Military Occupational Classification and Structure - U.S. Army

Military Occupational Classification and Structure - U.S. Army Military Occupational Classification and Structure - U.S. Army
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and personnel reports. Coordinates activities of optical laboratory with medical treatment facilities. b. Physical demands rating and qualifications for initial award of MOS. The optical laboratory specialist must possess the following qualifications: (1) A physical demands rating of medium. (2) A physical profile of 323222. (3) A minimum score of 100 in aptitude area GM. (4) Successful completion of high school Algebra. (5) Formal training (completion of MOS 42E course under the auspices of AMEDD Center & School) mandatory or meet the civilian acquired skills criteria listed in AR 601-210. c. Additional skill identifiers. (1) P5—Master Fitness Trainer. (2) 2S—Battle Staff Operations (skill level 4). (3) 4A—Reclassification Training. d. Physical requirements and standards of grade. Duties, physical requirements and SG relating to each skill level are listed in the following tables: (1) Table 10-42E-1. Physical requirements. (2) Table 10-42E-2. Standards of grade TOE/MTOE. (3) Table 10-42E-3. Standards of grade TDA. 10–126. 43E—Parachute Rigger, CMF 92 (Rescinded.) 10–127. 43M—Fabric Repair Specialist (Fabric Repair Sp), CMF 92 a. Major duties. The fabric repair specialist supervises repair of, or repairs, textile and canvas items, webbed equipment, and clothing. Duties for MOS 43M at each skill level are: (1) MOSC 43M1O. Inspects, tallies, marks, tags, and segregates textile, canvas, and webbed items. Sews, patches, darns, and bastes worn or damaged fabrics. Alters sizes, and repairs uniforms, attaches unit patches, name tapes, and chevrons and replaces fasteners and zippers. Fabricates and repairs canvas covers, tarpaulins, and other items. Operates and maintains sewing, darning, and button machines. (2) MOSC 43M2O. Performs duties of the preceding level of skill and provides technical guidance to lower grade personnel. Inspects, c l a s s i f i e s , a n d d e t e r m i n e s r e p a i r a b i l i t y o f t e x t i l e , c a n v a s , a n d webbed items received for repair. (3) MOSC 43M3O. Supervises and coordinates operations and preventive maintenance activities in mobile and fixed textile and canvas repair shops. Coordinates maintenance requirements with supporting units. Establishes quality control standards. Estimates supply requirements and requests, stores, safeguards, and issues repaired items. Prepares equipment schedules and operational, personnel, and administrative reports. Maintains records of cost data and expenditures. (4) MOSC 43M4O. Performs the duties of the preceding skill level and provides technical guidance to lower grade personnel. b. Physical demands rating and qualifications for initial award of M O S . F a b r i c r e p a i r s p e c i a l i s t s m u s t p o s s e s s t h e f o l l o w i n g qualifications: (1) A physical demands rating of very heavy. (2) A physical profile of 222323. (3) A minimum score of 85 in aptitude area GM. (4) MOS qualification may be attained by meeting the civilian acquired skills criteria listed in AR 601-210. c. Additional skill identifiers. (1) P5—Master Fitness Trainer. (2) 2S—Battle Staff Operations (skill level 3 and above). (3) 4A—Reclassification Training. d. Physical requirements and standards of grade. Physical requirements and SG relating to each skill level are listed in the following tables: (1) Table 10-43M-1. Physical requirements. (2) Table 10-43M-2. Standards of grade TOE/MTOE. DA PAM 611–21 • 31 March 1999 (3) Table 10-43M-3. Standards of grade TDA. 10–128. 44B—Metal Worker, CMF 63 a. Major duties. The metal worker supervises, inspects, installs, modifies, and performs maintenance on metal body components, radiators, fuel tanks, hulls, and accessories of Army watercraft and amphibians. Duties for MOS 44B at each skill level are: (1) MOSC 44B1O. Welds ferrous and nonferrous metals using oxyacetylene, electric arc, and inert gas welding equipment and repairs, repaints, and installs metal body components, radiators, fuel tanks, modifies other related items, and repairs hulls and accessories of Army watercraft. (2) MOSC 44B2O. Performs duties in preceding skill level, supervises lower grade soldiers and provides technical guidance to the soldiers in the accomplishment of their duties. Performs direct support and general support (DS/GS) maintenance metal worker tasks. b. Physical demands rating and qualifications for initial award of MOS. Metal workers must possess the following qualifications: (1) A physical demands rating of very heavy. (2) A physical profile of 222222. (3) Normal color vision. (4) A knowledge of joint design, welding criterion, and controlling expansion and contraction. (5) Near and distance visual acuity of at least 20/30 in each eye regardless of whether or not corrective lenses are worn. (6) No more than one error on Titmus Stereo Circles at 16 inches or no errors on eight positions of Verhoeff Stereoptor at 16 inches. (7) A minimum score of 90 in aptitude area GM. (8) Formal training (completion of MOS 44B course conducted under the auspices of the USA Ordnance Center and School) mandatory; or meet the civilian acquired skills criteria listed in AR 601- 210. c. Additional skill identifiers. (1) P5—Master Fitness Trainer. (2) 4A—Reclassification Training. d. Physical requirements and standards of grade. Physical requirements and SG relating to each skill level are listed in the following tables: (1) Table 10-44B-1. Physical requirements. (2) Table 10-44B-2. Standards of grade TOE/MTOE. (3) Table 10-44B-3. Standards of grade TDA. 10–129. 44E—Machinist, CMF 63 a. Major duties. The machinist supervises and performs the fabrication, repair, and modifications of metallic and nonmetallic parts and supervises metalworking shop activities. Duties for MOS 44E at each level of skill are: (1) MOSC 44E1O. Fabricates, repairs, and modifies metallic and nonmetallic parts, utilizing such machines as engine lathes, utility grinders, power cutoff saws, armature undercutters, arbor and hydraulic presses, drill presses, and their associated attachments, accessories, and tools. (2) MOSC 44E2O. Perform duties in preceding skill level, supervises lower grade soldiers and provides technical guidance to the soldiers in the accomplishment of their duties. (3) MOSC 44E3O. Perform duties in preceding skill levels, perform metal workers (MOS 44B) duties, supervises lower grade sold i e r s a n d p r o v i d e s t e c h n i c a l g u i d a n c e t o t h e s o l d i e r s i n t h e accomplishment of their duties. Inspects completed work. (4) MOSC 44E4O. Perform duties in preceding skill levels, supervises lower grade soldiers and provides technical guidance to the soldiers in the accomplishment of their duties. Performs as support maintenance machine shop supervisor or metalworker supervisor. b. Physical demands rating and qualifications for initial award of MOS. Machinists must possess the following qualifications: (1) A physical demands rating of heavy. (2) A physical profile of 222222. (3) Normal color vision. (4) A minimum score of 100 in aptitude area GM. (5) Near and distance visual acuity of at least 20/30 in each eye regardless of whether or not corrective lenses are worn. 291

(6) No more than one error on Titmus Stereo Circles at 16 inches or no errors on 8 positions of Verhoeff Stereoptor at 16 inches. (7) Formal training (completion of MOS 44E course conducted under the auspices of the USA Ordnance Center and School) mandatory; or meet the civilian acquired skills criteria listed in AR 601- 210. c. Additional skill identifiers. (1) P5—Master Fitness Trainer. (2) 2S—Battle Staff Operations (skill level 3 and above). (3) 4A—Reclassification Training. d. Physical requirements and standards of grade. Physical requirements and SG relating to each skill level are listed in the following tables: (1) Table 10-44E-1. Physical requirements. (2) Table 10-44E-2. Standards of grade TOE/MTOE. (3) Table 10-44E-3. Standards of grade TDA. 10–130. 45B—Small Arms/Artillery Repairer (Small Arms/ Arty Rep), CMF 63 a. Major duties. The small arms/artillery repairer performs direct support and general support (DS/GS) maintenance and repairs on small arms and other infantry weapons, and towed artillery. Duties for MOS 45B at each skill level are: (1) MOSC 45B1O. Performs DS/GS maintenance on small arms and other infantry weapons, and towed artillery. (2) MOSC 45B2O. Perform duties in preceding skill level, supervises lower grade soldiers and provides technical guidance to the s o l d i e r s i n t h e a c c o m p l i s h m e n t o f t h e i r d u t i e s . D i a g n o s e s a n d troubleshoots malfunctions of small arms and other infantry weapons, and towed artillery. b. Physical demands rating and qualifications for initial award of M O S . S m a l l a r m s / a r t i l l e r y r e p a i r e r s m u s t p o s s e s s t h e f o l l o w i n g qualifications: (1) A physical demands rating of very heavy. (2) A physical profile of 222221. (3) A minimum score of 90 in aptitude area GM. (4) Formal training (completion of MOS 45B course conducted under the auspices of the U.S. Army Ordnance Center and School) mandatory; or meet the civilian acquired skills criteria listed in AR 601-210. (5) Normal color vision. c. Additional skill identifiers. (1) P5—Master Fitness Trainer. (2) 4A—Reclassification Training. d. Physical requirements and standards of grade. Physical requirements and SG relating to each skill level are listed in the following tables: (1) Table 10-45B-1. Physical requirements. (2) Table 10-45B-2. Standards of grade TOE/MTOE. (3) Table 10-45B-3. Standards of grade TDA. 10–131. 45D—Self-propelled Field Artillery Turret Mechanic (SP FA Turret Mech), CMF 63 (Closed to women - see chapter 13) a. Major duties. The self-propelled field artillery turret mechanic performs unit maintenance of carriage-mounted armament, associated fire control, and related systems on all self-propelled field artillery weapon systems. Duties for MOS 45D at each skill level are: (1) MOSC 45D1O. Diagnoses malfunctions of troubleshoots and performs other unit maintenance on carriage-mounted armament, associated fire control, and related systems and components on all self-propelled field artillery weapon systems. (2) MOSC 45D2O. Perform duties in preceding skill level, supervises lower rank soldiers and provides technical guidance to the soldiers in the accomplishment of their duties. Diagnoses and corrects malfunctions in carriage-mounted armament, associated fire control, and related systems components of self-propelled field artillery weapon systems. b. Physical demands rating and qualifications for initial award of 292 DA PAM 611–21 • 31 March 1999 MOS. Self-propelled field artillery turret mechanics must possess the following qualifications: (1) A physical demands rating of very heavy. (2) A physical profile of 222222. (3) Normal color vision. (4) A minimum score of 100 in aptitude area GM. (5) Formal training (completion of MOS 45D course conducted u n d e r t h e a u s p i c e s o f t h e U S A O r d n a n c e C e n t e r a n d S c h o o l ) mandatory. c. Additional skill identifiers. (1) P5—Master Fitness Trainer. (2) 4A—Reclassification Training. d. Physical requirements and standards of grade. Physical requirements and SG relating to each skill level are listed in the following tables: (1) Table 10-45D-1. Physical requirements. (2) Table 10-45D-2. Standards of grade TOE/MTOE. (3) Table 10-45D-3. Standards of grade TDA. 10–132. 45E—M1 ABRAMS Tank Turret Mechanic (M1 Turret Mech), CMF 63 (Closed to women - see chapter 13) a. Major duties. The M1 ABRAMS tank turret mechanic performs unit maintenance of vehicular-mounted armament (including machine guns), associated fire control, and related systems on M1 and M728 combat engineer vehicle (CEV) turrets. Duties for MOS 45E at each skill level are: (1) MOSC 45E1O. Diagnoses and troubleshoots malfunctions and performs other unit maintenance on vehicular-mounted armament, associated fire control, and related systems and components of M1 tanks, the CEV and associated equipment. (2) MOSC 45E2O. Perform duties in preceding skill level, supervises lower grade soldiers and provides technical guidance to the soldiers in the accomplishment of their duties. Diagnoses and corrects malfunctions of vehicular-mounted armament, associated fire control, and related systems and components of the M1 and the CEV at the unit maintenance level. b. Physical demands rating and qualifications for initial award of MOS. M1 ABRAMS tank turret mechanics must possess the following qualifications: (1) A physical demands rating of very heavy. (2) A physical profile of 222222. (3) Normal color vision. (4) A minimum score of 100 in aptitude area MM. (5) Formal training (completion of MOS 45E course conducted u n d e r t h e a u s p i c e s o f t h e U S A O r d n a n c e C e n t e r a n d S c h o o l ) mandatory. c. Additional skill identifiers. (1) K4—M1A2 Tank Operations and Maintenance. (2) P5—Master Fitness Trainer. (3) 4A—Reclassification Training. d. Physical requirements and standards of grade. Physical requirements and SG relating to each skill level are listed in the following tables: (1) Table 10-45E-1. Physical requirements. (2) Table 10-45E-2. Standards of grade TOE/MTOE. (3) Table 10-45E-3. Standards of grade TDA. 10–133. 45G—Fire Control Repairer (FC Rep), CMF 63 a. Major duties. The fire control repairer supervises and performs direct and general support (DS/GS) maintenance on combat vehicle, infantry and artillery fire control systems and equipment, and related test equipment. Duties for MOS 45G at each skill level are: (1) MOSC 45G1O. Maintains (DS/GS) and/or repairs laser range finders, ballistic computers, laser observation devices, laser designators, thermal imaging systems, periscopes, telescopes, commander’s weapon station/auxiliary sights, aiming circles, image transfer assemblies, quadrants, mount assemblies., fire control support equipment, and test, measurement, and diagnostic equipment (TMDE). Performs battlefield damage assessment and repair (BDAR).

(6) No more than one error on Titmus Stereo Circles at 16 inches<br />

or no errors on 8 positions of Verhoeff Stereoptor at 16 inches.<br />

(7) Formal training (completion of MOS 44E course conducted<br />

under the auspices of the USA Ordnance Center <strong>and</strong> School) m<strong>and</strong>atory;<br />

or meet the civilian acquired skills criteria listed in AR 601-<br />

210.<br />

c. Additional skill identifiers.<br />

(1) P5—Master Fitness Trainer.<br />

(2) 2S—Battle Staff Operations (skill level 3 <strong>and</strong> above).<br />

(3) 4A—Reclassification Training.<br />

d. Physical requirements <strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ards of grade. Physical requirements<br />

<strong>and</strong> SG relating to each skill level are listed in the<br />

following tables:<br />

(1) Table 10-44E-1. Physical requirements.<br />

(2) Table 10-44E-2. St<strong>and</strong>ards of grade TOE/MTOE.<br />

(3) Table 10-44E-3. St<strong>and</strong>ards of grade TDA.<br />

10–130. 45B—Small Arms/Artillery Repairer (Small Arms/<br />

Arty Rep), CMF 63<br />

a. Major duties. The small arms/artillery repairer performs direct<br />

support <strong>and</strong> general support (DS/GS) maintenance <strong>and</strong> repairs on<br />

small arms <strong>and</strong> other infantry weapons, <strong>and</strong> towed artillery. Duties<br />

for MOS 45B at each skill level are:<br />

(1) MOSC 45B1O. Performs DS/GS maintenance on small arms<br />

<strong>and</strong> other infantry weapons, <strong>and</strong> towed artillery.<br />

(2) MOSC 45B2O. Perform duties in preceding skill level, supervises<br />

lower grade soldiers <strong>and</strong> provides technical guidance to the<br />

s o l d i e r s i n t h e a c c o m p l i s h m e n t o f t h e i r d u t i e s . D i a g n o s e s a n d<br />

troubleshoots malfunctions of small arms <strong>and</strong> other infantry weapons,<br />

<strong>and</strong> towed artillery.<br />

b. Physical dem<strong>and</strong>s rating <strong>and</strong> qualifications for initial award of<br />

M O S . S m a l l a r m s / a r t i l l e r y r e p a i r e r s m u s t p o s s e s s t h e f o l l o w i n g<br />

qualifications:<br />

(1) A physical dem<strong>and</strong>s rating of very heavy.<br />

(2) A physical profile of 222221.<br />

(3) A minimum score of 90 in aptitude area GM.<br />

(4) Formal training (completion of MOS 45B course conducted<br />

under the auspices of the U.S. <strong>Army</strong> Ordnance Center <strong>and</strong> School)<br />

m<strong>and</strong>atory; or meet the civilian acquired skills criteria listed in AR<br />

601-210.<br />

(5) Normal color vision.<br />

c. Additional skill identifiers.<br />

(1) P5—Master Fitness Trainer.<br />

(2) 4A—Reclassification Training.<br />

d. Physical requirements <strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ards of grade. Physical requirements<br />

<strong>and</strong> SG relating to each skill level are listed in the<br />

following tables:<br />

(1) Table 10-45B-1. Physical requirements.<br />

(2) Table 10-45B-2. St<strong>and</strong>ards of grade TOE/MTOE.<br />

(3) Table 10-45B-3. St<strong>and</strong>ards of grade TDA.<br />

10–131. 45D—Self-propelled Field Artillery Turret<br />

Mechanic (SP FA Turret Mech), CMF 63 (Closed to women<br />

- see chapter 13)<br />

a. Major duties. The self-propelled field artillery turret mechanic<br />

performs unit maintenance of carriage-mounted armament, associated<br />

fire control, <strong>and</strong> related systems on all self-propelled field<br />

artillery weapon systems. Duties for MOS 45D at each skill level<br />

are:<br />

(1) MOSC 45D1O. Diagnoses malfunctions of troubleshoots <strong>and</strong><br />

performs other unit maintenance on carriage-mounted armament,<br />

associated fire control, <strong>and</strong> related systems <strong>and</strong> components on all<br />

self-propelled field artillery weapon systems.<br />

(2) MOSC 45D2O. Perform duties in preceding skill level, supervises<br />

lower rank soldiers <strong>and</strong> provides technical guidance to the<br />

soldiers in the accomplishment of their duties. Diagnoses <strong>and</strong> corrects<br />

malfunctions in carriage-mounted armament, associated fire<br />

control, <strong>and</strong> related systems components of self-propelled field artillery<br />

weapon systems.<br />

b. Physical dem<strong>and</strong>s rating <strong>and</strong> qualifications for initial award of<br />

292 DA PAM 611–21 • 31 March 1999<br />

MOS. Self-propelled field artillery turret mechanics must possess the<br />

following qualifications:<br />

(1) A physical dem<strong>and</strong>s rating of very heavy.<br />

(2) A physical profile of 222222.<br />

(3) Normal color vision.<br />

(4) A minimum score of 100 in aptitude area GM.<br />

(5) Formal training (completion of MOS 45D course conducted<br />

u n d e r t h e a u s p i c e s o f t h e U S A O r d n a n c e C e n t e r a n d S c h o o l )<br />

m<strong>and</strong>atory.<br />

c. Additional skill identifiers.<br />

(1) P5—Master Fitness Trainer.<br />

(2) 4A—Reclassification Training.<br />

d. Physical requirements <strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ards of grade. Physical requirements<br />

<strong>and</strong> SG relating to each skill level are listed in the<br />

following tables:<br />

(1) Table 10-45D-1. Physical requirements.<br />

(2) Table 10-45D-2. St<strong>and</strong>ards of grade TOE/MTOE.<br />

(3) Table 10-45D-3. St<strong>and</strong>ards of grade TDA.<br />

10–132. 45E—M1 ABRAMS Tank Turret Mechanic (M1<br />

Turret Mech), CMF 63 (Closed to women - see chapter 13)<br />

a. Major duties. The M1 ABRAMS tank turret mechanic performs<br />

unit maintenance of vehicular-mounted armament (including<br />

machine guns), associated fire control, <strong>and</strong> related systems on M1<br />

<strong>and</strong> M728 combat engineer vehicle (CEV) turrets. Duties for MOS<br />

45E at each skill level are:<br />

(1) MOSC 45E1O. Diagnoses <strong>and</strong> troubleshoots malfunctions <strong>and</strong><br />

performs other unit maintenance on vehicular-mounted armament,<br />

associated fire control, <strong>and</strong> related systems <strong>and</strong> components of M1<br />

tanks, the CEV <strong>and</strong> associated equipment.<br />

(2) MOSC 45E2O. Perform duties in preceding skill level, supervises<br />

lower grade soldiers <strong>and</strong> provides technical guidance to the<br />

soldiers in the accomplishment of their duties. Diagnoses <strong>and</strong> corrects<br />

malfunctions of vehicular-mounted armament, associated fire<br />

control, <strong>and</strong> related systems <strong>and</strong> components of the M1 <strong>and</strong> the<br />

CEV at the unit maintenance level.<br />

b. Physical dem<strong>and</strong>s rating <strong>and</strong> qualifications for initial award of<br />

MOS. M1 ABRAMS tank turret mechanics must possess the following<br />

qualifications:<br />

(1) A physical dem<strong>and</strong>s rating of very heavy.<br />

(2) A physical profile of 222222.<br />

(3) Normal color vision.<br />

(4) A minimum score of 100 in aptitude area MM.<br />

(5) Formal training (completion of MOS 45E course conducted<br />

u n d e r t h e a u s p i c e s o f t h e U S A O r d n a n c e C e n t e r a n d S c h o o l )<br />

m<strong>and</strong>atory.<br />

c. Additional skill identifiers.<br />

(1) K4—M1A2 Tank Operations <strong>and</strong> Maintenance.<br />

(2) P5—Master Fitness Trainer.<br />

(3) 4A—Reclassification Training.<br />

d. Physical requirements <strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ards of grade. Physical requirements<br />

<strong>and</strong> SG relating to each skill level are listed in the<br />

following tables:<br />

(1) Table 10-45E-1. Physical requirements.<br />

(2) Table 10-45E-2. St<strong>and</strong>ards of grade TOE/MTOE.<br />

(3) Table 10-45E-3. St<strong>and</strong>ards of grade TDA.<br />

10–133. 45G—Fire Control Repairer (FC Rep), CMF 63<br />

a. Major duties. The fire control repairer supervises <strong>and</strong> performs<br />

direct <strong>and</strong> general support (DS/GS) maintenance on combat<br />

vehicle, infantry <strong>and</strong> artillery fire control systems <strong>and</strong> equipment,<br />

<strong>and</strong> related test equipment. Duties for MOS 45G at each skill level<br />

are:<br />

(1) MOSC 45G1O. Maintains (DS/GS) <strong>and</strong>/or repairs laser range<br />

finders, ballistic computers, laser observation devices, laser designators,<br />

thermal imaging systems, periscopes, telescopes, comm<strong>and</strong>er’s<br />

weapon station/auxiliary sights, aiming circles, image transfer assemblies,<br />

quadrants, mount assemblies., fire control support equipment,<br />

<strong>and</strong> test, measurement, <strong>and</strong> diagnostic equipment (TMDE).<br />

Performs battlefield damage assessment <strong>and</strong> repair (BDAR).

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