Military Occupational Classification and Structure - U.S. Army

Military Occupational Classification and Structure - U.S. Army Military Occupational Classification and Structure - U.S. Army
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(a) Possess baccalaureate or advanced degree awarded by an academic facility with an accredited curriculum in occupational therapy including field work experience (internship) acceptable to DA. Exceptions may be granted for those individuals whose internship is required for the awarding of the baccalaureate degree. (b) Must be certified by the American Occupational Therapy Certification Board. (3) Special grading of positions. None. (4) Unique duty positions. None. d. Physical Therapy (65B). (1) Description of duties. Plans and supervises physical therapy programs upon referral from medical or dental officer, or other health care professional. Serves as an independent practitioner and physician extender, evaluating, managing and providing treatment to patients with neuromusculoskeletal conditions. Primarily evaluates and treats disorders of human motion through the use of physical/ chemical therapeutic means, (such as, skills, heat, cold, electricity, water, sound, light, gravity, as well as applied techniques of therapeutic exercise, joint mobilization biomechanics, pressure and tract i o n ) . T h e s e m e t h o d s a s s i s t t h e p r o m o t i o n o f f u n c t i o n a l independence, healing and prevent or minimize the disability caused by disease, surgery or trauma. Serves as consultant to commanders and the military community providing guidance within the areas of physical fitness, physical training and injury prevention. Develops and conducts training programs on injury prevention and physical rehabilitation for medical and non-medical personnel. The primary wartime role is to provide burn and wound care, evaluation and treatment of patients with neuromusculoskeletal conditions to minimize return to duty time. (2) Special qualifications. (a) Must possess a baccalaureate or advanced degree from an accredited institution which has included a physical therapy education acceptable to DA. Exceptions may be made when special needs of the Army exist. If a graduate of the Army Physical Therapy Program is awarded a certificate instead of a master’s degree they will not be extended beyond initial obligation unless they have obtained a master’s degree. (b) Must possess a current state license for physical therapy. (3) Special grade of positions. None. (4) Unique duty positions. None. e. Dietitian (65C). (1) Description of duties. During peacetime and mobilization or wartime formulates policies, develops procedures and directs and supervises the operation of nutrition care services and the provision of comprehensive nutrition care programs in fixed medical treatment facilities (MTF) and field medical units. Manages medical food preparation and service systems in MTF and field medical units. Ensures modified diets and foods are available and prepared for patients in MTF and field medical units. Coordinates and ensures the procurement and receipt of safe, wholesome food items/rations for patients and staff during wartime and peacetime. Provides nutrition health promotion programs for the military community and develops and directs nutrition education or dietary intervention programs for the military and military beneficiaries. During peacetime and wartime assists the physician with nutritional assessment and therapeutic dietary intervention of patients, and participates and conducts applied research. Serves as a consultant at all levels of nutrition related health and performance issues, and medical food service operation in MTF and field medical units. Develops, implements and directs nutrition and medical food service education programs for hospital food service specialists, dietetic interns and other medical personnel during peacetime and wartime. Assists the Army Surgeon General in executing his duties as the DOD Executive Agent for nutrition. (2) Special qualifications. (a) Possess Baccalaureate degree with major in either foods and nutrition/dietetics or institution management from college or university acceptable to DA. (b) Have completed dietetic internship acceptable to DA. (c) Possess baccalaureate degree in coordinated undergraduate DA PAM 611–21 • 31 March 1999 program or master’s degree in dietetics/nutrition from a college or university acceptable to DA. (d) Must be a Registered Dietitian. (3) Special grading of positions. None. (4) Unique duty positions. None. f. Physician Assistant (65D). (1) Description of Duties. Plans, organizes, performs, and supervises troop medical care at Levels I and II. Directs services, teaches and trains enlisted medics, and performs as medical platoon leader or officer in charge in designated units. Manages subordinate personnel, facilities, and equipment required to operate troop clinics or other medical activities and organizations. Functions as special staff officer to the commander, advising on medically related matters pertinent to unit readiness and unit mission. Participates in the delivery of health care to all categories of patients and to all eligible beneficiaries. Prescribes courses of treatment and medication when required, and consistent with his capabilities and credentials. Interprets information in health records for application to current conditions and makes entries into the health record as a primary care provider. Orders diagnostic X-ray and laboratory procedures and writes consultations to specialty clinics and for ancillary services as appropriate. In the absence of a physician, the physician assistant will be the primary source of advice to determine the medical necessity, priority, and requirements for patient evacuation, and init i a l e m e r g e n c y c a r e a n d s t a b i l i z a t i o n . S u p e r v i s e s p r e p a r a t i o n o f reports pertaining to medical activities. Functions as medical staff o f f i c e r a t b a t t a l i o n , b r i g a d e , d i v i s i o n , C o r p s , m a j o r c o m m a n d (MACOM), and at DA level activities, advising the surgeon of the respective command and the Commander on medical matters. Functions as primary instructor and staff officer at the Academy of Health Sciences. After formal military and/or civilian schooling performs duties under the supervision of a physician in selected specialties. Functions as the primary medical officer reviewing and supervising the medical examinations of individuals in the personnel reliability program. (2) Special qualifications. Must possess a baccalaureate degree from a college or university acceptable to the DA. A graduate of a physician assistant producing program acceptable to The Army Surgeon General and be certified by the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants. (3) Special grading of positions. None. (4) Unique duty positions. None. 3–20. Army Nurse Corps (ANC) (66) (Proponent: Office of The Surgeon General) a. Branch description. Provides the nursing care and services essential to the mission of the Army Medical Department. Responsible for all facets of nursing relating to the planning, management, operation, control, coordination and evaluation of all nursing practices. Responsible for the supervision, direction, education and training, evaluation and control of Army Nurse Corps officers, and civilian and enlisted personnel engaged in clinical nursing, nursing education, research and development, and administration. Makes recommendations concerning policies, programs and operations of health care activities. b. Branch qualification. AR 135-100, AR 135-101, AR 601-100, and applicable ANC circulars in the DA Circular 601-FY-X series list qualifications for entry in this branch. c. Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurse (66C). (1) Description of duties. Provides specialized nursing services for emotionally distressed individuals and promotes mental health within the medical treatment facility and the adjacent military community. Performs liaison and consultative functions to ensure continuity of patient care. (2) Special qualifications. Must be able to perform duties described above and— (a) Have completed an AOC qualifying course in psychiatric nursing or 1 year developmental experience in psychiatric nursing. (b) Be a graduate of an accredited nursing program acceptable to DA and hold current state license to practice nursing. (3) Special grading of positions. Two Psychiatric/Mental Health 29

Nurse (Clinical Nurse Specialist) positions in the Medical Company, Combat Stress Control, and one position in the Medical Detachment, Combat Stress Control, will be graded MAJ; other Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurse positions in the Combat Stress Control units will be graded CPT. (4) Unique duty positions. (a) Clinical Staff Nurse, Psychiatric/Mental Health. (b) Clinical Nurse Specialist, Psychiatric/Mental Health. (c) Clinical Head Nurse, Psychiatric/Mental Health. (d) Chief, Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing Section. d. Operating Room Nurse (66E). (1) Description of duties. Performs specialized professional nursing duties in any phase of the operative process for patients undergoing all types of surgery and provides safe supplies and equipment for operative services. (2) Special qualifications. (a) Must have completed an AOC qualifying course in operating room nursing or one year of supervised experience in operating room nursing. (b) Be a graduate of an accredited nursing program acceptable to DA and hold current state license to practice nursing. (3) Special grading of positions. In Forward Surgical Team, positions will be graded CPT. (4) Unique duty positions. (a) Clinical Nurse, Operating Room. (b) Clinical Nurse Specialist, Operating Room. (c) Clinical Head Nurse, Operating Room. (d) Chief, Operating Room Nursing Section. e. Nurse Anesthetist (66F). (1) Description of duties. Performs professional nursing duties of a specialized nature in the care of patients requiring general or regional anesthesia, respiratory care, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and/or fluid therapy. General or regional anesthesia for surgical, diagnostic or therapeutic procedures; respiratory care, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and/or fluid therapy. (2) Special qualifications. (a) Must have successfully completed an approved course in anesthesiology for nurses accredited by the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA) Council on Accreditation and be certified as a registered nurse anesthetist by the AANA Council on Certification. Certification as related to clinical proficiency must be continuous and authenticated every 2 years as specified by the Council on Recertification. (b) Be a graduate of an accredited nursing program acceptable to DA and hold current state license to practice nursing. (3) Special grading of positions. (a) In Surgical Squad, Hq & Co A, Med Bn, Air Assault Div, (CPT). (b) In Forward Surgical Team, positions will be graded CPT. (4) Unique duty positions. (a) Clinical Staff Nurse, Anesthetist. (b) Chief, Anesthesiology Nursing Section. (c) Instructor, Anesthesiology Nursing. f. Medical-Surgical Nurse (66H). (1) Description of duties. Provides professional nursing care and health promotion in military health treatment organizations and in the broader military community. Responsibilities may span ambulatory, medical-surgical, emergency, and critical care nursing. (2) Special qualifications. (a) Be a graduate of an accredited nursing program acceptable to DA and hold a current state license to practice nursing. (b) Be a graduate of an accredited nursing program acceptable to DA and hold a current state license to practice nursing. (3) Special grading of positions. (a) Forward Surgical Team, positions associated with SI 8A will be graded MAJ. Other Medical-Surgical Nurse positions will be graded CPT. ( b ) M e d i c a l D e t a c h m e n t , M i n i m a l C a r e , C o m m a n d e r w i l l b e graded MAJ. (4) Unique duty positions. 30 DA PAM 611–21 • 31 March 1999 (a) Clinical Staff Nurse, Medicine-Surgical Nursing. (b) Clinical Nurse Specialist. (c) Adult Ambulatory Care Nurse Practitioner. (d) Family Nurse Practitioner. (e) Clinical Head Nurse, Medical-Surgical Nursing. (f) Chief, Medical-Surgical Nursing. g. Generalist Nurse (66N). (1) Description of duties. The AOC 66N is a duty position only and is considered AN specialty immaterial. A Nurse Corps officer assigned to this duty AOC functions in a variety of staff positions through the Army Medical Department as stated in paragraph 4 below. (2) Special qualifications. Must have been awarded a primary AOC (66C, 66E, 66F or 66H). Must maintain clinical proficiency in their AOC. (3) Special grading of positions. None. (4) Unique duty positions. (a) USAREC/ROTC Counselors. (b) PERSCOM ANC Staff. (c) DEMIS. (d) AMEDD Center & School, Teaching Positions. (e) Ch, Nursing Education and Staff Development. (f) Quality Assurance Officers. (g) Nursing Research Officers. (h) Ch, Clinical Nursing Service. (i) OTSG Staff. (j) MACOM/MEDCOM Headquarters Staff. (k) DOD AN Staff Officers. (l) ARPERCOM Staff Officers. (m) Infection Control Officers. (n) Special Projects Officers. (o) Ch, Nurse Admin Evenings/Nights. (p) Ch, Department of Nursing. (q) Ch, Amb Nursing Service. 3–21. Medical Service Corps (67) (Proponent: Office of The Surgeon General) a. Branch description. Provides medical unique administrative, field medical, technical, scientific, and clinical services to the Army Medical Department and the Army. Assignments range from medical TDA and TOE units, to medical research, to serving as medical staff officers on major command staffs. The administrative duties of a Medical Service Corps officer include tactical and TDA hospital a d m i n i s t r a t i o n , p a t i e n t a d m i n i s t r a t i o n , m e d i c a l r e s o u r c e m a n a g e - ment, mental health, optometry and medical logistics. All Medical Service officers will be awarded one of the twenty three Medical Service Corps branch Area of Concentration (AOC), 67E, 67F, 67G, 67J, and/or Medical Funtional Areas (MFA) 70A, 70B, 70C, 70D, 70E, 70F, 70H, 70K, 71A, 71B, 71E, 71F, 72A, 72B, 72C, 72D, 72E, 73A, 73B and will be further identified with branch code 67 (e.g., 70A67). The first two characters (numeric), such as 70, 71, 72 and 73 identify the MFA and the third character (alpha) identifies the specific specialty. For instance, 70C67 identifies a Medical Service Corps officer (branch 67), in the Health Services MFA (70) who is a Health Services Comptroller (70C). AOC 67E, 67F and 67G are stand alone AOCs and not associated with a MFA. AOC 67J is normally associated with a MFA 70, but these officers will retain AOC 67J as their primary AOC unless it is withdrawn. AOC 67A is used to identify Health Services immaterial positions that must be filled by officers holding MFA 70 AOC or AOC 67J. Likewise, AOC 67B (Laboratory Sciences), 67C (Preventive Medicine) and 67D (Behavioral Sciences) identify immaterial positions requiring officers holding an AOC in MFA 71, 72, and 73 respectively. The field medical responsibilities include patient evacuation, plans, operations and training, intelligence and serving as commanders and staff officers in various medical TOE units. The Medical Service Corps provides technical and scientific medical support that i n c l u d e s m e d i c a l r e s e a r c h , m e d i c a l i n t e l l i g e n c e , p h a r m a c o l o g i c a l services, sanitary engineering, environmental health, clinical and e n v i r o n m e n t a l l a b o r a t o r y s e r v i c e s i n f i x e d f a c i l i t i e s a n d t a c t i c a l units. Further, Medical Service Corps officers provide clinical direct

Nurse (Clinical Nurse Specialist) positions in the Medical Company,<br />

Combat Stress Control, <strong>and</strong> one position in the Medical Detachment,<br />

Combat Stress Control, will be graded MAJ; other Psychiatric/Mental<br />

Health Nurse positions in the Combat Stress Control<br />

units will be graded CPT.<br />

(4) Unique duty positions.<br />

(a) Clinical Staff Nurse, Psychiatric/Mental Health.<br />

(b) Clinical Nurse Specialist, Psychiatric/Mental Health.<br />

(c) Clinical Head Nurse, Psychiatric/Mental Health.<br />

(d) Chief, Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing Section.<br />

d. Operating Room Nurse (66E).<br />

(1) Description of duties. Performs specialized professional nursing<br />

duties in any phase of the operative process for patients undergoing<br />

all types of surgery <strong>and</strong> provides safe supplies <strong>and</strong> equipment<br />

for operative services.<br />

(2) Special qualifications.<br />

(a) Must have completed an AOC qualifying course in operating<br />

room nursing or one year of supervised experience in operating<br />

room nursing.<br />

(b) Be a graduate of an accredited nursing program acceptable to<br />

DA <strong>and</strong> hold current state license to practice nursing.<br />

(3) Special grading of positions. In Forward Surgical Team, positions<br />

will be graded CPT.<br />

(4) Unique duty positions.<br />

(a) Clinical Nurse, Operating Room.<br />

(b) Clinical Nurse Specialist, Operating Room.<br />

(c) Clinical Head Nurse, Operating Room.<br />

(d) Chief, Operating Room Nursing Section.<br />

e. Nurse Anesthetist (66F).<br />

(1) Description of duties. Performs professional nursing duties of<br />

a specialized nature in the care of patients requiring general or<br />

regional anesthesia, respiratory care, cardiopulmonary resuscitation,<br />

<strong>and</strong>/or fluid therapy. General or regional anesthesia for surgical,<br />

diagnostic or therapeutic procedures; respiratory care, cardiopulmonary<br />

resuscitation, <strong>and</strong>/or fluid therapy.<br />

(2) Special qualifications.<br />

(a) Must have successfully completed an approved course in anesthesiology<br />

for nurses accredited by the American Association of<br />

Nurse Anesthetists (AANA) Council on Accreditation <strong>and</strong> be certified<br />

as a registered nurse anesthetist by the AANA Council on<br />

Certification. Certification as related to clinical proficiency must be<br />

continuous <strong>and</strong> authenticated every 2 years as specified by the<br />

Council on Recertification.<br />

(b) Be a graduate of an accredited nursing program acceptable to<br />

DA <strong>and</strong> hold current state license to practice nursing.<br />

(3) Special grading of positions.<br />

(a) In Surgical Squad, Hq & Co A, Med Bn, Air Assault Div,<br />

(CPT).<br />

(b) In Forward Surgical Team, positions will be graded CPT.<br />

(4) Unique duty positions.<br />

(a) Clinical Staff Nurse, Anesthetist.<br />

(b) Chief, Anesthesiology Nursing Section.<br />

(c) Instructor, Anesthesiology Nursing.<br />

f. Medical-Surgical Nurse (66H).<br />

(1) Description of duties. Provides professional nursing care <strong>and</strong><br />

health promotion in military health treatment organizations <strong>and</strong> in<br />

the broader military community. Responsibilities may span ambulatory,<br />

medical-surgical, emergency, <strong>and</strong> critical care nursing.<br />

(2) Special qualifications.<br />

(a) Be a graduate of an accredited nursing program acceptable to<br />

DA <strong>and</strong> hold a current state license to practice nursing.<br />

(b) Be a graduate of an accredited nursing program acceptable to<br />

DA <strong>and</strong> hold a current state license to practice nursing.<br />

(3) Special grading of positions.<br />

(a) Forward Surgical Team, positions associated with SI 8A will<br />

be graded MAJ. Other Medical-Surgical Nurse positions will be<br />

graded CPT.<br />

( b ) M e d i c a l D e t a c h m e n t , M i n i m a l C a r e , C o m m a n d e r w i l l b e<br />

graded MAJ.<br />

(4) Unique duty positions.<br />

30 DA PAM 611–21 • 31 March 1999<br />

(a) Clinical Staff Nurse, Medicine-Surgical Nursing.<br />

(b) Clinical Nurse Specialist.<br />

(c) Adult Ambulatory Care Nurse Practitioner.<br />

(d) Family Nurse Practitioner.<br />

(e) Clinical Head Nurse, Medical-Surgical Nursing.<br />

(f) Chief, Medical-Surgical Nursing.<br />

g. Generalist Nurse (66N).<br />

(1) Description of duties. The AOC 66N is a duty position only<br />

<strong>and</strong> is considered AN specialty immaterial. A Nurse Corps officer<br />

assigned to this duty AOC functions in a variety of staff positions<br />

through the <strong>Army</strong> Medical Department as stated in paragraph 4<br />

below.<br />

(2) Special qualifications. Must have been awarded a primary<br />

AOC (66C, 66E, 66F or 66H). Must maintain clinical proficiency in<br />

their AOC.<br />

(3) Special grading of positions. None.<br />

(4) Unique duty positions.<br />

(a) USAREC/ROTC Counselors.<br />

(b) PERSCOM ANC Staff.<br />

(c) DEMIS.<br />

(d) AMEDD Center & School, Teaching Positions.<br />

(e) Ch, Nursing Education <strong>and</strong> Staff Development.<br />

(f) Quality Assurance Officers.<br />

(g) Nursing Research Officers.<br />

(h) Ch, Clinical Nursing Service.<br />

(i) OTSG Staff.<br />

(j) MACOM/MEDCOM Headquarters Staff.<br />

(k) DOD AN Staff Officers.<br />

(l) ARPERCOM Staff Officers.<br />

(m) Infection Control Officers.<br />

(n) Special Projects Officers.<br />

(o) Ch, Nurse Admin Evenings/Nights.<br />

(p) Ch, Department of Nursing.<br />

(q) Ch, Amb Nursing Service.<br />

3–21. Medical Service Corps (67) (Proponent: Office of<br />

The Surgeon General)<br />

a. Branch description. Provides medical unique administrative,<br />

field medical, technical, scientific, <strong>and</strong> clinical services to the <strong>Army</strong><br />

Medical Department <strong>and</strong> the <strong>Army</strong>. Assignments range from medical<br />

TDA <strong>and</strong> TOE units, to medical research, to serving as medical<br />

staff officers on major comm<strong>and</strong> staffs. The administrative duties of<br />

a Medical Service Corps officer include tactical <strong>and</strong> TDA hospital<br />

a d m i n i s t r a t i o n , p a t i e n t a d m i n i s t r a t i o n , m e d i c a l r e s o u r c e m a n a g e -<br />

ment, mental health, optometry <strong>and</strong> medical logistics. All Medical<br />

Service officers will be awarded one of the twenty three Medical<br />

Service Corps branch Area of Concentration (AOC), 67E, 67F, 67G,<br />

67J, <strong>and</strong>/or Medical Funtional Areas (MFA) 70A, 70B, 70C, 70D,<br />

70E, 70F, 70H, 70K, 71A, 71B, 71E, 71F, 72A, 72B, 72C, 72D,<br />

72E, 73A, 73B <strong>and</strong> will be further identified with branch code 67<br />

(e.g., 70A67). The first two characters (numeric), such as 70, 71, 72<br />

<strong>and</strong> 73 identify the MFA <strong>and</strong> the third character (alpha) identifies<br />

the specific specialty. For instance, 70C67 identifies a Medical<br />

Service Corps officer (branch 67), in the Health Services MFA (70)<br />

who is a Health Services Comptroller (70C). AOC 67E, 67F <strong>and</strong><br />

67G are st<strong>and</strong> alone AOCs <strong>and</strong> not associated with a MFA. AOC<br />

67J is normally associated with a MFA 70, but these officers will<br />

retain AOC 67J as their primary AOC unless it is withdrawn. AOC<br />

67A is used to identify Health Services immaterial positions that<br />

must be filled by officers holding MFA 70 AOC or AOC 67J.<br />

Likewise, AOC 67B (Laboratory Sciences), 67C (Preventive Medicine)<br />

<strong>and</strong> 67D (Behavioral Sciences) identify immaterial positions<br />

requiring officers holding an AOC in MFA 71, 72, <strong>and</strong> 73 respectively.<br />

The field medical responsibilities include patient evacuation,<br />

plans, operations <strong>and</strong> training, intelligence <strong>and</strong> serving as comm<strong>and</strong>ers<br />

<strong>and</strong> staff officers in various medical TOE units. The Medical<br />

Service Corps provides technical <strong>and</strong> scientific medical support that<br />

i n c l u d e s m e d i c a l r e s e a r c h , m e d i c a l i n t e l l i g e n c e , p h a r m a c o l o g i c a l<br />

services, sanitary engineering, environmental health, clinical <strong>and</strong><br />

e n v i r o n m e n t a l l a b o r a t o r y s e r v i c e s i n f i x e d f a c i l i t i e s a n d t a c t i c a l<br />

units. Further, Medical Service Corps officers provide clinical direct

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