Military Occupational Classification and Structure - U.S. Army

Military Occupational Classification and Structure - U.S. Army Military Occupational Classification and Structure - U.S. Army
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(3) 2S—Battle Staff Operations skill level 3 and above. (4) 4A—Reclassification Training. d. Physical requirements and standards of grade. Physical requirements and SG relating to each skill level are listed in the following tables: (1) Table 10-35Y-1. Physical requirements. (2) Table 10-35Y-2. Standards of grade TOE/MTOE. (3) Table 10-35Y-3. Standards of grade TDA. 10–121. 35Z—Senior Electronic Maintenance Chief (Sr Elect Maint Ch), CMF 35 a. Major duties. The senior electronic maintenance chief plans and directs electronic maintenance operations at all levels of command and echelons of the Army. Performs electronic maintenance staff functions. Provides technical advice to commanders and staff concerning Army electronic maintenance and electronic logistic support matters. Writes directives, policies and procedures which est a b l i s h e s A r m y e l e c t r o n i c m a i n t e n a n c e r e q u i r e m e n t s . S e r v e s a s senior staff noncommissioned officer (NCO) in electronic maintenance school staff. b. Physical demands rating and qualifications for initial award of MOS. Electronics maintenance chief must possess the following qualifications: (1) Physical demands rating—N/A. (2) A physical profile of 222221. (3) Normal color vision. (4) Minimum aptitude area score—N/A. (5) A security clearance of SECRET. (6) A U.S. citizen. ( 7 ) F o r m a l t r a i n i n g ( c o m p l e t i o n o f C M F 3 5 A d v a n c e d N C O Course conducted under the auspices of the U.S. Army Ordnance Missile and Munitions School) mandatory; or waiver may be grant e d b y C o m m a n d a n t , U S A O M M C S , R e d s t o n e A r s e n a l , A L 358976090. c. Additional skill identifiers. (1) D7—Secondary Reference Laboratory Maintenance. (2) P5—Master Fitness Trainer. (3) 2S—Battle Staff Operations (skill level 5). (4) 4A—Reclassification Training. d. Physical requirements and standards of grade. Physical requirements and SG relating to each skill level are listed in the following tables: (1) Table 10-35Z-1. Physical requirements. (2) Table 10-35Z-2. Standards of grade TOE/MTOE. (3) Table 10-35Z-3. Standards of grade TDA. 10–122. 37F—Psychological Operations Specialist, (PSYOP Specialist), CMF 37 a. Major duties. The psychological operations (PSYOP) specialist supervises, coordinates, and participates in analysis, planning, production, and dissemination of tactical, strategic, and consolidation PSYOP. Duties for MOS 37F at each level of skill are: (1) MOSC 37F1O. Trains and maintains proficiency in all major duties. Assists in collection and reporting PSYOP related information and processing that information into intelligence to support PSYOP. Assists in evaluating and analyzing current intelligence, PSYOP studies and estimates to determine PSYOP targets. Operates P S Y O P d i s s e m i n a t i o n e q u i p m e n t a n d a s s i s t i n t h e d e l i v e r y o f PSYOP products. Assists in the packing of PSYOP products for delivery by various means. Prepares, stores and retrieves information on PSYOP related intelligence, plans, campaigns and products. Assists and performs intelligence functions as required. (2) MOSC 37F2O. Performs all duties of preceding skill level. Coordinates resources requirements for the development, production and dissemination of PSYOP productions. Assists in the integration of PSYOP planning in support of conventional, special operations and deception planning. Assists in determining the appropriate mix of media, relative to available assets, to disseminate PSYOP products. Evaluates and analyze current intelligence, PSYOP studies and DA PAM 611–21 • 31 March 1999 estimates to determine PSYOP targets. Identifies psychological vulnerabilities and susceptibilities of PSYOP targets. (3) MOSC 37F3O. Performs all duties of preceding skill level. Provides technical guidance to lower grade personnel in accomplishment of their duties. Supervises receipt, analysis and storage of P S Y O P r e l a t e d i n t e l l i g e n c e i n f o r m a t i o n . P l a n s a n d a d v i s e s o n PSYOP in direct and general support of support of operation forces. Assists in planning identification, mobilization and deployment of PSYOP resource. Supervises PSYOP dissemination and delivery sections and teams. Conducts liaison with the supported command. Advises supported commands on psychological considerations of planning operations. (4) MOSC 37F4O. Provides technical guidance to lower grade personnel in accomplishment of their duties. Plans and organizes work schedules and assigns specific tasks in support of tactical or strategic PSYOP mission. Assists in supervision of the propaganda d e v e l o p m e n t a n d t a c t i c a l o p e r a t i o n s c e n t e r s . C o n d u c t s g e n e r a l PSYOP training program for the command. Supervises planning and d i s s e m i n a t i o n o f P S Y O P p r o d u c t s . C o n t r o l s t h e e x e c u t i o n o f PSYOP programs. Conducts liaison with supported commands. (5) MOSC 37F5O. Performs all duties of preceding skill level. Provides technical guidance to lower grade personnel in accomplishment of their duties. Provides liaison to supported staff and commands. Assists PSYOP commanders and staff officers in planning, organizing, directing, supervising, training and coordinating activities pertaining to PSYOP at all levels of commands. b. Physical demands rating and qualifications for initial award of MOS. PSYOP specialists must possess the following qualifications: (1) A physical demands rating of medium. (2) A physical profile of 222221. (3) Normal color vision. (4) A minimum score of 105 in aptitude area ST. (5) A security clearance of SECRET. (6) A qualifying score on the Defense Language Aptitude Battery (DLAB) as prescribed by AR 611-6. (7) Good voice quality and be able to speak English without an objectionable accent or impediment. (This requirement is desired but not mandatory.) (8) A high school graduate or equivalent. (9) Never been a member of the U.S. Peace Corps, except as specified in AR 614-200. (10) A U.S. citizen. (11) No information in Provost Marshal, intelligence, MPRJ or medical records which would prevent the granting of a security clearance under provisions of AR 604-5. (12) No record of conviction by court-martial. (13) No record of conviction by a civil court for any offense other than minor traffic violations. (14) Due to the nature of training and assignments, temporary restrictions may be placed on foreign travel both during and after the term of service. (15) Meet career management and development criteria contained in AR 614-200. (16) Complete mandatory formal training. (17) The active component soldier must be airborne qualified. c. Additional skill identifiers. (1) P5—Master Fitness Trainer. (2) 2S—Battle Staff Operations (skill level 3 and above). (3) 4A—Reclassification Training. d. Physical requirements and standards of grade. Physical requirements and SG relating to each skill level are listed in the following tables: (1) Table 10-37F-1. Physical requirements. (2) Table 10-37F-2. Standards of grade TOE/MTOE. (3) Table 10-37F-3. Standards of grade TDA. 10–123. 38A—Civil Affairs Specialist (Reserve Components) (CA Specialist), CMF 38 a . M a j o r d u t i e s . T h e c i v i l a f f a i r s ( C A ) s p e c i a l i s t s u p e r v i s e s , 289

esearches, coordinates, conducts, and participates in analysis, planning, and production of CA related documents and actions encompassing both strategic and tactical CA operations for Army, joint, and combined military commands. Duties of MOS 38A at each level of skill are: (1) MOSC 38A1O. Trains and maintains proficiency in all major duties. Assists in routine coordination, conducts research, analysis and production of civil affairs related products and actions supporting functional specialty missions. (2) MOSC 38A2O. Trains and maintains proficiency in all major duties. Performs all duties of preceding skill level. Performs coordination, conducts research, analysis and production of civil affairs r e l a t e d p r o d u c t s a n d a c t i o n s s u p p o r t i n g f u n c t i o n a l s p e c i a l t y missions. (3) MOSC 38A3O. Trains and maintains proficiency in all major duties. Performs all duties of preceding skill level. Supervises, coordinates and participates in analysis, planning and production of civil affairs related products and actions supporting functional specialty missions and research. (4) MOSC 38A4O. Trains and maintains proficiency in all major duties. Performs all duties of preceding skill level. Supervises research, analysis and conduct of civil a related missions. (5) MOSC 38A5O. Trains and maintains proficiency in all major duties. Performs all duties of preceding skill level. Supervises activities in support of planning, research, analysis and conduct of all functional area civil affairs mission. b. Physical demands rating and qualification for initial award of M O S . C i v i l a f f a i r s s p e c i a l i s t m u s t p o s s e s s t h e f o l l o w i n g qualifications: (1) A physical demands rating of medium. (2) A physical profile of 222221. (3) A minimum score of 100 in aptitude area ST. (4) A security clearance of SECRET. (5) A high school graduate or equivalent. (6) No information in Provost Marshall, intelligence, MPRJ or medical records which would prevent the granting of a security clearance under the provisions of AR 204-5. (7) No records of conviction by a court materiel. (8) No record of conviction by a civil court for any offense other than minor traffic violations. (9) Formal training (completion of MOS 38A conducted under the auspices of the JFK Warfare Center and School) mandatory. c. Additional skill identifiers. (1) P5—Master Fitness Trainer. (2) 2S—Battle Staff Operations (skill level 3 and above). (3) 4A—Reclassification Training. d. Physical requirements and standards of grade. Physical requirements and SG relating to each skill level are listed in the following tables: (1) Table 10-38A-1. Physical requirements. (2) Table 10-38A-2. Standards of grade TOE/MTOE. (3) Table 10-38A-3. Standards of grade TDA N/A. 10–124. 39B—Automatic Test Equipment Operator and Maintainer (ATE Opr/Maint), CMF 35 a . M a j o r d u t i e s . T h e a u t o m a t i c t e s t e q u i p m e n t o p e r a t o r a n d maintainer operates, maintains, and supervises unit and direct and g e n e r a l s u p p o r t ( D S / G S ) l e v e l m a i n t e n a n c e o n A u t o m a t i c T e s t Equipment (ATE) consisting of electronic equipment test and repair facilities. Duties for MOS 39B at each level of skill are: (1) MOSC 39B1O. Operates and performs unit level maintenance on ATE and repairs electronic equipment, printed circuit boards, and m o d u l e s . P r e p a r e s a p p r o p r i a t e m a i n t e n a n c e f o r m s a n d r e c o r d s . Troubleshoots automatic test equipment to determined cause of malfunction at unit level maintenance. Repairs ATE and subassemblies by adjusting, aligning, repairing and/or replacing defective components at unit level maintenance. Tests repaired ATE system to ensure compliance with technical specifications. (2) MOSC 39B2O. Performs DS/GS level maintenance on electronic test facility. Troubleshoots ATE at DS/GS maintenance level 290 DA PAM 611–21 • 31 March 1999 and repairs ATE at DS maintenance level. Provides technical and procedural assistance to less experienced personnel. Requests and maintains authorized bench stock of repair parts, supplies and technical publications. (3) MOSC 39B3O. Supervises operation and maintenance on the electronic test and repair facility. Prepares, reviews, and consolidates technical and administrative reports and requests to include maintaining files and records. Prepares or updates Standing Operating Procedures (SOP), site defense, and evacuation plans. Assigns specific duties to subordinate personnel and establishes workload, work schedule and repair priorities. Performs and supervises quality control inspections, establishes and monitors on the job training (OJT) programs. Provides technical information and instructions to subordinates and supported units. Advises supervisors on operational and maintenance matters. b. Physical demands rating and qualifications for initial award of MOS. Automatic test equipment operator and maintainer must possess the following qualifications: (1) A physical demands rating of heavy. (2) A physical profile of 111221. (3) Must meet the following vision requirements: (a) Far vision: Snellen Chart correctable to 20/40. (b) Near vision: Jaeger equivalent 1 or 0.50 mm letters at 14 inches. (c) Depth perception: normal binocular vision for fine close work as determined by the Armed Forces Vision Tester. (d) Normal color vision. (4) Minimum score of 110 in aptitude area EL. (5) A security clearance of SECRET. (6) A U.S citizen. (7) Formal training (completion of MOS 39B Course conducted under the auspices of the U.S. Army Ordnance Missile and Munitions School) mandatory; or waiver may be granted by Commandant, USAOMMCS, Redstone Arsenal, AL 35897-6090. c. Additional skill identifiers. (1) P5—Master Fitness Trainer. (2) X1—AH&-64 Maintenance. (3) 2S—Battle Staff Operations (skill level 3 only). (4) 4A—Reclassification Training. d. Physical requirements and standards of grade. Physical requirements and SG relating to each skill level are listed in the following tables: (1) Table 2-39B-1. Physical requirements. (2) Table 2-39B-2. Standards of grade TOE/MTOE. (3) Table 2-39B-3. Standards of grade TDA. 10–125. 42E—Optical Laboratory Specialist (Optical Lab Sp), CMF 91 a. Major duties. The optical laboratory specialist assembles spectacles utilizing presurfaced single-vision lens; surfaces multivision lens and assembles multivision spectacles; repairs and fabricates spectacles and supervises optical laboratory personnel. Duties for MOS 42E at each skill level are: (1) MOSC 42E1O. Surfaces lens blanks, fabricates, repairs, and assembles prescription spectacles. Maintains tools and equipment. (2) MOSC 42E2O. Performs duties shown in the preceding skill level and provides technical guidance to subordinates. Performs prescription related administration. (3) MOSC 42E3O. Provides technical guidance, inspects completed spectacles, and insures quality control standards. Develops stock levels, requisitions, stores, and maintains optical supplies and equipment. Prepares and conducts training programs and instructs on preventive maintenance and safety procedures. ( 4 ) M O S C 4 2 E 4 O . D e t e r m i n e s p e r s o n n e l r e q u i r e m e n t s , e s - tablishes priorities and organizes work schedules. Plans layout of work areas. Prepares and conducts training programs. Inspects to ensure a safe, clean and orderly working environment. Supervises quality control procedures. Drafts and prepares budget estimates and m o n i t o r s r e c o r d s o f c o s t d a t a a n d e x p e n d i t u r e s . P e r f o r m s s t a f f , budget and advisory duties. Prepares other technical, administrative,

esearches, coordinates, conducts, <strong>and</strong> participates in analysis, planning,<br />

<strong>and</strong> production of CA related documents <strong>and</strong> actions encompassing<br />

both strategic <strong>and</strong> tactical CA operations for <strong>Army</strong>, joint,<br />

<strong>and</strong> combined military comm<strong>and</strong>s. Duties of MOS 38A at each level<br />

of skill are:<br />

(1) MOSC 38A1O. Trains <strong>and</strong> maintains proficiency in all major<br />

duties. Assists in routine coordination, conducts research, analysis<br />

<strong>and</strong> production of civil affairs related products <strong>and</strong> actions supporting<br />

functional specialty missions.<br />

(2) MOSC 38A2O. Trains <strong>and</strong> maintains proficiency in all major<br />

duties. Performs all duties of preceding skill level. Performs coordination,<br />

conducts research, analysis <strong>and</strong> production of civil affairs<br />

r e l a t e d p r o d u c t s a n d a c t i o n s s u p p o r t i n g f u n c t i o n a l s p e c i a l t y<br />

missions.<br />

(3) MOSC 38A3O. Trains <strong>and</strong> maintains proficiency in all major<br />

duties. Performs all duties of preceding skill level. Supervises, coordinates<br />

<strong>and</strong> participates in analysis, planning <strong>and</strong> production of civil<br />

affairs related products <strong>and</strong> actions supporting functional specialty<br />

missions <strong>and</strong> research.<br />

(4) MOSC 38A4O. Trains <strong>and</strong> maintains proficiency in all major<br />

duties. Performs all duties of preceding skill level. Supervises research,<br />

analysis <strong>and</strong> conduct of civil a related missions.<br />

(5) MOSC 38A5O. Trains <strong>and</strong> maintains proficiency in all major<br />

duties. Performs all duties of preceding skill level. Supervises activities<br />

in support of planning, research, analysis <strong>and</strong> conduct of all<br />

functional area civil affairs mission.<br />

b. Physical dem<strong>and</strong>s rating <strong>and</strong> qualification for initial award of<br />

M O S . C i v i l a f f a i r s s p e c i a l i s t m u s t p o s s e s s t h e f o l l o w i n g<br />

qualifications:<br />

(1) A physical dem<strong>and</strong>s rating of medium.<br />

(2) A physical profile of 222221.<br />

(3) A minimum score of 100 in aptitude area ST.<br />

(4) A security clearance of SECRET.<br />

(5) A high school graduate or equivalent.<br />

(6) No information in Provost Marshall, intelligence, MPRJ or<br />

medical records which would prevent the granting of a security<br />

clearance under the provisions of AR 204-5.<br />

(7) No records of conviction by a court materiel.<br />

(8) No record of conviction by a civil court for any offense other<br />

than minor traffic violations.<br />

(9) Formal training (completion of MOS 38A conducted under<br />

the auspices of the JFK Warfare Center <strong>and</strong> School) m<strong>and</strong>atory.<br />

c. Additional skill identifiers.<br />

(1) P5—Master Fitness Trainer.<br />

(2) 2S—Battle Staff Operations (skill level 3 <strong>and</strong> above).<br />

(3) 4A—Reclassification Training.<br />

d. Physical requirements <strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ards of grade. Physical requirements<br />

<strong>and</strong> SG relating to each skill level are listed in the<br />

following tables:<br />

(1) Table 10-38A-1. Physical requirements.<br />

(2) Table 10-38A-2. St<strong>and</strong>ards of grade TOE/MTOE.<br />

(3) Table 10-38A-3. St<strong>and</strong>ards of grade TDA N/A.<br />

10–124. 39B—Automatic Test Equipment Operator <strong>and</strong><br />

Maintainer (ATE Opr/Maint), CMF 35<br />

a . M a j o r d u t i e s . T h e a u t o m a t i c t e s t e q u i p m e n t o p e r a t o r a n d<br />

maintainer operates, maintains, <strong>and</strong> supervises unit <strong>and</strong> direct <strong>and</strong><br />

g e n e r a l s u p p o r t ( D S / G S ) l e v e l m a i n t e n a n c e o n A u t o m a t i c T e s t<br />

Equipment (ATE) consisting of electronic equipment test <strong>and</strong> repair<br />

facilities. Duties for MOS 39B at each level of skill are:<br />

(1) MOSC 39B1O. Operates <strong>and</strong> performs unit level maintenance<br />

on ATE <strong>and</strong> repairs electronic equipment, printed circuit boards, <strong>and</strong><br />

m o d u l e s . P r e p a r e s a p p r o p r i a t e m a i n t e n a n c e f o r m s a n d r e c o r d s .<br />

Troubleshoots automatic test equipment to determined cause of malfunction<br />

at unit level maintenance. Repairs ATE <strong>and</strong> subassemblies<br />

by adjusting, aligning, repairing <strong>and</strong>/or replacing defective components<br />

at unit level maintenance. Tests repaired ATE system to ensure<br />

compliance with technical specifications.<br />

(2) MOSC 39B2O. Performs DS/GS level maintenance on electronic<br />

test facility. Troubleshoots ATE at DS/GS maintenance level<br />

290 DA PAM 611–21 • 31 March 1999<br />

<strong>and</strong> repairs ATE at DS maintenance level. Provides technical <strong>and</strong><br />

procedural assistance to less experienced personnel. Requests <strong>and</strong><br />

maintains authorized bench stock of repair parts, supplies <strong>and</strong> technical<br />

publications.<br />

(3) MOSC 39B3O. Supervises operation <strong>and</strong> maintenance on the<br />

electronic test <strong>and</strong> repair facility. Prepares, reviews, <strong>and</strong> consolidates<br />

technical <strong>and</strong> administrative reports <strong>and</strong> requests to include<br />

maintaining files <strong>and</strong> records. Prepares or updates St<strong>and</strong>ing Operating<br />

Procedures (SOP), site defense, <strong>and</strong> evacuation plans. Assigns<br />

specific duties to subordinate personnel <strong>and</strong> establishes workload,<br />

work schedule <strong>and</strong> repair priorities. Performs <strong>and</strong> supervises quality<br />

control inspections, establishes <strong>and</strong> monitors on the job training<br />

(OJT) programs. Provides technical information <strong>and</strong> instructions to<br />

subordinates <strong>and</strong> supported units. Advises supervisors on operational<br />

<strong>and</strong> maintenance matters.<br />

b. Physical dem<strong>and</strong>s rating <strong>and</strong> qualifications for initial award of<br />

MOS. Automatic test equipment operator <strong>and</strong> maintainer must possess<br />

the following qualifications:<br />

(1) A physical dem<strong>and</strong>s rating of heavy.<br />

(2) A physical profile of 111221.<br />

(3) Must meet the following vision requirements:<br />

(a) Far vision: Snellen Chart correctable to 20/40.<br />

(b) Near vision: Jaeger equivalent 1 or 0.50 mm letters at 14<br />

inches.<br />

(c) Depth perception: normal binocular vision for fine close work<br />

as determined by the Armed Forces Vision Tester.<br />

(d) Normal color vision.<br />

(4) Minimum score of 110 in aptitude area EL.<br />

(5) A security clearance of SECRET.<br />

(6) A U.S citizen.<br />

(7) Formal training (completion of MOS 39B Course conducted<br />

under the auspices of the U.S. <strong>Army</strong> Ordnance Missile <strong>and</strong> Munitions<br />

School) m<strong>and</strong>atory; or waiver may be granted by Comm<strong>and</strong>ant,<br />

USAOMMCS, Redstone Arsenal, AL 35897-6090.<br />

c. Additional skill identifiers.<br />

(1) P5—Master Fitness Trainer.<br />

(2) X1—AH&-64 Maintenance.<br />

(3) 2S—Battle Staff Operations (skill level 3 only).<br />

(4) 4A—Reclassification Training.<br />

d. Physical requirements <strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ards of grade. Physical requirements<br />

<strong>and</strong> SG relating to each skill level are listed in the<br />

following tables:<br />

(1) Table 2-39B-1. Physical requirements.<br />

(2) Table 2-39B-2. St<strong>and</strong>ards of grade TOE/MTOE.<br />

(3) Table 2-39B-3. St<strong>and</strong>ards of grade TDA.<br />

10–125. 42E—Optical Laboratory Specialist (Optical Lab<br />

Sp), CMF 91<br />

a. Major duties. The optical laboratory specialist assembles spectacles<br />

utilizing presurfaced single-vision lens; surfaces multivision<br />

lens <strong>and</strong> assembles multivision spectacles; repairs <strong>and</strong> fabricates<br />

spectacles <strong>and</strong> supervises optical laboratory personnel. Duties for<br />

MOS 42E at each skill level are:<br />

(1) MOSC 42E1O. Surfaces lens blanks, fabricates, repairs, <strong>and</strong><br />

assembles prescription spectacles. Maintains tools <strong>and</strong> equipment.<br />

(2) MOSC 42E2O. Performs duties shown in the preceding skill<br />

level <strong>and</strong> provides technical guidance to subordinates. Performs<br />

prescription related administration.<br />

(3) MOSC 42E3O. Provides technical guidance, inspects completed<br />

spectacles, <strong>and</strong> insures quality control st<strong>and</strong>ards. Develops<br />

stock levels, requisitions, stores, <strong>and</strong> maintains optical supplies <strong>and</strong><br />

equipment. Prepares <strong>and</strong> conducts training programs <strong>and</strong> instructs<br />

on preventive maintenance <strong>and</strong> safety procedures.<br />

( 4 ) M O S C 4 2 E 4 O . D e t e r m i n e s p e r s o n n e l r e q u i r e m e n t s , e s -<br />

tablishes priorities <strong>and</strong> organizes work schedules. Plans layout of<br />

work areas. Prepares <strong>and</strong> conducts training programs. Inspects to<br />

ensure a safe, clean <strong>and</strong> orderly working environment. Supervises<br />

quality control procedures. Drafts <strong>and</strong> prepares budget estimates <strong>and</strong><br />

m o n i t o r s r e c o r d s o f c o s t d a t a a n d e x p e n d i t u r e s . P e r f o r m s s t a f f ,<br />

budget <strong>and</strong> advisory duties. Prepares other technical, administrative,

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