Military Occupational Classification and Structure - U.S. Army

Military Occupational Classification and Structure - U.S. Army Military Occupational Classification and Structure - U.S. Army
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under the auspices of the U.S. Army Adjutant General School) mandatory. c. Additional skill identifiers. (1) A3—Force Development (TAADS)(SL4 and above). (2) P5—Master Fitness Trainer. (3) 2S—Battle Staff Operations (skill level 3 and above). (4) 4A—Reclassification Training. d. Physical requirements and standards of grade. Physical requirements and SG relating to each skill level are listed in the following tables: (1) Table 10-75H-1. Physical requirements. (2) Table 10-75H-2. Standards of grade TOE/MTOE. (3) Table 10-75H-3. Standards of grade TDA. 10–218. 75Z—Personnel Sergeant (Pers Sgt), CMF 71 (Rescinded.) 10–219. 76J—Medical Supply Specialist (Medical Supply Sp), CMF 91 a. Major duties. The medical supply specialist performs or supervises requisitioning, receipt, inventory management, storage, preservation, issue, salvage, destruction stock control, quality control, property management, repair parts management, inspection, packing and shipping, care, segregation and accounting of medical supplies and equipment. Duties for MOS 76J at each level of skill are: (1) MOSC 76J1O. Performs receipt, storage, issue, packing and shipping, care, inspection, quality control, segregation, inventory c o n t r o l , r e q u i s i t i o n i n g , p r e s e r v a t i o n , s a l v a g e , a n d d e s t r u c t i o n o f medical supplies and equipment. (2) MOSC 76J2O. Performs receipt, packing and shipping, care, i n s p e c t i o n , q u a l i t y c o n t r o l , s e g r e g a t i o n , i n v e n t o r y c o n t r o l , r e q u - isitioning, storage, preservation, issue, salvage, destruction, repair parts management, distribution, supply management, property management and accounting of medical supplies and equipment. (3) MOSC 76J3O. Supervises small sized logistics division, medical supply, stock control, property management or storage activity. (4) MOSC 76J4O. Supervises medium sized logistics division, m e d i c a l s u p p l y , s t o c k c o n t r o l , p r o p e r t y m a n a g e m e n t o r s t o r a g e activity. (5) MOSC 76J5O. Supervises large sized logistics division medical supply, stock control, property management and storage activity. b. Physical demands rating and qualifications for initial award of M O S . M e d i c a l s u p p l y s p e c i a l i s t s m u s t p o s s e s s t h e f o l l o w i n g qualifications: (1) A physical demands rating of medium. (2) A physical profile of 222332. (3) Normal color vision. (4) A minimum score of 95 in aptitude area CL. (5) Formal training (completion of MOS 76J course, or the RC AOCP nonresident—2 weeks resident course, conducted under the auspices of the AHS) mandatory or meet the civilian acquired skills criteria listed in AR 601-210. c. Additional skill identifiers. (1) P5—Master Fitness Trainer. (2) T8—Division Supply Accounting (DS4/Direct Support Unit Standard Supply System). (3) 2S—Battle Staff Operations (skill level 3 and above). (4) 4A—Reclassification Training. d. Physical requirements and standards of grade. Physical requirements and SG relating to each skill level are listed in the following tables: (1) Table 10-76J-1. Physical requirements. (2) Table 10-76J-2. Standards of grade TOE/MTOE. (3) Table 10-76J-3. Standards of grade TDA. 10–220. 77F—Petroleum Supply Specialist (Petroleum Supply Sp), CMF 77 a. Major duties. The petroleum supply specialist supervises or receives, stores, accounts for and cares for, dispenses, issues, and DA PAM 611–21 • 31 March 1999 ships bulk or packaged petroleum, oils, and lubricants (POL) products. Duties for MOS 77F at each level of skill are: (1) MOSC 77F1O. Receives and stores bulk and package POL products. Issues and dispenses bulk fuels and water from storage and distribution facilities to using units. Selects and submits samples of POL to laboratory for testing. Performs petroleum and water accounting duties. Operates equipment associated with petroleum and water distribution system and multi-product pipeline system. Fuels and defuels vehicles, aircraft, and stationary equipment. Takes emergency precautions to prevent harm to self and facilities in event of petroleum spillage or fire. (2) MOSC 77F2O. Performs duties shown at preceding level of skill. Assigns duties, spot checks work adequacy, and instructs and supervises subordinates in work techniques and procedures. Determines source of product contamination in storage areas and pipelines and directs reclamation and disposition for petroleum products. Assures adherence to safety procedures and ensures keeping of e f f i c i e n t , c l e a n , a n d s a f e w o r k e n v i r o n m e n t . S u p e r v i s e s a i r c r a f t refueling and defueling operations. (3) MOSC 77F3O. Performs supervisory duties shown in preceding level of skill. Estimates requirements for personnel, equipment, user/organizational maintenance, and repair of petroleum distribution facilities. Schedules and dispatches petroleum and water products through pipelines and other distribution facilities or equipment. Initiates and supervises environmental protection activities and contingency plans. Reviews, consolidates, and prepares technical, personnel, and administrative reports associated with POL and water activities in assigned unit. Supervises unit level quality surveillance operations. (4) MOSC 77F4O. Performs supervisory duties shown in preceding level skill. Supervises and monitors quality surveillance prog r a m s a n d a c t i v i t i e s . E n s u r e s c o m p l i a n c e w i t h f i r e a n d s a f e t y regulations. (5) MOSC 77F5O. Performs supervisory duties shown at preceding level of skill. Performs duties as petroleum quality assurance representative. Assists command and staff officers in appraisals of petroleum and water operations. Assists in coordination and implementation of operations, training programs, administrative matters, and communication activities. b. Physical demands rating and qualifications for initial award of MOS. The petroleum supply specialist must possess the following qualifications: (1) A physical demands rating of very heavy. (2) A physical profile of 211221. (3) Normal color vision. (4) Minimum scores of 90 in aptitude area CL and 90 in aptitude area OF. (5) Must possess a valid state motor vehicle operator license. c. Additional skill identifiers. (1) H7—Petroleum Vehicle Operations. (2) P5—Master Fitness Trainer. (3) 2S—Battle Staff Operations (skill level 3 and above). (4) 4A—Reclassification Training. d. Physical requirements and standards of grade. Physical requirements and SG relating to each skill level are listed in the following tables: (1) Table 10-77F-1. Physical requirements. (2) Table 10-77F-2. Standards of grade TOE/MTOE. (3) Table 10-77F-3. Standards of grade TDA. 10–221. 77L—Petroleum Laboratory Specialist (Petroleum Lab Sp), CMF 77 a. Major duties. The laboratory petroleum specialist supervises or conducts laboratory tests on petroleum, oils, and lubricants (POL) products. Duties for MOS 77L at each level of skill are: (1) MOSC 77L1O. Receives samples and conducts tests on petroleum products. Reports findings in accordance with ASTM test methods. Evaluates test results with specification requirements and makes recommendations regarding product disposition. Applies fire prevention and safety control procedures in handling volatile POL products. 329

(2) MOSC 77L2O. Identifies sources and types of contamination and deterioration and makes recommendations for reclamation and disposition. Furnishes required quality surveillance reports to higher headquarters. Performs organizational and preventive maintenance and calibration on laboratory equipment. Performs fire and safety inspections. (3) MOSC 77L3O. Plans and organizes petroleum laboratory activities. Establishes files and technical references and specifications. Prepares and reviews administrative and technical reports. Supervise all supply activities, coordinates activities with POL storage and distribution. Assists in establishment and supervision of quality surveillance programs. Ensures adherence to laboratory fire and safety procedures. Applies principles of Occupational Health and Safety Act and EPA regulations for possible violations of environmental control laws. (4) MOSC 77L4O. Performs staff and advisory duties by assisting and planning quality assurance, surveillance operations, and programs. Makes inspection of contractor facilities to ensure that all provisions of the contract are complied with. Coordinates special testing of POL products, including troubleshooting of differences in results among laboratories. b. Physical demands rating and qualifications for initial award of MOS. The petroleum laboratory specialist must possess the following qualifications: (1) A physical demands rating of heavy. (2) A physical profile of 211221. (3) Normal color vision. (4) A minimum score of 95 in aptitude area ST. (5) Mandatory formal training or meet the civilian acquired skills criteria listed in AR 601-210. c. Additional skill identifiers. (1) P5—Master Fitness Trainer. (2) 2S—Battle Staff Operations (skill level 3 and above). (3) 4A—Reclassification Training. d. Physical requirements and standards of grade. Physical requirements and SG relating to each skill level are listed in the following tables: (1) Table 10-77L-1. Physical requirements. (2) Table 10-77L-2. Standards of grade TOE/MTOE. (3) Table 10-77L-3. Standards of grade TDA. 10–222. 77W—Water Treatment Specialist (Water Trmt Sp), CMF 77 a. Major duties. The water treatment specialist supervises or performs installation, operation of water purification equipment, water storage and distribution operations and activities. Duties for MOS 77W at each level of skill are: (1) MOSC 77W1O. Assists in water reconnaissance, site preparation, and setup of water treatment activity. Operates and maintains w a t e r t r e a t m e n t e q u i p m e n t . R e c e i v e s , i s s u e s , a n d s t o r e s p o t a b l e water. Performs water quality analysis testing and verification. ( 2 ) M O S C 7 7 W 2 O . C o n d u c t s w a t e r r e c o n n a i s s a n c e . D e v e l o p s water sources and water points. Supervises and trains soldiers to perform water treatment tasks. Performs operator maintenance and inspects operational condition and maintenance of equipment. Determines treatment method and treats water for purification. Analyses and verifies test results of raw and treated water. Maintains and inventories water treatment equipment and chemical supplies. Prepares water treatment reports. (3) MOSC 77W3O. Interprets water reconnaissance results to determine location of water sites. Directs water reconnaissance and water point development. Provides technical guidance to personnel. (4) MOSC 77W4O. Directs water reconnaissance and water point development for division, corps, and echelons above corps. Manages operation and ensures quality control of water supply, storage, distribution and purification activities. Performs staff and advisory duties. Furnishes reports to higher headquarters. Develops area water supply and treatment plan and supervises operation. b. Physical demands rating and qualifications for initial award of 330 DA PAM 611–21 • 31 March 1999 M O S . W a t e r t r e a t m e n t s p e c i a l i s t s m u s t p o s s e s s t h e f o l l o w i n g qualifications: (1) A physical demands rating of very heavy. (2) A physical profile of 211221. (3) Normal color vision. (4) A minimum score of 90 in aptitude area GM. (5) Mandatory formal training or meet the civilian acquired skills criteria listed in AR 601-210. c. Additional skill identifiers. (1) P5—Master Fitness Trainer. (2) 2S—Battle Staff Operations (skill level 3 and above). (3) 4A—Reclassification Training. d. Physical requirements and standards of grade. Physical requirements and SG relating to each skill level are listed in the following tables: (1) Table 10-77W-1. Physical requirements. (2) Table 10-77W-2. Standards of grade TOE/MTOE. (3) Table 10-77W-3. Standards of grade TDA. 10–223. 79D—Retention NCO (Army National Guard (ARNG) and U.S. Army Reserve (USAR) (Retn NCO ARNG/ USAR), CMF 79 (Rescinded.) 10–223.1. 79R—Recruiter (Active Component and USAR), CMF 79 a. Major duties. Recruits qualified personnel for entry into the Army in accordance with applicable regulations, supervises recruiting and recruiting support activities. Duties for MOS 79R at each skill level are: (1) MOSC 79R3O. Recruits, interviews, counsels and qualifies applicants for enlistment. Distributes and displays recruiting publicity material. Identifies and cultivates community centers of influence. Explains benefits. Prepares enlistment forms and documents. Arranges for transportation, meals, and lodging for applicants where required. Assists in market research and analysis and makes appropriate recommendations to the chain of command. (2) MOSC 79R4O. Utilizes and analyzes management data to evaluate subordinates’ performance. Conducts professional development programs. Accomplishes administration, prepares plans and SOPs. Maintains statistics on recruiting programs. Maintains enlistm e n t p u b l i c a t i o n s a n d a d m i n i s t r a t i v e f i l e s . P r e p a r e s e n l i s t m e n t reports. (3) MOSC 79R5O. Plans, organizes, and coordinates recruiting activities. Develops and directs training programs to assist subordinates. Plans and conducts seminars and conferences. Assigns duties and evaluates performance of subordinate recruiting personnel. Conducts inspections to ensure proper and efficient operation and mana g e m e n t . T h e U S A R r e c r u i t e r a l s o p e r f o r m s d u t i e s s h o w n i n preceding level of skill. b. Physical demands rating and qualifications for initial award of MOS. (1) A physical demands rating—N/A. (2) A physical profile of 132221. (3) A minimum score of 110 in aptitude area GT waivable to 100 with a score of 100 in aptitude ST. ( 4 ) F o r m a l t r a i n i n g ( s u c c e s s f u l c o m p l e t i o n o f t h e a p p r o p r i a t e MOS 79R course conducted under the auspices of the Recruiting and Retention School) is mandatory. (5) Be a high school graduate with diploma; or have 1 year college with a high school GED with no waiver. c. Additional skill identifiers. (1) P5—Master Fitness Trainer. (2) V7—Guidance Counseling. (3) 4A—Reclassification Training. d. Physical requirements and standards of grade. Physical requirements and SG relating to each skill level are listed in the following tables: (1) Table 10-79R-1. Physical requirements. (2) Table 10-79R-2. Standards of grade TOE/MTOE N/A.

(2) MOSC 77L2O. Identifies sources <strong>and</strong> types of contamination<br />

<strong>and</strong> deterioration <strong>and</strong> makes recommendations for reclamation <strong>and</strong><br />

disposition. Furnishes required quality surveillance reports to higher<br />

headquarters. Performs organizational <strong>and</strong> preventive maintenance<br />

<strong>and</strong> calibration on laboratory equipment. Performs fire <strong>and</strong> safety<br />

inspections.<br />

(3) MOSC 77L3O. Plans <strong>and</strong> organizes petroleum laboratory activities.<br />

Establishes files <strong>and</strong> technical references <strong>and</strong> specifications.<br />

Prepares <strong>and</strong> reviews administrative <strong>and</strong> technical reports. Supervise<br />

all supply activities, coordinates activities with POL storage <strong>and</strong><br />

distribution. Assists in establishment <strong>and</strong> supervision of quality surveillance<br />

programs. Ensures adherence to laboratory fire <strong>and</strong> safety<br />

procedures. Applies principles of <strong>Occupational</strong> Health <strong>and</strong> Safety<br />

Act <strong>and</strong> EPA regulations for possible violations of environmental<br />

control laws.<br />

(4) MOSC 77L4O. Performs staff <strong>and</strong> advisory duties by assisting<br />

<strong>and</strong> planning quality assurance, surveillance operations, <strong>and</strong> programs.<br />

Makes inspection of contractor facilities to ensure that all<br />

provisions of the contract are complied with. Coordinates special<br />

testing of POL products, including troubleshooting of differences in<br />

results among laboratories.<br />

b. Physical dem<strong>and</strong>s rating <strong>and</strong> qualifications for initial award of<br />

MOS. The petroleum laboratory specialist must possess the following<br />

qualifications:<br />

(1) A physical dem<strong>and</strong>s rating of heavy.<br />

(2) A physical profile of 211221.<br />

(3) Normal color vision.<br />

(4) A minimum score of 95 in aptitude area ST.<br />

(5) M<strong>and</strong>atory formal training or meet the civilian acquired skills<br />

criteria listed in AR 601-210.<br />

c. Additional skill identifiers.<br />

(1) P5—Master Fitness Trainer.<br />

(2) 2S—Battle Staff Operations (skill level 3 <strong>and</strong> above).<br />

(3) 4A—Reclassification Training.<br />

d. Physical requirements <strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ards of grade. Physical requirements<br />

<strong>and</strong> SG relating to each skill level are listed in the<br />

following tables:<br />

(1) Table 10-77L-1. Physical requirements.<br />

(2) Table 10-77L-2. St<strong>and</strong>ards of grade TOE/MTOE.<br />

(3) Table 10-77L-3. St<strong>and</strong>ards of grade TDA.<br />

10–222. 77W—Water Treatment Specialist (Water Trmt<br />

Sp), CMF 77<br />

a. Major duties. The water treatment specialist supervises or performs<br />

installation, operation of water purification equipment, water<br />

storage <strong>and</strong> distribution operations <strong>and</strong> activities. Duties for MOS<br />

77W at each level of skill are:<br />

(1) MOSC 77W1O. Assists in water reconnaissance, site preparation,<br />

<strong>and</strong> setup of water treatment activity. Operates <strong>and</strong> maintains<br />

w a t e r t r e a t m e n t e q u i p m e n t . R e c e i v e s , i s s u e s , a n d s t o r e s p o t a b l e<br />

water. Performs water quality analysis testing <strong>and</strong> verification.<br />

( 2 ) M O S C 7 7 W 2 O . C o n d u c t s w a t e r r e c o n n a i s s a n c e . D e v e l o p s<br />

water sources <strong>and</strong> water points. Supervises <strong>and</strong> trains soldiers to<br />

perform water treatment tasks. Performs operator maintenance <strong>and</strong><br />

inspects operational condition <strong>and</strong> maintenance of equipment. Determines<br />

treatment method <strong>and</strong> treats water for purification. Analyses<br />

<strong>and</strong> verifies test results of raw <strong>and</strong> treated water. Maintains <strong>and</strong><br />

inventories water treatment equipment <strong>and</strong> chemical supplies. Prepares<br />

water treatment reports.<br />

(3) MOSC 77W3O. Interprets water reconnaissance results to determine<br />

location of water sites. Directs water reconnaissance <strong>and</strong><br />

water point development. Provides technical guidance to personnel.<br />

(4) MOSC 77W4O. Directs water reconnaissance <strong>and</strong> water point<br />

development for division, corps, <strong>and</strong> echelons above corps. Manages<br />

operation <strong>and</strong> ensures quality control of water supply, storage, distribution<br />

<strong>and</strong> purification activities. Performs staff <strong>and</strong> advisory duties.<br />

Furnishes reports to higher headquarters. Develops area water<br />

supply <strong>and</strong> treatment plan <strong>and</strong> supervises operation.<br />

b. Physical dem<strong>and</strong>s rating <strong>and</strong> qualifications for initial award of<br />

330 DA PAM 611–21 • 31 March 1999<br />

M O S . W a t e r t r e a t m e n t s p e c i a l i s t s m u s t p o s s e s s t h e f o l l o w i n g<br />

qualifications:<br />

(1) A physical dem<strong>and</strong>s rating of very heavy.<br />

(2) A physical profile of 211221.<br />

(3) Normal color vision.<br />

(4) A minimum score of 90 in aptitude area GM.<br />

(5) M<strong>and</strong>atory formal training or meet the civilian acquired skills<br />

criteria listed in AR 601-210.<br />

c. Additional skill identifiers.<br />

(1) P5—Master Fitness Trainer.<br />

(2) 2S—Battle Staff Operations (skill level 3 <strong>and</strong> above).<br />

(3) 4A—Reclassification Training.<br />

d. Physical requirements <strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ards of grade. Physical requirements<br />

<strong>and</strong> SG relating to each skill level are listed in the<br />

following tables:<br />

(1) Table 10-77W-1. Physical requirements.<br />

(2) Table 10-77W-2. St<strong>and</strong>ards of grade TOE/MTOE.<br />

(3) Table 10-77W-3. St<strong>and</strong>ards of grade TDA.<br />

10–223. 79D—Retention NCO (<strong>Army</strong> National Guard<br />

(ARNG) <strong>and</strong> U.S. <strong>Army</strong> Reserve (USAR) (Retn NCO ARNG/<br />

USAR), CMF 79<br />

(Rescinded.)<br />

10–223.1. 79R—Recruiter (Active Component <strong>and</strong> USAR),<br />

CMF 79<br />

a. Major duties. Recruits qualified personnel for entry into the<br />

<strong>Army</strong> in accordance with applicable regulations, supervises recruiting<br />

<strong>and</strong> recruiting support activities. Duties for MOS 79R at each<br />

skill level are:<br />

(1) MOSC 79R3O. Recruits, interviews, counsels <strong>and</strong> qualifies<br />

applicants for enlistment. Distributes <strong>and</strong> displays recruiting publicity<br />

material. Identifies <strong>and</strong> cultivates community centers of influence.<br />

Explains benefits. Prepares enlistment forms <strong>and</strong> documents.<br />

Arranges for transportation, meals, <strong>and</strong> lodging for applicants where<br />

required. Assists in market research <strong>and</strong> analysis <strong>and</strong> makes appropriate<br />

recommendations to the chain of comm<strong>and</strong>.<br />

(2) MOSC 79R4O. Utilizes <strong>and</strong> analyzes management data to<br />

evaluate subordinates’ performance. Conducts professional development<br />

programs. Accomplishes administration, prepares plans <strong>and</strong><br />

SOPs. Maintains statistics on recruiting programs. Maintains enlistm<br />

e n t p u b l i c a t i o n s a n d a d m i n i s t r a t i v e f i l e s . P r e p a r e s e n l i s t m e n t<br />

reports.<br />

(3) MOSC 79R5O. Plans, organizes, <strong>and</strong> coordinates recruiting<br />

activities. Develops <strong>and</strong> directs training programs to assist subordinates.<br />

Plans <strong>and</strong> conducts seminars <strong>and</strong> conferences. Assigns duties<br />

<strong>and</strong> evaluates performance of subordinate recruiting personnel. Conducts<br />

inspections to ensure proper <strong>and</strong> efficient operation <strong>and</strong> mana<br />

g e m e n t . T h e U S A R r e c r u i t e r a l s o p e r f o r m s d u t i e s s h o w n i n<br />

preceding level of skill.<br />

b. Physical dem<strong>and</strong>s rating <strong>and</strong> qualifications for initial award of<br />

MOS.<br />

(1) A physical dem<strong>and</strong>s rating—N/A.<br />

(2) A physical profile of 132221.<br />

(3) A minimum score of 110 in aptitude area GT waivable to 100<br />

with a score of 100 in aptitude ST.<br />

( 4 ) F o r m a l t r a i n i n g ( s u c c e s s f u l c o m p l e t i o n o f t h e a p p r o p r i a t e<br />

MOS 79R course conducted under the auspices of the Recruiting<br />

<strong>and</strong> Retention School) is m<strong>and</strong>atory.<br />

(5) Be a high school graduate with diploma; or have 1 year<br />

college with a high school GED with no waiver.<br />

c. Additional skill identifiers.<br />

(1) P5—Master Fitness Trainer.<br />

(2) V7—Guidance Counseling.<br />

(3) 4A—Reclassification Training.<br />

d. Physical requirements <strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ards of grade. Physical requirements<br />

<strong>and</strong> SG relating to each skill level are listed in the<br />

following tables:<br />

(1) Table 10-79R-1. Physical requirements.<br />

(2) Table 10-79R-2. St<strong>and</strong>ards of grade TOE/MTOE N/A.

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