Military Occupational Classification and Structure - U.S. Army

Military Occupational Classification and Structure - U.S. Army Military Occupational Classification and Structure - U.S. Army
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soldiers in the accomplishment of their duties. Provides technical assistance to supported units. Installs equipment modifications. (3) MOSC 27T3O. Performs duties in preceding skill levels, supervises lower rank soldiers and provides technical guidance to the soldiers in the accomplishment of their duties. Establishes workload and repair priorities. Recommends procedures for receipt, storage, inspection, testing and repair of the AVENGER system and its components. Implements quality control measures. Maintains maintenance records and prepares maintenance reports. (4) MOSC 27T4O. Perform duties in preceding skill levels, supervises lower rank soldiers and provides technical guidance to the soldiers in the accomplishment of their duties. Supervises and coordinates unit level, direct support and general support maintenance o n A V E N G E R s y s t e m s , a s s o c i a t e d t r a i n e r s , t e s t e q u i p m e n t a n d power generation equipment. Supervises calibration of electronic equipment associated with the AVENGER system. Performs inspections of system maintenance. Ensures quality control measures are implemented. b. Physical demands rating and qualifications for initial award of M O S . A V E N G E R c r e w m e m b e r s m u s t p o s s e s s t h e f o l l o w i n g qualifications: (1) A physical demands rating of very heavy. (2) A physical profile of 222221. (3) Normal color vision. (4) A minimum score of 100 in aptitude area EL. (5) A security clearance of CONFIDENTIAL. (6) A U.S. citizen. (7) Mandatory formal training (or waiver granted by Command a n t , U . S . A r m y O r d n a n c e M i s s i l e a n d M u n i t i o n s C e n t e r a n d School, Redstone Arsenal, AL 35897-6000). c. Additional skill identifiers. (1) P5—Master Fitness Trainer. (2) 2S—Battle Staff Operations (skill level 3 and above). (3) 4A—Reclassification Training. d. Physical requirements and standards of grade. Physical requirements and SG relating to each skill level are listed in the following tables: (1) Table 10-27T-1. Physical requirements. (2) Table 10-27T-2. Standards of grade TOE/MTOE. (3) Table 10-27T-3. Standards of grade TDA. 10–95. 27X—PATRIOT System Repairer (PATRIOT Sys Rep), CMF 35 a. Major duties. The PATRIOT system repairer performs or supervises direct and general support (DS/GS) level maintenance on the PATRIOT missile system, associated equipment and trainers. Duties for MOS 27X at each level of skill are: (1) MOSC 27X2O. Performs DS/GS level maintenance on the PATRIOT Information and Coordination Central (ICC), Engagement Control Station (ECS), Radar Set (RS), Antenna Mast Group (AMG), Launching Station (LS) and Communications Relay Group (CRG). Performs tests and adjusts components to specific tolerances and determines shortcomings and malfunctions in electronic assemblies, subassemblies, modules and circuit elements with common and system peculiar test equipment. Isolates malfunctions using automatic and semi-automatic program maintenance diagnostic software, unit self test and built in test equipment (BITE). Develops specialized computer software tests to evaluate suspected faults. I s o l a t e s s y s t e m i n t e r f a c e m a l f u n c t i o n s . D e t e r m i n e s s e r v i c e a b i l i t y and disposition of defective assemblies, subassemblies, modules and c i r c u i t e l e m e n t s . R e p a i r s u n s e r v i c e a b l e i t e m s b y r e m o v i n g a n d replacing defective components. Operates and performs unit level maintenance on standard and system peculiar test equipment. Performs quality control measures and serves on maintenance and inspection teams. Completes maintenance and supply forms. Provides technical assistance to supported units. (2) MOSC 27X3O. Performs duties shown in preceding level of skill and provides technical guidance to lower grade personnel in the performance of their duties. Performs initial, in process and final type inspections of designated system items and their assemblies, DA PAM 611–21 • 31 March 1999 subassemblies, modules and circuit elements. Performs as maintenance technical inspector. (3) MOSC 27X4O. Performs and supervises duties performed at preceding levels of skill. Implements quality control measures, determines faulty work practices and demonstrates proper maintenance and troubleshooting techniques. Establishes workloads and repair priorities. Establishes and maintains maintenance records. Supervises maintenance and inspection teams. Instructs lower ranking personnel in the technical aspects of the PATRIOT system. Prepares maintenance and supply forms. (4) MOSC 27X5O. Performs and supervises duties performed at preceding levels of skill. Recommends procedures for receipt, storage, inspection, testing and repair of items. Organizes maintenance teams. Prepares maintenance reports. b. Physical demands rating and qualifications for initial award of M O S . P A T R I O T s y s t e m r e p a i r e r m u s t p o s s e s s t h e f o l l o w i n g qualifications: (1) Physical demands rating—not applicable. (2) A physical profile of 222221. (3) Normal color vision. (4) A minimum score of 110 in aptitude area EL. (5) A security clearance of SECRET. (6) A U.S. citizen. (7) Qualified in MOS 24H, 24K, 27G, 27H, 27K, 35C, 35E, 35H, 35J, or 35Y in grades SGT or SSG. (8) Formal training (completion of MOS 27X Course conducted under the auspices of the U.S. Army Ordnance Missile and Munitions School) mandatory; or waiver may be granted by the Commandant USAOMMCS, Redstone Arsenal, AL 35897-6000. c. Additional skill identifiers. (1) P5—Master Fitness Trainer. (2) 2S—Battle Staff Operations (skill level 3 and above). (3) 4A—Reclassification Training. (4) 8A—Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) Repairer. d. Physical requirements and standards of grade. Physical requirements and SG relating to each skill level are listed in the following tables: (1) Table 10-27X-1. Physical requirements. (2) Table 10-27X-2. Standards of grade TOE/MTOE. (3) Table 10-27X-3. Standards of grade TDA. 10–96. 27Z—Missile Systems Maintenance Chief (Msl Sys Mnt Ch), CMF 35 a. Major duties. The missile systems maintenance chief supervises, plans and coordinates overall maintenance of the AVENGER, A T A C M S , B F V S , C H A P A R R A L , D R A G O N , H A W K , L C S S , MLRS, TOW, and VULCAN weapon systems and associated subsystems. Duties for MOS 27Z are: supervises, inspects and evaluates activities of subordinate units or sections engaged in missile systems m a i n t e n a n c e a n d a s s o c i a t e d s u p p l y a c t i v i t i e s . S e r v e s a s m i s s i l e maintenance control sergeant in maintenance control or operations element of a company, detachment, or comparable organization engaged in missile maintenance. Assists in development and supervises quality assurance and quality control programs. Senior NCO in logistical support activities and material acquisition process to include senior career management NCO or senior career advisor. Serves as chief advisor to a reserve component and foreign military units and as chief instructor in major service schools. b. Physical demands rating and qualifications for initial award of MOS. The missile systems maintenance chief must possess the following qualifications: (1) Physical demands rating—N/A. (2) A physical profile of 223221. (3) Normal color vision. (4) Minimum aptitude area score—N/A. (5) A security clearance of SECRET. (6) A U.S. citizen. c. Additional skill identifiers. (1) P5—Master Fitness Trainer. (2) 2S—Battle Staff Operations (skill level 3 and above). (3) 4A—Reclassification Training. 275

d. Physical requirements and standards of grade. Physical requirements and SG relating to each skill level are listed in the following tables: (1) Table 10-27Z-1. Physical requirements. (2) Table 10-27Z-2. Standards of grade TOE/MTOE. (3) Table 10-27Z-3. Standards of grade TDA. 10–97. 31C—Radio Operator - Maintainer (Rdo Opr-Mnt), CMF 31 a. Major duties. Radio operator-maintainers supervise, install, ope r a t e , a n d p e r f o r m p r e v e n t i v e m a i n t e n a n c e c h e c k s a n d s e r v i c e s (PMCS) and unit level maintenance on assigned amplitude modulation (AM) radios, Enhanced Position Locating and Reporting System (EPLRS) net control stations, radio teletypewriter assemblages, and Army Special Operations communications systems, to include COMSEC devices and associated equipment. Operates manual or automated communications systems. Operates and performs PMCS on assigned vehicles and power generators. Duties for MOS 31C at each level of skill are: (1) MOSC 31C1O. Installs, operates, and performs PMCS and unit level maintenance on single channel radio, radio teletypewriter, Army Special Operations communications equipment, and EPLRS net control stations, and associated equipment. Installs, operates, performs strapping, restrapping, PMCS and unit level maintenance on COMSEC devices. Prepares and transmits messages in format. Receives, records, and processes messages to addressees or distribution sections. Operates and performs PMCS on assigned vehicles. I n s t a l l s , o p e r a t e s , a n d p e r f o r m s P M C S o n a s s i g n e d p o w e r generators. (2) MOSC 31C2O. Supervises, and performs as a team member, in the operation of single channel AM radio, radio teletypewriter, Army Special Operations communications equipment, or EPLRS net control station assemblages. Supervises and performs authorized maintenance on assigned equipment. Directs the installation of radios and antennas. Controls and uses Signal Operating Instructions (SOI). Implements COMSEC, OPSEC, and physical security policies and procedures. Recognizes electronic countermeasures (ECM) and implements electronic counter-countermeasures (ECCM). ( 3 ) M O S C 3 1 C 3 O . S u p e r v i s e s t h e i n s t a l l a t i o n , o p e r a t i o n a n d maintenance of high frequency (HF) radios. Prepares work schedules and allocates equipment for net operations or special missions. Advises superiors on capabilities and limitations of HF radio equipment. Writes or interprets operations orders and prepares standing operating procedures (SOP) for HF operations. Ensures compliance with security regulations governing HF radio, COMSEC, and automated data processing (ADP) equipment used with HF equipment. Coordinates logistical support for subordinate teams. Establishes training programs for subordinate personnel. b. Physical demands rating and qualifications for initial award of M O S . R a d i o o p e r a t o r - m a i n t a i n e r m u s t p o s s e s s t h e f o l l o w i n g qualifications: (1) A physical demands rating of very heavy. (2) A physical profile of 111221. (3) A minimum scores of 100 in aptitude area SC and 100 in aptitude area EL. (4) A security clearance of SECRET. (5) Ability to clearly enunciate English. (6) A U.S. citizen. (7) The ability to type 25 WPM. (8) Formal training (completion of MOS 31C Course conducted under the auspices of the USA Signal School) mandatory or waiver may be granted by Commandant, U.S. Army Signal School, ATTN: ATZH-POE, Ft Gordon, GA 30905-5300; or meet the civilian acquired skills criteria listed in AR 601-210. c. Additional skill identifiers. (1) D9—Battlefield Spectrum Management (skill level 3 only). (2) J7—WHCA Console Control Operations. (3) P5—Master Fitness Trainer. ( 4 ) T 1 — E n h a n c e d P o s i t i o n L o c a t i o n a n d R e p o r t i n g S y s t e m 276 DA PAM 611–21 • 31 March 1999 (EPLRS) Net Control Station (NCS) and Enhanced Ground Reference Unit (EGRU) Operator. (5) 2S—Battle Staff Operations (skill level 3 and above only). (6) 4A—Reclassification Training. d. Physical requirements and standards of grade. Physical requirements and SG relating to each skilllevel are listed in the following tables: (1) Table 10-31C-1. Physical requirements. (2) Table 10-31C-2. Standards of grade TOE/MTOE. (3) Table 10-31C-3. Standards of grade TDA. 10–98. 31F—Network Switching Systems Operator- Maintainer (Net Sw Sys Opr-Mnt), CMF 31 a. Major duties. The network switching systems operator-maintainer supervises, installs, operates, and performs systems mainten a n c e o n l a r g e a n d s m a l l e l e c t r o n i c s w i t c h e s ; s y s t e m c o n t r o l centers; node management facilities; associated multiplexing and combat net radio interface (CNRI) equipment; short range line of sight radio systems; communications security (COMSEC) devices; and other equipment associated with network switching operations. Duties for MOS 31F at each skill level are: (1) MOSC 31F1O. Installs, initializes, operates, and performs unit level and direct support maintenance on electronic switching a s s e m b l a g e s , s y s t e m s , a n d a n c i l l a r y c o m m u n i c a t i o n s e q u i p m e n t . Uses computers to perform system/network operations. Interprets BIT/BITE and error codes to correct system faults. Installs, operates, performs strapping, restrapping, PMCS, and unit level mainten a n c e o n C O M S E C d e v i c e s . O p e r a t e s a n d p e r f o r m s p r e v e n t i v e maintenance checks and services (PMCS) on assigned vehicles. Installs, operates, and performs PMCS on power generators. ( 2 ) M O S C 3 1 F 2 O . S u p e r v i s e s , a n d p e r f o r m s a s s e n i o r t e a m member, in the installation, operation, employment, and direct support systems maintenance of large and small electronic switches and associated equipment. Performs and assists subordinate operators in the conduct of switching and COMSEC operations, Combat Net Radio Interface (CNRI) procedures, and associated computer related technical tasks. Interprets orders and compiles system statistics for the Shift or Node. Requests logistical support for switching teams or shifts. Implements network control center generated changes to support operational requirements. Assists in the conduct of preventive maintenance checks and services (PMCS) procedures on assigned vehicles and power generators. (3) MOSC 31F3O. Supervises and performs complex and multifaceted switching operations functions. Supervises the installation, operation, deployment, provisioning, and maintenance of electronic switching assemblages or systems. Disseminates network orders, compiles operational statistics and reports, and processes requests for logistic support. Coordinates, integrates, and controls the operation of large and small electronic node switches with associated transmission systems and local network subscribers. Performs systems control center operations for the planning, configuration, and employment of switching equipment. Ensures contingency operations plans and routing subsystems are correctly maintained in the database to reflect current operational scenario. Troubleshoots complex system faults and supervises or corrects failures to meet system availability and reliability standards. Interprets operations orders affecting switching operations. Conducts switching technical, operat i o n a l , a n d m a i n t e n a n c e t r a i n i n g o f s u b o r d i n a t e s . S u b m i t s consolidated logistic and system status reports. b. Physical demands rating and qualifications for initial award of MOS. Network switching systems operator-maintainer must possess the following qualifications: (1) A physical demands rating of heavy. (2) A physical profile of 212221. (3) Normal color vision. (4) A minimum score of 105 in aptitude area EL and 105 in aptitude area SC. (5) Ability to read, comprehend, and clearly enunciate English. (6) Ability to work for extended periods in a confined area. (7) A security clearance of SECRET.

d. Physical requirements <strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ards of grade. Physical requirements<br />

<strong>and</strong> SG relating to each skill level are listed in the<br />

following tables:<br />

(1) Table 10-27Z-1. Physical requirements.<br />

(2) Table 10-27Z-2. St<strong>and</strong>ards of grade TOE/MTOE.<br />

(3) Table 10-27Z-3. St<strong>and</strong>ards of grade TDA.<br />

10–97. 31C—Radio Operator - Maintainer (Rdo Opr-Mnt),<br />

CMF 31<br />

a. Major duties. Radio operator-maintainers supervise, install, ope<br />

r a t e , a n d p e r f o r m p r e v e n t i v e m a i n t e n a n c e c h e c k s a n d s e r v i c e s<br />

(PMCS) <strong>and</strong> unit level maintenance on assigned amplitude modulation<br />

(AM) radios, Enhanced Position Locating <strong>and</strong> Reporting System<br />

(EPLRS) net control stations, radio teletypewriter assemblages,<br />

<strong>and</strong> <strong>Army</strong> Special Operations communications systems, to include<br />

COMSEC devices <strong>and</strong> associated equipment. Operates manual or<br />

automated communications systems. Operates <strong>and</strong> performs PMCS<br />

on assigned vehicles <strong>and</strong> power generators. Duties for MOS 31C at<br />

each level of skill are:<br />

(1) MOSC 31C1O. Installs, operates, <strong>and</strong> performs PMCS <strong>and</strong><br />

unit level maintenance on single channel radio, radio teletypewriter,<br />

<strong>Army</strong> Special Operations communications equipment, <strong>and</strong> EPLRS<br />

net control stations, <strong>and</strong> associated equipment. Installs, operates,<br />

performs strapping, restrapping, PMCS <strong>and</strong> unit level maintenance<br />

on COMSEC devices. Prepares <strong>and</strong> transmits messages in format.<br />

Receives, records, <strong>and</strong> processes messages to addressees or distribution<br />

sections. Operates <strong>and</strong> performs PMCS on assigned vehicles.<br />

I n s t a l l s , o p e r a t e s , a n d p e r f o r m s P M C S o n a s s i g n e d p o w e r<br />

generators.<br />

(2) MOSC 31C2O. Supervises, <strong>and</strong> performs as a team member,<br />

in the operation of single channel AM radio, radio teletypewriter,<br />

<strong>Army</strong> Special Operations communications equipment, or EPLRS net<br />

control station assemblages. Supervises <strong>and</strong> performs authorized<br />

maintenance on assigned equipment. Directs the installation of radios<br />

<strong>and</strong> antennas. Controls <strong>and</strong> uses Signal Operating Instructions<br />

(SOI). Implements COMSEC, OPSEC, <strong>and</strong> physical security policies<br />

<strong>and</strong> procedures. Recognizes electronic countermeasures (ECM)<br />

<strong>and</strong> implements electronic counter-countermeasures (ECCM).<br />

( 3 ) M O S C 3 1 C 3 O . S u p e r v i s e s t h e i n s t a l l a t i o n , o p e r a t i o n a n d<br />

maintenance of high frequency (HF) radios. Prepares work schedules<br />

<strong>and</strong> allocates equipment for net operations or special missions.<br />

Advises superiors on capabilities <strong>and</strong> limitations of HF radio equipment.<br />

Writes or interprets operations orders <strong>and</strong> prepares st<strong>and</strong>ing<br />

operating procedures (SOP) for HF operations. Ensures compliance<br />

with security regulations governing HF radio, COMSEC, <strong>and</strong> automated<br />

data processing (ADP) equipment used with HF equipment.<br />

Coordinates logistical support for subordinate teams. Establishes<br />

training programs for subordinate personnel.<br />

b. Physical dem<strong>and</strong>s rating <strong>and</strong> qualifications for initial award of<br />

M O S . R a d i o o p e r a t o r - m a i n t a i n e r m u s t p o s s e s s t h e f o l l o w i n g<br />

qualifications:<br />

(1) A physical dem<strong>and</strong>s rating of very heavy.<br />

(2) A physical profile of 111221.<br />

(3) A minimum scores of 100 in aptitude area SC <strong>and</strong> 100 in<br />

aptitude area EL.<br />

(4) A security clearance of SECRET.<br />

(5) Ability to clearly enunciate English.<br />

(6) A U.S. citizen.<br />

(7) The ability to type 25 WPM.<br />

(8) Formal training (completion of MOS 31C Course conducted<br />

under the auspices of the USA Signal School) m<strong>and</strong>atory or waiver<br />

may be granted by Comm<strong>and</strong>ant, U.S. <strong>Army</strong> Signal School, ATTN:<br />

ATZH-POE, Ft Gordon, GA 30905-5300; or meet the civilian acquired<br />

skills criteria listed in AR 601-210.<br />

c. Additional skill identifiers.<br />

(1) D9—Battlefield Spectrum Management (skill level 3 only).<br />

(2) J7—WHCA Console Control Operations.<br />

(3) P5—Master Fitness Trainer.<br />

( 4 ) T 1 — E n h a n c e d P o s i t i o n L o c a t i o n a n d R e p o r t i n g S y s t e m<br />

276 DA PAM 611–21 • 31 March 1999<br />

(EPLRS) Net Control Station (NCS) <strong>and</strong> Enhanced Ground Reference<br />

Unit (EGRU) Operator.<br />

(5) 2S—Battle Staff Operations (skill level 3 <strong>and</strong> above only).<br />

(6) 4A—Reclassification Training.<br />

d. Physical requirements <strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ards of grade. Physical requirements<br />

<strong>and</strong> SG relating to each skilllevel are listed in the following<br />

tables:<br />

(1) Table 10-31C-1. Physical requirements.<br />

(2) Table 10-31C-2. St<strong>and</strong>ards of grade TOE/MTOE.<br />

(3) Table 10-31C-3. St<strong>and</strong>ards of grade TDA.<br />

10–98. 31F—Network Switching Systems Operator-<br />

Maintainer (Net Sw Sys Opr-Mnt), CMF 31<br />

a. Major duties. The network switching systems operator-maintainer<br />

supervises, installs, operates, <strong>and</strong> performs systems mainten<br />

a n c e o n l a r g e a n d s m a l l e l e c t r o n i c s w i t c h e s ; s y s t e m c o n t r o l<br />

centers; node management facilities; associated multiplexing <strong>and</strong><br />

combat net radio interface (CNRI) equipment; short range line of<br />

sight radio systems; communications security (COMSEC) devices;<br />

<strong>and</strong> other equipment associated with network switching operations.<br />

Duties for MOS 31F at each skill level are:<br />

(1) MOSC 31F1O. Installs, initializes, operates, <strong>and</strong> performs<br />

unit level <strong>and</strong> direct support maintenance on electronic switching<br />

a s s e m b l a g e s , s y s t e m s , a n d a n c i l l a r y c o m m u n i c a t i o n s e q u i p m e n t .<br />

Uses computers to perform system/network operations. Interprets<br />

BIT/BITE <strong>and</strong> error codes to correct system faults. Installs, operates,<br />

performs strapping, restrapping, PMCS, <strong>and</strong> unit level mainten<br />

a n c e o n C O M S E C d e v i c e s . O p e r a t e s a n d p e r f o r m s p r e v e n t i v e<br />

maintenance checks <strong>and</strong> services (PMCS) on assigned vehicles. Installs,<br />

operates, <strong>and</strong> performs PMCS on power generators.<br />

( 2 ) M O S C 3 1 F 2 O . S u p e r v i s e s , a n d p e r f o r m s a s s e n i o r t e a m<br />

member, in the installation, operation, employment, <strong>and</strong> direct support<br />

systems maintenance of large <strong>and</strong> small electronic switches <strong>and</strong><br />

associated equipment. Performs <strong>and</strong> assists subordinate operators in<br />

the conduct of switching <strong>and</strong> COMSEC operations, Combat Net<br />

Radio Interface (CNRI) procedures, <strong>and</strong> associated computer related<br />

technical tasks. Interprets orders <strong>and</strong> compiles system statistics for<br />

the Shift or Node. Requests logistical support for switching teams or<br />

shifts. Implements network control center generated changes to support<br />

operational requirements. Assists in the conduct of preventive<br />

maintenance checks <strong>and</strong> services (PMCS) procedures on assigned<br />

vehicles <strong>and</strong> power generators.<br />

(3) MOSC 31F3O. Supervises <strong>and</strong> performs complex <strong>and</strong> multifaceted<br />

switching operations functions. Supervises the installation,<br />

operation, deployment, provisioning, <strong>and</strong> maintenance of electronic<br />

switching assemblages or systems. Disseminates network orders,<br />

compiles operational statistics <strong>and</strong> reports, <strong>and</strong> processes requests<br />

for logistic support. Coordinates, integrates, <strong>and</strong> controls the operation<br />

of large <strong>and</strong> small electronic node switches with associated<br />

transmission systems <strong>and</strong> local network subscribers. Performs systems<br />

control center operations for the planning, configuration, <strong>and</strong><br />

employment of switching equipment. Ensures contingency operations<br />

plans <strong>and</strong> routing subsystems are correctly maintained in the<br />

database to reflect current operational scenario. Troubleshoots complex<br />

system faults <strong>and</strong> supervises or corrects failures to meet system<br />

availability <strong>and</strong> reliability st<strong>and</strong>ards. Interprets operations orders affecting<br />

switching operations. Conducts switching technical, operat<br />

i o n a l , a n d m a i n t e n a n c e t r a i n i n g o f s u b o r d i n a t e s . S u b m i t s<br />

consolidated logistic <strong>and</strong> system status reports.<br />

b. Physical dem<strong>and</strong>s rating <strong>and</strong> qualifications for initial award of<br />

MOS. Network switching systems operator-maintainer must possess<br />

the following qualifications:<br />

(1) A physical dem<strong>and</strong>s rating of heavy.<br />

(2) A physical profile of 212221.<br />

(3) Normal color vision.<br />

(4) A minimum score of 105 in aptitude area EL <strong>and</strong> 105 in<br />

aptitude area SC.<br />

(5) Ability to read, comprehend, <strong>and</strong> clearly enunciate English.<br />

(6) Ability to work for extended periods in a confined area.<br />

(7) A security clearance of SECRET.

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