Asia (48I).<br />

(1) Description of duties. Positions which require an FAO with<br />

expertise, regional training <strong>and</strong> language qualifications in the Southeast<br />

Asia region.<br />

(2) Special qualifications. Must be proficient in one of the following<br />

languages:<br />

(a) Thai.<br />

(b) Lao<br />

(c) Indonesian.<br />

(d) Burmese.<br />

(e) Kymer.<br />

(f) Vietnamese<br />

(g) Tagalog.<br />

(3) Special grading of positions. For positions coded MAJ <strong>and</strong><br />

above.<br />

(4) Unique duty positions. None.<br />

l. Africa, South of the Sahara (48J).<br />

(1) Description of duties. Positions which require an FAO with<br />

expertise, regional training <strong>and</strong> language qualifications in the Africa,<br />

South of the Sahara.<br />

(2) Special qualifications. Must be proficient in one of the following<br />

languages:<br />

(a) French.<br />

(b) Afrikaans.<br />

(c) Swahili.<br />

(d) Somali.<br />

(e) Amharic.<br />

DA PAM 611–21 • 31 March 1999<br />

(f) Portuguese.<br />

(3) Special grading of positions. For positions coded MAJ <strong>and</strong><br />

above.<br />

(4) Unique duty positions. None.<br />

3–33. Operations Research/Systems Analysis (49)<br />

(Proponent: TRADOC Research Analysis Comm<strong>and</strong>)<br />

a. Functional area description. The Operations Research/Systems<br />

Analysis (ORSA) functional area encompasses the application of<br />

analytic methods to the solution of varied <strong>and</strong> complex strategic,<br />

operational, <strong>and</strong> managerial defense issues. ORSA techniques are<br />

applied to the entire spectrum of military activities, <strong>and</strong> frequently<br />

are used to help identify optimal uses of many different scarce<br />

resources. ORSA techniques are important decision support tools,<br />

<strong>and</strong> analysis grounded in objective ORSA techniques provides decision<br />

makers with a quantitative basis for the evaluation of decision<br />

options. ORSA officers frequently bridge the gap among military,<br />

science, <strong>and</strong> management activities <strong>and</strong> acquire competence in a<br />

wide variety of <strong>Army</strong> functions. Specifically, ORSA officers:<br />

(1) Formulate problems <strong>and</strong> design research <strong>and</strong> study methods.<br />

(2) Conduct <strong>and</strong> supervise qualitative <strong>and</strong> quantitative analyses of<br />

complex military <strong>and</strong> related problems.<br />

(3) Apply objective, analytical, <strong>and</strong> orderly thinking to the analysis<br />

of complex operational <strong>and</strong> management problems, <strong>and</strong> supportthis<br />

analysis when appropriate with the use of ORSA tools <strong>and</strong><br />

techniques such as statistical inference, nerk analysis, models, mathematical<br />

programming, <strong>and</strong> simulations.<br />

(4) Summarize <strong>and</strong> synthesize complex analyses into simplified<br />

terms <strong>and</strong> present results to decision makers.<br />

(5) Plan, evaluate, coordinate, <strong>and</strong> integrate ORSA actions with<br />

other staff elements <strong>and</strong> functions.<br />

b. Functional area qualification. DA Pam 600-3 lists qualifications<br />

for entry <strong>and</strong> professional development in this functional area.<br />

c. Operations Research, General (49A).<br />

(1) Description of duties. AOC 49A is used to code instructor<br />

positions <strong>and</strong> positions which can not be described more accurately<br />

by another AOC. Examples include positions on the staff of the<br />

Deputy Under Secretary of the <strong>Army</strong> (Operations Research) <strong>and</strong><br />

instructor positions at USMA <strong>and</strong> ALMC.<br />

(2) Special qualifications. The officer must either possess a graduate<br />

degree in ORSA or complete ORSA MAC I. Officers completing<br />

ORSA MAC I are encouraged to obtain a graduate degree in a<br />

closely related discipline identified in DA Pam 600-3. Officers serving<br />

at the LTC <strong>and</strong> COL grade levels serve in positions requiring<br />

previous ORSA experience.<br />

(3) Special grading of positions. CPT to COL.<br />

(4) Position coding. Positions which require the following are<br />

appropriate for AOC 49A coding:<br />

(a) Decision analysis skills, including the application of appropriate<br />

ORSA techniques such as multivariate analysis, mathematical<br />

modeling, <strong>and</strong> nerk analysis.<br />

(b) Problem solving skills, including research design <strong>and</strong> methodology<br />

development.<br />

(c) Integration of operations research/systems analysis skills with<br />

other staff functions.<br />

(5) Unique duty positions.<br />

( a ) M i l i t a r y A s s i s t a n t , D e p u t y U n d e r S e c r e t a r y o f t h e A r m y<br />

(DUSA) (OR).<br />

( b ) I n s t r u c t o r a t U S M A , A r m y L o g i s t i c s M a n a g e m e n t C e n t e r<br />

(ALMC), NPS, AFIT or CGSC.<br />

d. Operations Research, Personnel (49B).<br />

(1) Description of duties. AOC 49B is used to code positions in<br />

which the primary focus is personnel issues. Officers assigned to<br />

these positions analyze military recruiting, retention, strength, mobilization,<br />

personnel, training <strong>and</strong> structure issues for both active <strong>and</strong><br />

reserve components. Examples include assignments with U.S. <strong>Army</strong><br />

Recruiting Comm<strong>and</strong> (USAREC), U.S. Total <strong>Army</strong> Personnel Comm<strong>and</strong><br />

(PERSCOM) <strong>and</strong> the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for<br />

Personnel (ODCSPER).<br />


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