Military Occupational Classification and Structure - U.S. Army

Military Occupational Classification and Structure - U.S. Army Military Occupational Classification and Structure - U.S. Army
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10–82. 24T—PATRIOT Operator and System Mechanic (PATRIOT Op/Sys Mech), CMF 23 (Rescinded.) 10–83. 25L—AN/TSQ-73 Air Defense Artillery Command and Control System Operator/Maintainer (AN/TSQ-73 Op/ Maint), CMF 23 (Rescinded.) 10–84. 25M—Multimedia Illustrator, CMF 25 a. Major duties. Supervises, plans, or operates manual, mechanical, and electronic multimedia imaging equipment to integrate armament delivery recordings and various visual information products to report combat and noncombat Army, Joint, and Combined operations; creates illustrations, layouts, map overlays, posters, graphs, and charts, in support of battlefield operations, psychological operat i o n s , m i l i t a r y i n t e l l i g e n c e , m e d i c a l , p u b l i c a f f a i r s , a n d t r a i n i n g functions; performs unit level maintenance on assigned equipment and PMCS on assigned vehicles and generators. Duties for MOS 25M at each skill level are: (1) MOSC 25M1O. Operates assigned equipment to combine various visual media to create visual information presentation; prepares graphic products using manual, mechanical, and electronic equipment; performs unit level maintenance on assigned equipment and PMCS on assigned vehicles and generators. (2) MOSC 25M2O. Directs the manipulation and enhancement of images; determines media, style, design and technical requirements for subordinates to create, sequence, and develop visual information presentation products; determines and develops sequence and manner of presentation of products. (3) MOSC 25M3O. Supervises personnel and plans operational workload and priority for creating, manipulating, and integrating visual informationproducts. b. Physical demands rating and qualifications for initial award of M O S . T h e M u l t i m e d i a I l l u s t r a t o r m u s t p o s s e s s t h e f o l l o w i n g qualifications: (1) A physical demands rating of moderately heavy. (2) A physical profile of 222221. (3) Normal color vision. (4) A minimum score of 95 in aptitude area ST and EL. (5) High school graduate or equivalent. (6) Mandatory formal training (completion of MOS 25M Course approved by the USA Signal School). Waiver may be granted by Commandant, USASC & FG, Ft Gordon, GA 30905-5300. c. Additional skill identifiers. (1) P5—Master Fitness Trainer. (2) 4A—Reclassification Training. d. Physical requirements and standards of grade. Physical requirements and SG relating to each skill level are listed in the following tables: (1) Table 10-25M-1. Physical requirements. (2) Table 10-25M-2. Standards of grade TOE/MTOE. (3) Table 10-25M-3. Standards of grade TDA. 10–85. 25R—Visual Information Equipment Operator- Maintainer (VI Equip Op-Maint), CMF 25 a. Major duties. Installs, operates, maintains and performs unit and higher levels of maintenance on visual information equipment and systems, to include Video Teleconferencing VI equipment, in support of Army, Joint, and Combined operations; maintains forms, records, PLL, special tools and test equipment; performs PMCS on assigned vehicles and generators. Duties for MOS 25R at each skill level are: (1) MOSC 25R1O. Operates and performs unit and higher levels of maintenance on television receivers/monitors and cameras; studio accessories consisting of computer controlled video switchers and audio mixers/consoles, synchronous generators, distribution equipment, and amplifying equipment; motion/still photo imaging equipment; closed circuit systems; visual imagery satellite, microwave, RF transmission and cable distribution systems associated with VI DA PAM 611–21 • 31 March 1999 o p e r a t i o n s ; o p e r a t e s a n d m a i n t a i n s V I e q u i p m e n t i n a V i d e o Teleconferencing facility; operates and performs PMCS on assigned vehicles and power generators. (2) MOSC 25R2O. Provides technical guidance on complex operations and maintenance tasks; adjusts and maintains TV equipment to prescribed standards; ensures that proper techniques and procedures to diagnose malfunctions of VI and associated equipment are employed; supervises receipt, storage, and issue of VI supplies. (3) MOSC 25R3O. Prepares work schedules and assigns tasks based on requirements; plans technical aspects to satisfy on-air maintenance requirements; develops and advises Commanders on TV broadcasting and VI production engineering requirements; establishes and applies quality control measures in TV broadcasting and VI productions; serves as team leader on VI/Audio equipment repair teams. b. Physical demands rating and qualifications for initial award of MOS. The visual information equipment operator-maintainer must possess thefollowing qualifications: (1) A physical demands rating of moderately heavy. (2) A physical profile of 212221. (3) Normal color vision. (4) A minimum score of 110 in aptitude area EL. (5) High school graduate or equivalent. (6) Successful completion of one year of high school algebra and general science. (7) Mandatory formal training (completion of MOS 25R Course approved by the USA Signal School). Waiver may be granted by Commandant, USASC& FG, Ft Gordon, GA 30905-5300. c. Additional skill identifiers. (1) P5—Master Fitness Trainer. (2) 4A—Reclassification Training. d. Physical requirements and standards of grade. Physical requirements and SG relating to each skill level are listed in the following tables: (1) Table 10-25R-1. Physical requirements. (2) Table 10-25R-2. Standards of grade TOE/MTOE. (3) Table 10-25R-3. Standards of grade TDA. 10–86. 25V—Combat Documentation/Production Specialist (Cbt Doc/Produc Sp), CMF 25 a. Major duties. Supervises, plans, and operates electronic and film based still, video, and audio acquisition equipment to document combat and noncombat Army, Joint, and Combined operations; operates broadcast, collection, television production and distribution equipment; creates visual information products in support of combat documentation, psychological operations, military intelligence, medical, public affairs, training, and other functions; performs unit level maintenance on assigned equipment and PMCS on assigned vehicles and generators. Duties for MOS 25V at each skill level are: (1) MOSC 25V1O. Operates and performs unit level maintenance on motion, still, and studio television cameras; electronic and film based processing, editing, audio, and printing darkroom equipment; prepares captions for documentation images; operates and performs PMCS on assigned vehicles and power generators. (2) MOSC 25V2O. Supervises and provides technical guidance to subordinate documentation/production team members; monitors, operates, and performs unit level maintenance on master control systems; aligns and adjusts video cameras; prepares video reports for review by commanders and planning staff; operates and performs unit level maintenance on still video transmission systems. (3) MOSC 25V3O. Performs as team leader of combat camera documentation teams; determines documentation/production equipment and systems mission support requirements; coordinates and directs personnel and operational requirements to produce audiovisual, audio, and television productions in both fixed and tactical environments. b. Physical demands rating and qualifications for initial award of MOS. The Combat Documentation/Production Specialist must possess the following qualifications: (1) A physical demands rating of moderately heavy. (2) A physical profile of 111221. 271

(3) Normal color vision. ( 4 ) D e p t h p e r c e p t i o n : N o r m a l b i n o c u l a r v i s i o n f o r f i n e c l o s e work as determined by the Armed Forces Vision Tester. (5) A minimum score of 95 in aptitude area ST and EL. (6) High school graduate or equivalent. (7) Mandatory formal training (completion of MOS 25V Course approved by the USA Signal School). Waiver may be granted by Commandant, USASC & FG, Ft Gordon, GA 30905-5300. c. Additional skill identifiers. (1) P5—Master Fitness Trainer. (2) 4A—Reclassification Training. d. Physical requirements and standards of grade. Physical requirements and SG relating to each skill level are listed in the following tables: (1) Table 10-25V-1. Physical requirements. (2) Table 10-25V-2. Standards of grade TOE/MTOE. (3) Table 10-25V-3. Standards of grade TDA. 10–87. 25Z—Visual Information Operations Chief (VI Op Chief), CMF 25 a. Major duties. Plans, programs, and supervises personnel performing visual information support for Army, Joint, and Combined operations; manages documentation/production, multimedia illustration, television production and distribution, and VI equipment repair operations and facilities supporting combat documentation, psychological operations, military intelligence, public affairs, training, and special functions; supervises PMCS on assigned vehicles and power generators. Other major duties at the following skill levels are: (1) MOSC 25Z4O. Plans, supervises, and coordinates the operation, maintenance, and management of systems, facilities, and personnel engaged in visual information operations; supervises PMCS on assigned vehicles and power generators. (2) MOSC 25Z5O. Plans, develops, and implements visual information operational training, doctrine, and major command operat i o n s ; d i r e c t s v i s u a l i n f o r m a t i o n o p e r a t i o n s f o r l a r g e r s c a l e V I operations at Theater and Corps level. b. Physical demands rating and qualifications for initial award of MOS. The Visual Information Operations Chief must possess the following qualifications: (1) Physical demands rating—N/A. (2) A physical profile of 222221. (3) Normal color vision. (4) Minimum score in aptitude area—N/A. (5) Mandatory formal training (completion of CMF 25 Advanced NCO course approved by the USA Signal School). Waivers of this requirement may be granted by the Commandant, U.S. Army Signal Center, Fort Gordon, GA 30905-5300. c. Additional skill identifiers. (1) P5—Master Fitness Trainer. (2) 2S—Battle Staff Operations. (3) 4A—Reclassification Training. d. Physical requirements and standards of grade. Physical requirements and standards of grade relating to each skill level are listed in the following tables: (1) Table 10-25Z-1. Physical requirements. (2) Table 10-25Z-2. Standards of grade TOE/MTOE. (3) Table 10-25Z-3. Standards of grade TDA. 10–88. 27E—Land Combat Electronic Missile System Repairer, CMF 35 a . M a j o r d u t i e s . T h e l a n d c o m b a t e l e c t r o n i c m i s s i l e s y s t e m repairer supervises or performs direct and general support (DS/GS) level maintenance on the TOW and DRAGON missile systems and the Bradley Fighting Vehicle System (BFVS). Duties for MOS 27E at each level of skill are: (1) MOSC 27E1O. Performs quality control measures. Inspects, tests, adjusts components to specific tolerances. Determines shortc o m i n g s a n d m a l f u n c t i o n s i n e l e c t r o n i c , e l e c t r i c a l , m e c h a n i c a l , pneumatic, optical, and electromechanical assemblies, sub-assemblies, modules and circuit elements, with common and system special design test equipment. Repairs unserviceable items by removing and replacing defective components and parts. Repairs unserviceable optical and infrared components by aligning, adjusting, removing and replacing defective modules and assemblies. Determines serviceability and disposition of defective assemblies, sub-assemblies, and parts. Performs maintenance adjustments and repairs on jobrelated tools and equipment. Prepares maintenance and supply forms and reports. Serves on inspection and maintenance teams. (2) MOSC 27E2O. Performs and supervises duties in preceding skill level and provides technical guidance to lower grade personnel i n t h e a c c o m p l i s h m e n t 272 DA PAM 611–21 • 31 March 1999 o f t h e i r d u t i e s . P e r f o r m s q u a l i t y c o n t r o l measures. Installs equipment modifications and provides technical assistance to supported units. (3) MOSC 27E3O. Perform duties shown in preceding levels of skill. Establishes workloads and repair priorities; organizes work schedules, assigns duties, instructs subordinates in work techniques, and procedures for receipt, storage, inspection, testing, and repair of equipment. Implements quality control/quality assurance measures and performs initial and final inspection of equipment maintenance. Performs administrative functions in establishing and maintaining maintenance records. (4) MOSC 27E4O. Perform duties in preceding levels of skill. Supervises and coordinates support maintenance on Tube-Launched, Optical Tracked, Wire-Guided Missile (TOW), DRAGON, BFVS, Tow Field Test Set (TFTS) and Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) missile systems. Serves as section chief or platoon sergeant of detachment, platoon, company, or comparable unit. b. Physical demands rating and qualifications for initial award of MOS. Land combat electronic missile system repairer must possess the following qualifications: (1) A physical demands rating of very heavy. (2) A physical profile of 222221. (3) Normal color vision. (4) A minimum score of 110 in aptitude area EL. (5) A security clearance of SECRET. (6) A U.S. citizen. (7) Formal training (completion of MOS 27E course conducted under auspices of the U.S. Army Ordnance Missile and Munitions Center and School) mandatory; or meet the civilian acquired skills criteria listed in AR 601-210. c. Additional skill identifiers. (1) J9—TOW Field Test Set (TFTS) (TOW-Ground). (2) P5—Master Fitness Trainer. (3) 2S—Battle Staff Operations (skill level 3 and above). (4) 4A—Reclassification Training. d. Physical requirements and standards of grade. Physical requirements and SG relating to each skill level are listed in the following tables: (1) Table 10-27E-1. Physical requirements. (2) Table 10-27E-2. Standards of grade TOE/MTOE. (3) Table 10-27E-3. Standards of grade TDA. 10–89. 27F—VULCAN Repairer, CMF 35 (Rescinded.) 10–90. 27G—CHAPARRAL and REDEYE Repairer (CHAPARRAL/REDEYE Rep), CMF 35 a. Major duties. The CHAPARRAL and REDEYE repairer supervises or performs direct and general support (DS/GS) level maintenance on the CHAPARRAL and REDEYE missile systems and associated equipment and trainers. Duties for MOS 27G at each skill level are: (1) MOSC 27G1O. Inspects, tests and adjusts components to specific tolerances. Determines shortcomings and malfunctions in electronic, electrical and cryogenic assemblies, subassemblies, modules, and circuit elements using system associated test equipment. Repairs or removes and replaces defective components and parts. Determines serviceability and disposition of system assemblies, subassemblies and parts. Performs quality control measures. Performs

(3) Normal color vision.<br />

( 4 ) D e p t h p e r c e p t i o n : N o r m a l b i n o c u l a r v i s i o n f o r f i n e c l o s e<br />

work as determined by the Armed Forces Vision Tester.<br />

(5) A minimum score of 95 in aptitude area ST <strong>and</strong> EL.<br />

(6) High school graduate or equivalent.<br />

(7) M<strong>and</strong>atory formal training (completion of MOS 25V Course<br />

approved by the USA Signal School). Waiver may be granted by<br />

Comm<strong>and</strong>ant, USASC & FG, Ft Gordon, GA 30905-5300.<br />

c. Additional skill identifiers.<br />

(1) P5—Master Fitness Trainer.<br />

(2) 4A—Reclassification Training.<br />

d. Physical requirements <strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ards of grade. Physical requirements<br />

<strong>and</strong> SG relating to each skill level are listed in the<br />

following tables:<br />

(1) Table 10-25V-1. Physical requirements.<br />

(2) Table 10-25V-2. St<strong>and</strong>ards of grade TOE/MTOE.<br />

(3) Table 10-25V-3. St<strong>and</strong>ards of grade TDA.<br />

10–87. 25Z—Visual Information Operations Chief (VI Op<br />

Chief), CMF 25<br />

a. Major duties. Plans, programs, <strong>and</strong> supervises personnel performing<br />

visual information support for <strong>Army</strong>, Joint, <strong>and</strong> Combined<br />

operations; manages documentation/production, multimedia illustration,<br />

television production <strong>and</strong> distribution, <strong>and</strong> VI equipment repair<br />

operations <strong>and</strong> facilities supporting combat documentation, psychological<br />

operations, military intelligence, public affairs, training, <strong>and</strong><br />

special functions; supervises PMCS on assigned vehicles <strong>and</strong> power<br />

generators. Other major duties at the following skill levels are:<br />

(1) MOSC 25Z4O. Plans, supervises, <strong>and</strong> coordinates the operation,<br />

maintenance, <strong>and</strong> management of systems, facilities, <strong>and</strong> personnel<br />

engaged in visual information operations; supervises PMCS<br />

on assigned vehicles <strong>and</strong> power generators.<br />

(2) MOSC 25Z5O. Plans, develops, <strong>and</strong> implements visual information<br />

operational training, doctrine, <strong>and</strong> major comm<strong>and</strong> operat<br />

i o n s ; d i r e c t s v i s u a l i n f o r m a t i o n o p e r a t i o n s f o r l a r g e r s c a l e V I<br />

operations at Theater <strong>and</strong> Corps level.<br />

b. Physical dem<strong>and</strong>s rating <strong>and</strong> qualifications for initial award of<br />

MOS. The Visual Information Operations Chief must possess the<br />

following qualifications:<br />

(1) Physical dem<strong>and</strong>s rating—N/A.<br />

(2) A physical profile of 222221.<br />

(3) Normal color vision.<br />

(4) Minimum score in aptitude area—N/A.<br />

(5) M<strong>and</strong>atory formal training (completion of CMF 25 Advanced<br />

NCO course approved by the USA Signal School). Waivers of this<br />

requirement may be granted by the Comm<strong>and</strong>ant, U.S. <strong>Army</strong> Signal<br />

Center, Fort Gordon, GA 30905-5300.<br />

c. Additional skill identifiers.<br />

(1) P5—Master Fitness Trainer.<br />

(2) 2S—Battle Staff Operations.<br />

(3) 4A—Reclassification Training.<br />

d. Physical requirements <strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ards of grade. Physical requirements<br />

<strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ards of grade relating to each skill level are<br />

listed in the following tables:<br />

(1) Table 10-25Z-1. Physical requirements.<br />

(2) Table 10-25Z-2. St<strong>and</strong>ards of grade TOE/MTOE.<br />

(3) Table 10-25Z-3. St<strong>and</strong>ards of grade TDA.<br />

10–88. 27E—L<strong>and</strong> Combat Electronic Missile System<br />

Repairer, CMF 35<br />

a . M a j o r d u t i e s . T h e l a n d c o m b a t e l e c t r o n i c m i s s i l e s y s t e m<br />

repairer supervises or performs direct <strong>and</strong> general support (DS/GS)<br />

level maintenance on the TOW <strong>and</strong> DRAGON missile systems <strong>and</strong><br />

the Bradley Fighting Vehicle System (BFVS). Duties for MOS 27E<br />

at each level of skill are:<br />

(1) MOSC 27E1O. Performs quality control measures. Inspects,<br />

tests, adjusts components to specific tolerances. Determines shortc<br />

o m i n g s a n d m a l f u n c t i o n s i n e l e c t r o n i c , e l e c t r i c a l , m e c h a n i c a l ,<br />

pneumatic, optical, <strong>and</strong> electromechanical assemblies, sub-assemblies,<br />

modules <strong>and</strong> circuit elements, with common <strong>and</strong> system special<br />

design test equipment. Repairs unserviceable items by removing<br />

<strong>and</strong> replacing defective components <strong>and</strong> parts. Repairs unserviceable<br />

optical <strong>and</strong> infrared components by aligning, adjusting, removing<br />

<strong>and</strong> replacing defective modules <strong>and</strong> assemblies. Determines serviceability<br />

<strong>and</strong> disposition of defective assemblies, sub-assemblies,<br />

<strong>and</strong> parts. Performs maintenance adjustments <strong>and</strong> repairs on jobrelated<br />

tools <strong>and</strong> equipment. Prepares maintenance <strong>and</strong> supply forms<br />

<strong>and</strong> reports. Serves on inspection <strong>and</strong> maintenance teams.<br />

(2) MOSC 27E2O. Performs <strong>and</strong> supervises duties in preceding<br />

skill level <strong>and</strong> provides technical guidance to lower grade personnel<br />

i n<br />

t h e<br />

a c c o m p l i s h m e n t<br />

272 DA PAM 611–21 • 31 March 1999<br />

o f<br />

t h e i r<br />

d u t i e s .<br />

P e r f o r m s<br />

q u a l i t y<br />

c o n t r o l<br />

measures. Installs equipment modifications <strong>and</strong> provides technical<br />

assistance to supported units.<br />

(3) MOSC 27E3O. Perform duties shown in preceding levels of<br />

skill. Establishes workloads <strong>and</strong> repair priorities; organizes work<br />

schedules, assigns duties, instructs subordinates in work techniques,<br />

<strong>and</strong> procedures for receipt, storage, inspection, testing, <strong>and</strong> repair of<br />

equipment. Implements quality control/quality assurance measures<br />

<strong>and</strong> performs initial <strong>and</strong> final inspection of equipment maintenance.<br />

Performs administrative functions in establishing <strong>and</strong> maintaining<br />

maintenance records.<br />

(4) MOSC 27E4O. Perform duties in preceding levels of skill.<br />

Supervises <strong>and</strong> coordinates support maintenance on Tube-Launched,<br />

Optical Tracked, Wire-Guided Missile (TOW), DRAGON, BFVS,<br />

Tow Field Test Set (TFTS) <strong>and</strong> Multiple Launch Rocket System<br />

(MLRS) missile systems. Serves as section chief or platoon sergeant<br />

of detachment, platoon, company, or comparable unit.<br />

b. Physical dem<strong>and</strong>s rating <strong>and</strong> qualifications for initial award of<br />

MOS. L<strong>and</strong> combat electronic missile system repairer must possess<br />

the following qualifications:<br />

(1) A physical dem<strong>and</strong>s rating of very heavy.<br />

(2) A physical profile of 222221.<br />

(3) Normal color vision.<br />

(4) A minimum score of 110 in aptitude area EL.<br />

(5) A security clearance of SECRET.<br />

(6) A U.S. citizen.<br />

(7) Formal training (completion of MOS 27E course conducted<br />

under auspices of the U.S. <strong>Army</strong> Ordnance Missile <strong>and</strong> Munitions<br />

Center <strong>and</strong> School) m<strong>and</strong>atory; or meet the civilian acquired skills<br />

criteria listed in AR 601-210.<br />

c. Additional skill identifiers.<br />

(1) J9—TOW Field Test Set (TFTS) (TOW-Ground).<br />

(2) P5—Master Fitness Trainer.<br />

(3) 2S—Battle Staff Operations (skill level 3 <strong>and</strong> above).<br />

(4) 4A—Reclassification Training.<br />

d. Physical requirements <strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ards of grade. Physical requirements<br />

<strong>and</strong> SG relating to each skill level are listed in the<br />

following tables:<br />

(1) Table 10-27E-1. Physical requirements.<br />

(2) Table 10-27E-2. St<strong>and</strong>ards of grade TOE/MTOE.<br />

(3) Table 10-27E-3. St<strong>and</strong>ards of grade TDA.<br />

10–89. 27F—VULCAN Repairer, CMF 35<br />

(Rescinded.)<br />

10–90. 27G—CHAPARRAL <strong>and</strong> REDEYE Repairer<br />


a. Major duties. The CHAPARRAL <strong>and</strong> REDEYE repairer supervises<br />

or performs direct <strong>and</strong> general support (DS/GS) level maintenance<br />

on the CHAPARRAL <strong>and</strong> REDEYE missile systems <strong>and</strong><br />

associated equipment <strong>and</strong> trainers. Duties for MOS 27G at each skill<br />

level are:<br />

(1) MOSC 27G1O. Inspects, tests <strong>and</strong> adjusts components to specific<br />

tolerances. Determines shortcomings <strong>and</strong> malfunctions in electronic,<br />

electrical <strong>and</strong> cryogenic assemblies, subassemblies, modules,<br />

<strong>and</strong> circuit elements using system associated test equipment. Repairs<br />

or removes <strong>and</strong> replaces defective components <strong>and</strong> parts. Determines<br />

serviceability <strong>and</strong> disposition of system assemblies, subassemblies<br />

<strong>and</strong> parts. Performs quality control measures. Performs

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