Military Occupational Classification and Structure - U.S. Army

Military Occupational Classification and Structure - U.S. Army Military Occupational Classification and Structure - U.S. Army
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products, determination of bulk and package petroleum requirements, storage, distribution and quality assurance. Makes recommendations on matters pertaining to supply and service support and other logistical matters. Establishes and maintains necessary supply discipline procedures to ensure the maximum utilization of available assets. Responsible for logistical training in coordination with the G3/S3. Primary planner for logistical support (supply and services) within the command. b. Branch qualification. DA Pam 600-3 lists qualifications for entry and professional development in this branch. c. Quartermaster, General (92A). (1) Description of duties. Commands or exercises staff responsibility for units engaged in supply and service and other logistical support. Plans and directs activities of personnel and units responsible for the receipt, storage, and issue of all commodities of supply (excluding ammunition, medical and cryptographic materiel). Responsible for ensuring service support functions including, but not limited to, mortuary affairs, clothing and textile renovation, laundry and shower, subsistence and aerial delivery. Directs and supervises the collection, evacuation, and accountability for all classes of supply classified as salvage, surplus, abandoned, or uneconomically repairable. As a logistics staff officer, advises the commander on logistical matters and unit mission capabilities. Also identifies positions requiring general quartermaster experience or training. (2) Special qualifications. None. (3) Special grading of positions. (a) Commander, Quartermaster Force Provider Company will be graded MAJ. (b) S4 of the Special Operations Aviation (SOA) Assault Helicopter Battalion will be graded MAJ. (4) Unique duty positions. (a) Supply and Service Staff Officer. (b) Logistics Operations/Plans Officer. (c) Brigade S4. (d) Assistant S4 of the SOA Regiment. (e) S4 of the SOA Assault Helicopter Battalion, Medium Helicopter Battalion and Aviation Battalion. (f) Mortuary Affairs Officer. (g) Subsistence Officer. d. Supply and Materiel Management (92B). (1) Description of duties. Directs, plans and implements the multifunctional areas of materiel management and their integration into the overall DoD logistics system as well as the support interface between the Army in the field, wholesale logistics, and industry. Plans and directs the activities of units engaged in the supply of more than two commodities (excluding medical, ammunition and cryptographic materiel). Commands, directs, and/or exercises staff supervision of units engaged in the production, acquisition, receipt, storage and preservation, issue, and distribution of equipment, repair p a r t s , f o r t i f i c a t i o n / c o n s t r u c t i o n m a t e r i e l , s u b s i s t a n c e a n d g e n e r a l supplies. Commands, directs, plans and/or exercises staff responsibility for units engaged in the collection, reclamation and final disposition of salvage, surplus, abandoned property, and unserviceable supplies and equipment. Serves as the focal point for property management and accountability procedures. As a staff officer, advises the commander on matters regarding supply and services support and other logistical functions. As a materiel manager, develops coordinates, and supervises the supply support portion of integrated logistics support plans. Develops and executes materiel management programs, to include inventory control and distribution throughout the logistics system. Determines and plans for storage requirements for field and permanent depot activities to include location, site selection, site preparation, organization of the physical plant, employment of Materiel Handling Equipment (MHE), utilization of soldiers, packing and crating, physical security, humidity and vector control. As an Army Exchange Officer, develops plans and programs for current and future operations of installation exchanges and other sales outlets. Directs or commands operations in overseas installations as a Regional Exchange Officer. (2) Special qualifications. None. DA PAM 611–21 • 31 March 1999 (3) Special grading of positions. None. (4) Unique duty positions. (a) Supply Management Officer, MMC, Depot. (b) Commander, MMC. (c) Materiel Control Officer. (d) Storage Officer, Depot. (e) Clothing and Textile Materiel Management Officer. (f) Chief, Inventory Management Branch. (g) Regional Commander, Exchange System. (h) Area Exchange Officer. (i) Brigade/Group S4. e. Aerial Delivery and Materiel (92D). (1) Description of duties. Determines requirements for and plans the employment of aerial delivery systems in support of tactical and special operations. Commands, directs, supervises, and trains personnel engaged in the storage, packing, and preparation of materiel to be delivered by air; supply of aerial delivery equipment; and delivery of materiel by air. Plans and supervises the inspection, repair, testing, packing, rigging, and storage of parachutes, allied assemblies, aerial delivery containers, airdrop kits, cargo parachutes, and other airdrop retardation devices. Advises and assists in the coordination of transportation requirements to include recovery of airdrop equipment. (2) Special qualifications. Must be a qualified parachutist and a graduate of the Aerial Delivery and Materiel Officer Course conducted by the U.S. Army Quartermaster School. (3) Special grading of positions. Positions as Aerial Delivery Officer in the Special Operations Aviation (SOA) Assault Helicopter Battalion and Aviation Battalion will be graded CPT. (4) Unique duty positions. ( a ) A i r E q u i p m e n t R e p a i r a n d S u p p l y o r A i r d r o p U n i t Commander. (b) Airdrop Research and Development/Test and Evaluation Project Officer. (c) Aerial Delivery Staff Officer. (d) Parachute Officer. f. Petroleum and Water (92F). (1) Description of duties. Commands or exercises staff responsibility for units engaged in petroleum and/or water operations. Directs acquisition, storage, inspection, testing, issue and distribution of petroleum products and water. Serves in staff positions requiring petroleum and water experience. Determines bulk and packaged petroleum products and water requirements, storage space requirements, distribution system requirements, and quality surveillance requirements. Recommends location of petroleum and water pipeline and hoseline routes, terminals, supply points, and depots; adv i s e s o n w a t e r a n d b u l k p e t r o l e u m d i s t r i b u t i o n s y s t e m d e s i g n . Directs preparation of reports and maintenance of records pertaining to petroleum accounting and distribution operations. Directs the operations and user maintenance of water and petroleum pipelines, hoselines, terminal, and dispensing systems. Plans, coordinates, and supervises loading and discharge of ocean-going tankers and other petroleum vessels. Performs and directs quality surveillance at point of procurement and throughout the petroleum distribution system. Directs operation of base or mobile laboratories in testing of petroleum products. Supervises performance of standard physical and chemical tests, evaluates test results to insure products meet Federal and military specifications, and recommends disposition of off-specification or captured petroleum products. Determines water requirem e n t s ; e s t a b l i s h e s a n d d i r e c t s o p e r a t i o n o f w a t e r p u r i f i c a t i o n , storage, distribution and issue systems in support of field operations. D e v e l o p s , d i r e c t s a n d c o o r d i n a t e s w a t e r c o n s e r v a t i o n p r o g r a m s when appropriate. Develops, directs, and coordinates unit procedures and programs on the environmentally sound handling of petroleum, waste water, and water treatment chemicals. Monitors waste disposal procedures for waste produced by unit petroleum and water operations. Reports unit petroleum, waste water, and water treatment chemical spills per applicable laws, regulations, and policies. Monitors unit spill containment an clean up operations. (2) Special qualifications Must be a graduate of the Petroleum Officers Course (POC), or have equivalent training and practical 35

experience, or possess a degree in petroleum engineering or management, or training with industry. (3) Special grading of positions. None. (4) Unique duty positions. (a) Commander, Defense Fuel Region. (b) Water Production and Distribution Officer. Section II Functional Areas 3–26. Military Intelligence (35) (Proponent: Office Chief of Military Intelligence) Selected AOC within MI Branch are designated as Functional Area (FA) for use with AOC 15C, Aviation All-Source Intelligence. The specific MI AOC available for use with AOC 15C are 35D (All S o u r c e I n t e l l i g e n c e ) a n d 3 5 G ( S i g n a l s I n t e l l i g e n c e E l e c t r o n i c Warfare). 3–27. Psychological Operations (PSYOP) and Civil Affairs (CA) FA 39 (Proponent: JFK Special Warfare Center and School) a. Functional area description. Encompasses positions which require officers possessing special skills relating to the conduct of PSYOP or CA. Additionally, these highly educated officers must have critical skills associated with a specific region of the world, foreign language expertise, political-military awareness, and crosscultural communications. PSYOP and CA officers perform critical roles across the spectrum of conflict at all levels of command. In addition, both PSYOP and CA have companies, battalions, and one PSYOP group level command, which perform significant missions in support of Conventional and Special Operations, theater, and national objectives. PSYOP and CA officers play critical roles in foreign internal defense and unconventional warfare as well as other missions directed by the national command authority, in peace and war. b. Functional area qualifications. DA Pam 600-3 lists qualifications for entry and professional development in this functional area. c. PSYOP or CA, General (39A). (1) Description of duties. Identifies those few positions in which either a CA or PSYOP officer may serve. (2) Special qualifications for both Psychological Operations and Civil Affairs Officers. (a) Be fully qualified as a CPT in primary branch. (b) Have a Defense Language Aptitude Battery (DLAB) score of 85 or above, or, possess a measurable ability in a foreign language. (c) Male or female managed by the Officer Personnel Management Directorate. (d) Be eligible for TOP SECRET security clearance under the provisions of AR 380-67. (e) Be airborne qualified or volunteer for airborne training (if required). (f) Possess a baccalaureate degree, preferably in social/political s c i e n c e o r r e l a t e d d i s c i p l i n e s , f r o m a n a c c r e d i t e d c o l l e g e o r university. (3) Special grading of positions. For positions graded CPT and above. (4) Unique duty positions. None. d. Psychological Operations (39B). (1) Description of duties. Commands or serves on the staff of PSYOP units. Serves as PSYOP staff officer in S3/G3 at separate brigade, division, Corps, Theater Army and higher level. Serves in positions requiring general PSYOP experience and extensive training. Advises U.S. military and/or civilian agencies on use, planning, conduct and evaluation of psychological operations throughout the entire conflict spectrum, advises and instructs foreign governments and militaries on psychological operations. Most positions require r e g i o n a l a n d l a n g u a g e e x p e r t i s e a p p r o p r i a t e f o r s p e c i f i c assignments. 36 DA PAM 611–21 • 31 March 1999 (2) Special qualifications. Foreign language, cultural/regional expertise, and graduate level education is appropriate for most PSYOP assignments. (3) Special grading of positions. Due to the requirement for extensive civilian education, language and functional military training and sensitive nature of PSYOP missions, requiring direct interface with U.S. and foreign national dignitaries without immediate supervision or guidance, the following PSYOP positions will be graded MAJ: (a) Commander, PSYOP Regional Support Company. (b) Commander, PSYOP Tactical Support Company. (c) PSYOP Officer, Product Development Center (PDC) Headquarters (Hq), PSYOP Regional Support Company. (d) PSYOP Officer, Division PSYOP Support Element (DPSE), PSYOP Tactical Support Company. (e) Commander, PSYOP Strategic Dissemination Company. (f) Commander, PSYOP Enemy Prisoner of War (EPW) Company, Enemy Prisoner of War Battalion. (g) PSYOP Officer, EPW Camp Team Headquarters. ( h ) P S Y O P O f f i c e r , E P W C o l l e c t i o n F a c i l i t y , T e a m Headquarters. (4) Position coding. Most PSYOP positions require AERB validation. The coding of manpower documents to indicate this requirement is the responsibility of the command where such positions reside. (5) Unique duty position. None. e. Civil Affairs (39C). (1) Description of duties. Commands or serves on the staff of CA units. Serves in positions requiring general CA experience and extensive training, in S5/G5 at separate brigade, division, corps, and theater army and higher levels. Prepares economic, cultural, governmental and special functional studies, assessments, and estimates. Coordinates with, enhances, develops, establishes, or controls civil infra-structures in operational areas to support friendly operations. Provides CA advice and assistance to Division, Corps, and Army Commanders, civil para-military, and military leaders, commanders and agencies. Directs and participates in the conduct of CA conventional, foreign internal defense, unconventional warfare, civil admini s t r a t i o n a n d o t h e r o p e r a t i o n s . D e v e l o p s c r o s s - c u l t u r a l communicative and linguistic skills that facilitate inter-personal relationships in a host country environment. (2) Special qualifications. Foreign language and cultural/regional expertise, and graduate level education is appropriate for most Civil Affairs assignments. (3) Special grading of positions. CA company and detachment c o m m a n d e r p o s i t i o n s w i l l b e g r a d e d M A J . T h e s e c o m m a n d e r s , when deployed, direct CA missions independently without immediate supervision and interface directly with high ranking U.S. and foreign nationals. (4) Position coding. Most CA positions require AERB validation. This coding of manpower documents to indicate this requirement is the responsibility of the command where such positions reside. (5) Unique duty positions. None. f. Psychological Operations and Civil Affairs, Designated (39X). AOC 39X is used for personnel classification only to identify untrained officers accessed into FA 39 to indicate the officer does not meet the functional area qualification(s) outlined in DA Pam 600-3, paragraph 39-5. Upon completion of formal training or education the officer will be awarded the appropriate FA 39 AOC. AOC 39X will not be used to code positions on authorization documents. 3–28. Personnel Programs Management (41) (Proponent: Adjutant General School) a . F u n c t i o n a l a r e a d e s c r i p t i o n . I d e n t i f i e s t h o s e p o s i t i o n s i n - volved with, and those officers qualified in, the planning, directing and integrating of military and civilian personnel management, human resource development and military community enhancement programs in support of organizational and installation missions. Advises commanders on all matters pertaining to management, distribution, utilization, development and support of military and civilian personnel and their family members. Supervises managers of Equal

products, determination of bulk <strong>and</strong> package petroleum requirements,<br />

storage, distribution <strong>and</strong> quality assurance. Makes recommendations<br />

on matters pertaining to supply <strong>and</strong> service support <strong>and</strong><br />

other logistical matters. Establishes <strong>and</strong> maintains necessary supply<br />

discipline procedures to ensure the maximum utilization of available<br />

assets. Responsible for logistical training in coordination with the<br />

G3/S3. Primary planner for logistical support (supply <strong>and</strong> services)<br />

within the comm<strong>and</strong>.<br />

b. Branch qualification. DA Pam 600-3 lists qualifications for<br />

entry <strong>and</strong> professional development in this branch.<br />

c. Quartermaster, General (92A).<br />

(1) Description of duties. Comm<strong>and</strong>s or exercises staff responsibility<br />

for units engaged in supply <strong>and</strong> service <strong>and</strong> other logistical<br />

support. Plans <strong>and</strong> directs activities of personnel <strong>and</strong> units responsible<br />

for the receipt, storage, <strong>and</strong> issue of all commodities of supply<br />

(excluding ammunition, medical <strong>and</strong> cryptographic materiel). Responsible<br />

for ensuring service support functions including, but not<br />

limited to, mortuary affairs, clothing <strong>and</strong> textile renovation, laundry<br />

<strong>and</strong> shower, subsistence <strong>and</strong> aerial delivery. Directs <strong>and</strong> supervises<br />

the collection, evacuation, <strong>and</strong> accountability for all classes of supply<br />

classified as salvage, surplus, ab<strong>and</strong>oned, or uneconomically<br />

repairable. As a logistics staff officer, advises the comm<strong>and</strong>er on<br />

logistical matters <strong>and</strong> unit mission capabilities. Also identifies positions<br />

requiring general quartermaster experience or training.<br />

(2) Special qualifications. None.<br />

(3) Special grading of positions.<br />

(a) Comm<strong>and</strong>er, Quartermaster Force Provider Company will be<br />

graded MAJ.<br />

(b) S4 of the Special Operations Aviation (SOA) Assault Helicopter<br />

Battalion will be graded MAJ.<br />

(4) Unique duty positions.<br />

(a) Supply <strong>and</strong> Service Staff Officer.<br />

(b) Logistics Operations/Plans Officer.<br />

(c) Brigade S4.<br />

(d) Assistant S4 of the SOA Regiment.<br />

(e) S4 of the SOA Assault Helicopter Battalion, Medium Helicopter<br />

Battalion <strong>and</strong> Aviation Battalion.<br />

(f) Mortuary Affairs Officer.<br />

(g) Subsistence Officer.<br />

d. Supply <strong>and</strong> Materiel Management (92B).<br />

(1) Description of duties. Directs, plans <strong>and</strong> implements the multifunctional<br />

areas of materiel management <strong>and</strong> their integration into<br />

the overall DoD logistics system as well as the support interface<br />

between the <strong>Army</strong> in the field, wholesale logistics, <strong>and</strong> industry.<br />

Plans <strong>and</strong> directs the activities of units engaged in the supply of<br />

more than two commodities (excluding medical, ammunition <strong>and</strong><br />

cryptographic materiel). Comm<strong>and</strong>s, directs, <strong>and</strong>/or exercises staff<br />

supervision of units engaged in the production, acquisition, receipt,<br />

storage <strong>and</strong> preservation, issue, <strong>and</strong> distribution of equipment, repair<br />

p a r t s , f o r t i f i c a t i o n / c o n s t r u c t i o n m a t e r i e l , s u b s i s t a n c e a n d g e n e r a l<br />

supplies. Comm<strong>and</strong>s, directs, plans <strong>and</strong>/or exercises staff responsibility<br />

for units engaged in the collection, reclamation <strong>and</strong> final<br />

disposition of salvage, surplus, ab<strong>and</strong>oned property, <strong>and</strong> unserviceable<br />

supplies <strong>and</strong> equipment. Serves as the focal point for property<br />

management <strong>and</strong> accountability procedures. As a staff officer, advises<br />

the comm<strong>and</strong>er on matters regarding supply <strong>and</strong> services support<br />

<strong>and</strong> other logistical functions. As a materiel manager, develops<br />

coordinates, <strong>and</strong> supervises the supply support portion of integrated<br />

logistics support plans. Develops <strong>and</strong> executes materiel management<br />

programs, to include inventory control <strong>and</strong> distribution throughout<br />

the logistics system. Determines <strong>and</strong> plans for storage requirements<br />

for field <strong>and</strong> permanent depot activities to include location, site<br />

selection, site preparation, organization of the physical plant, employment<br />

of Materiel H<strong>and</strong>ling Equipment (MHE), utilization of<br />

soldiers, packing <strong>and</strong> crating, physical security, humidity <strong>and</strong> vector<br />

control. As an <strong>Army</strong> Exchange Officer, develops plans <strong>and</strong> programs<br />

for current <strong>and</strong> future operations of installation exchanges<br />

<strong>and</strong> other sales outlets. Directs or comm<strong>and</strong>s operations in overseas<br />

installations as a Regional Exchange Officer.<br />

(2) Special qualifications. None.<br />

DA PAM 611–21 • 31 March 1999<br />

(3) Special grading of positions. None.<br />

(4) Unique duty positions.<br />

(a) Supply Management Officer, MMC, Depot.<br />

(b) Comm<strong>and</strong>er, MMC.<br />

(c) Materiel Control Officer.<br />

(d) Storage Officer, Depot.<br />

(e) Clothing <strong>and</strong> Textile Materiel Management Officer.<br />

(f) Chief, Inventory Management Branch.<br />

(g) Regional Comm<strong>and</strong>er, Exchange System.<br />

(h) Area Exchange Officer.<br />

(i) Brigade/Group S4.<br />

e. Aerial Delivery <strong>and</strong> Materiel (92D).<br />

(1) Description of duties. Determines requirements for <strong>and</strong> plans<br />

the employment of aerial delivery systems in support of tactical <strong>and</strong><br />

special operations. Comm<strong>and</strong>s, directs, supervises, <strong>and</strong> trains personnel<br />

engaged in the storage, packing, <strong>and</strong> preparation of materiel<br />

to be delivered by air; supply of aerial delivery equipment; <strong>and</strong><br />

delivery of materiel by air. Plans <strong>and</strong> supervises the inspection,<br />

repair, testing, packing, rigging, <strong>and</strong> storage of parachutes, allied<br />

assemblies, aerial delivery containers, airdrop kits, cargo parachutes,<br />

<strong>and</strong> other airdrop retardation devices. Advises <strong>and</strong> assists in the<br />

coordination of transportation requirements to include recovery of<br />

airdrop equipment.<br />

(2) Special qualifications. Must be a qualified parachutist <strong>and</strong> a<br />

graduate of the Aerial Delivery <strong>and</strong> Materiel Officer Course conducted<br />

by the U.S. <strong>Army</strong> Quartermaster School.<br />

(3) Special grading of positions. Positions as Aerial Delivery<br />

Officer in the Special Operations Aviation (SOA) Assault Helicopter<br />

Battalion <strong>and</strong> Aviation Battalion will be graded CPT.<br />

(4) Unique duty positions.<br />

( a ) A i r E q u i p m e n t R e p a i r a n d S u p p l y o r A i r d r o p U n i t<br />

Comm<strong>and</strong>er.<br />

(b) Airdrop Research <strong>and</strong> Development/Test <strong>and</strong> Evaluation Project<br />

Officer.<br />

(c) Aerial Delivery Staff Officer.<br />

(d) Parachute Officer.<br />

f. Petroleum <strong>and</strong> Water (92F).<br />

(1) Description of duties. Comm<strong>and</strong>s or exercises staff responsibility<br />

for units engaged in petroleum <strong>and</strong>/or water operations. Directs<br />

acquisition, storage, inspection, testing, issue <strong>and</strong> distribution<br />

of petroleum products <strong>and</strong> water. Serves in staff positions requiring<br />

petroleum <strong>and</strong> water experience. Determines bulk <strong>and</strong> packaged<br />

petroleum products <strong>and</strong> water requirements, storage space requirements,<br />

distribution system requirements, <strong>and</strong> quality surveillance<br />

requirements. Recommends location of petroleum <strong>and</strong> water pipeline<br />

<strong>and</strong> hoseline routes, terminals, supply points, <strong>and</strong> depots; adv<br />

i s e s o n w a t e r a n d b u l k p e t r o l e u m d i s t r i b u t i o n s y s t e m d e s i g n .<br />

Directs preparation of reports <strong>and</strong> maintenance of records pertaining<br />

to petroleum accounting <strong>and</strong> distribution operations. Directs the<br />

operations <strong>and</strong> user maintenance of water <strong>and</strong> petroleum pipelines,<br />

hoselines, terminal, <strong>and</strong> dispensing systems. Plans, coordinates, <strong>and</strong><br />

supervises loading <strong>and</strong> discharge of ocean-going tankers <strong>and</strong> other<br />

petroleum vessels. Performs <strong>and</strong> directs quality surveillance at point<br />

of procurement <strong>and</strong> throughout the petroleum distribution system.<br />

Directs operation of base or mobile laboratories in testing of petroleum<br />

products. Supervises performance of st<strong>and</strong>ard physical <strong>and</strong><br />

chemical tests, evaluates test results to insure products meet Federal<br />

<strong>and</strong> military specifications, <strong>and</strong> recommends disposition of off-specification<br />

or captured petroleum products. Determines water requirem<br />

e n t s ; e s t a b l i s h e s a n d d i r e c t s o p e r a t i o n o f w a t e r p u r i f i c a t i o n ,<br />

storage, distribution <strong>and</strong> issue systems in support of field operations.<br />

D e v e l o p s , d i r e c t s a n d c o o r d i n a t e s w a t e r c o n s e r v a t i o n p r o g r a m s<br />

when appropriate. Develops, directs, <strong>and</strong> coordinates unit procedures<br />

<strong>and</strong> programs on the environmentally sound h<strong>and</strong>ling of petroleum,<br />

waste water, <strong>and</strong> water treatment chemicals. Monitors waste<br />

disposal procedures for waste produced by unit petroleum <strong>and</strong> water<br />

operations. Reports unit petroleum, waste water, <strong>and</strong> water treatment<br />

chemical spills per applicable laws, regulations, <strong>and</strong> policies. Monitors<br />

unit spill containment an clean up operations.<br />

(2) Special qualifications Must be a graduate of the Petroleum<br />

Officers Course (POC), or have equivalent training <strong>and</strong> practical<br />


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