Military Occupational Classification and Structure - U.S. Army

Military Occupational Classification and Structure - U.S. Army Military Occupational Classification and Structure - U.S. Army
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one of the following three categories of the good eye, bad eye categories: 20/40-20/70; 20/30-20/100; or, 20/20/400, (c) Have hearing wherein sound amplitude in one ear does not exceed 45 decibels at frequencies 250, 500, 1000, and 2000 CPS (HZ) or 65 decibels at frequency 4000. (d) Be a U.S. citizen. Possess a security clearance of TOP SE- CRET with eligibility for access to sensitive compartmented information (SCI). (2) CW3 must— (a) Meet qualifications described in paragraph f(1). (b) Complete the resident MI Warrant Officer Advanced Course. (3) CW4 must— (a) Meet qualifications described in paragraph f(2). (b) Complete the Warrant Officer Staff Course (WOSC). (4) CW5 must— (a) Meet qualifications described in paragraph f(3). (b) Complete the Warrant Officer Senior Staff Course (WOSSC). g. Duties. (1) WO1/CW2— (a) Conducts investigations/operations by applying sound judgement and analytical reasoning methods to detect and prevent acts of espionage, sabotage, and torrorism directed against Army activities. ( b ) S u p e r v i s e s i n v e s t i g a t i v e a / o p e r a t i o n a l a n d a d m i n i s t r a t i v e personnel. (c) Manages investigative/operational elements of varying size commensurate with skill and experience level. ( d ) P r e p a r e s , r e v i e w s , a n d a p p r o v e s i n v e s t i g a t i v e / o p e r a t i o n a l reports of investigations and inspections. (e) Performs terrorism counteraction analysis and threat analysis. (f) Investigates national security crimes of Army interest as defined by regulation, the UCMJ, or applicable U.S. Code. (g) Conducts and supervises both overt and covert investigations. (h) Supervises the technical performance of subordinate military and civilian personnel in related job skills. (i) Develops, evaluates, and manages sources and informants of military intelligence. (j) Develops and approves investigative plans. (k) Obtains and executes arrest and search warrants in coordination with the Criminal Investigations Division or the FBI. (l) Interviews and interrogates witnesses, suspects, and subjects, and obtains written statements executed under oath. (m) Represents the Army’s interests in investigations conducted collaterally with the Department of Defense, Department of Justice, and other federal, state, or local investigative agencies. (n) Writes, reviews, and approves reports of investigation. (o) Provides security and operations security advice and assistance to Army elements. (p) Conducts threat analysis and vulnerability estimates. (2) CW3— (a) Performs duties described in paragraph g(1). (b) Supervises all operations in field office. (c) Manages counterintelligence elements that support all Army organizations and activities up to including the Chief of Staff, Army, Secretary of the Army, and the Secretary of Defense. (3) CW4 performs duties described in paragraph g(2). (4) CW5— (a) Performs duties described in paragraph g(3). (b) Provides guidance and technical input to subordinate counterintelligence elements or other staff elements. (c) Manages counterintelligence elements providing counterintelligence support to combat commanders up to and including Theater Army level. h. Grading and position titles. Authorized position titles are provided in tables 6-2 and 6-3. The following grade codes are used to code positions into one of four definable skill levels: W2 equals WO1/CW2; W3 equals CW3; W4 equals CW4; and W5 equals CW5. The grades are listed in the following standards of grade tables: (1) Table 8-351B-1. Standards of grade TOE/MTOE. DA PAM 611–21 • 31 March 1999 (2) Table 8-351B-2. Standards of grade TDA. 8–52. Military Occupational Specialty 351C—Area Intelligence Technician a. Licensing/certification requirement. AR 381-14 for ASI 9L. b. Prerequisites. DA Cir 601 series. c. MOS 351C. MOS 351C is not an accession MOS. There is not an enlisted feeder MOS. d. Associated SQI. (1) 0—No special qualifications. (2) 7—Parachutist. (3) 8—Instructor. (4) T—Transition (personnel only). (5) Z—Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation Technician. e. Associated ASI. (1) 6M—Mobilization and Demobilization Operations. (2) 6P—Master Fitness Trainer. (3) 9N—Strategic Debriefer/Interrogator. f. Qualifications. (1) WO1/CW2 must— (a) Complete the MI Warrant Officer Basic Course. (b) Have normal color discrimination with corrected vision per one of the following three categories of the good eye, bad eye categories: 20/40-20/70; 20/30-20/100; or, 20/20-20/400. (c) Have a hearing wherein sound amplitude in one ear does not exceed 45 decibels at frequencies 250, 500, 1000, and 2000 CPS (HZ) or 65 decibels at frequency 4000. (d) Be a U.S. citizen. Possess a security clearance of TOP SE- CRET with eligibility for access to sensitive compartmented information (SCI). (2) CW2 must— (a) Meet qualifications described in paragraph f(1). (b) Complete the resident MI Warrant Officer Advanced Course. (3) CW3 must— (a) Meet qualifications described in paragraph f(2). (b) Complete the Warrant Officer Staff Course (WOSC). (4) CW4 must— (a) Meet qualifications described in paragraph f(3). (b) Complete the Warrant Officer Senior Staff Course (WOSSC). g. Duties. (1) WO1/CW2— (see AR 614-114). (2) CW3— (see AR 614-114). (3) CW4— (see AR 614-114). (4) CW5— (see AR 614-114). h. Grading and position titles. Authorized position titles are provided in tables 6-2 and 6-3. The following grades are used to code positions into one of four definable skill levels: W2 equals WO1/ CW2; W3 equals CW3; W4 equals CW4; and W5 equals CW5. The grades are listed in the following standards of grade tables: (1) Table 8-351C-1. Standards of grade TOE/MTOE. (2) Table 8-351C-2. Standards of grade TDA. 8–53. Military Occupational Specialty 351E—Human Intelligence Collection Technician a. Licensing/certification requirements. AR 381-14 for ASI 9L. b. Prerequisites. DA Cir 601 series. c. MOS 351E. MOS 351E is an accession MOS. The enlisted feeder MOS is 97E. d. Associated SQI. (1) 0—No special qualifications. (2) 7—Parachutist. (3) 8—Instructor. (4) T—Transition (personnel only). (5) Z—Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation Technician. e. Associated ASI. (1) 6M—Mobilization and Demobilization Operations. (2) 6P—Master Fitness Trainer. (3) 9N—Strategic Debriefer/Interrogator. f. Qualifications. (1) WO1/CW2 must— (a) Complete the MI Warrant Officer Basic Course. 107

(b) Have normal color discrimination with corrected vision per one of the following three categories of the good eye, bad eye categories: 20/40-20/70; 20/30-20/100; or 20/20-20/400. (c) Have hearing wherein sound amplitude in one ear does not exceed 45 decibels at frequencies 250, 500, 1000 and 2000 CPS (HZ) or 65 decibels at frequency 4000. (d) Be a U.S. citizen. Possess a security clearance of SECRET. (e) Obtain an S/2, R/2 rating on the DLPT III examination as verified on DA Form 330 (Language Proficiency Question). (2) CW3 must— (a) Meet qualifications described in paragraph f(1). (b) Complete the resident MI Warrant Officer Advanced Course. (3) CW4 must— (a) Meet qualifications described in paragraph f(2). (b) Complete the Warrant Officer Staff Course (WOSC). (4) CW5 must— (a) Meet qualifications described in paragraph f(3). (b) Complete the Warrant Officer Senior Staff Course (WOSSC). g. Duties. (1) WO1/CW2— (a) Interrogates, translates, and interprets as defined by regulation, the UCMJ and other applicable regulations and agreements. (b) Conducts and supervises both tactical and strategic interrogation related duties. (c) Supervises the technical performance of subordinate military and civilian personnel in related job skills. (d) Develops and approves interrogation, documents translations, plans, and missions. (e) Advises the support element on the best employment of interrogation assets. (f) Coordinates with other intelligence and non-intelligence agencies in the performance of interrogation and debriefing duties. (g) Writes, reviews, and approves interrogation reports which inc l u d e d o c u m e n t t r a n s l a t i o n s a n d l i m i t e d t e c h n i c a l i n t e l l i g e n c e reports. (h) Performs language support in the form of translations or interpreter duties when required. (2) CW3— (a) Performs duties described in paragraph g(1). (b) Provides technical guidance and direction to subordinate interrogation elements. ( c ) S u p e r v i s e s a l l i n t e r r o g a t i o n a n d d e b r i e f i n g , a n d d o c u m e n t translation operations. (d) Manages interrogation/debriefing and document translation elements throughout all levels of command within the U.S. Army and other agencies. (3) CW4 performs duties described in paragraph g(2). (4) CW5— (a) Performs duties described in paragraph g(3). (b) Provides guidance and technical input to subordinate interrogator and debriefing elements or other staff elements. (c) Manages interrogational/debriefing elements providing those skills supported from the level of combat commander to DOD level. h. Grading and position titles. Authorized position titles are provided in tables 6-2 and 6-3. The following grades are used to code positions into one of four definable skill levels: W2 equals WO1/ CW2; W3 equals CW3; W4 equals CW4; and W5 equals CW5. The grades are listed in the following standards of grade tables: (1) Table 8-351E-1. Standards of grade TOE/MTOE. (2) Table 8-351E-2. Standards of grade TDA. 8–54. Area of Concentration 352—Signals Intelligence/ Electronic Warfare Must have a thorough knowledge of SIGINT/EW operations, techniques, and reporting procedures. Must demonstrate proficiency in collection management procedures, signal/antenna theory, and signals analysis. Must know principals, concepts, theory, and operat i o n s o f S I G I N T / E W a c t i v i t i e s o f d e s i g n a t e d f o r e i g n c o u n t r i e s . Manages, operates, maintains, and administers Army Intelligence 108 DA PAM 611–21 • 31 March 1999 equipment or support activities while supervising the technical operations of teams, sections, platoons, detachments, and companies engaged in traffic analysis, cryptanalysis, electronic intelligence, mode analysis, voice intercept activities or communications intelligence, and EW. 8–55. Military Occupational Specialty 352C—Traffic Analysis Technician a. Licensing/certification requirement. None. b. Prerequisites. DA Cir 601 series. c. MOS 352C. MOS 352C is an accession MOS. The enlisted feeder MOS is 98C. d. Associated SQI. (1) 0—No special qualifications. (2) 7—Parachutist. (3) 8—Instructor. (4) T—Transition (personnel only). (5) Z—Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation Technician. e. Associated ASI. (1) 6M—Mobilization and Demobilization Operations. (2) 6P—Master Fitness Trainer. (3) 9C—Tactical Exploitation of National Capabilities Operations Technician. f. Qualifications. (1) WO1/CW2 must— (a) Complete the MI Warrant Officer Basic Course. (b) Have normal color discrimination with corrected vision per one of the following three categories of the good eye, bad eye categories;: 20/40-20/70; 20/30-20/100; or 20/20-20/400. (c) Have hearing wherein sound amplitude in one ear does not exceed 45 decibels at frequencies 250, 500, 1000, and 2000 CPS (HZ) or 65 decibels at frequency 4000. (d) Be a U.S. citizen. Possess a security clearance of TOP SE- CRET with eligibility for access to sensitive compartmented information (SCI). (2) WO1/CW2 must— (a) Meet qualifications described in paragraph f(1). (b) Complete the resident MI Warrant Officer Advanced Course. (3) CW3 must— (a) Meet qualifications described in paragraph f(2). (b) Complete the Warrant Officer Staff Course (WOSC). (4) CW4 must— (a) Meet qualifications described in paragraph f(3). (b) Complete the Warrant Officer Senior Staff Course (WOSSC). g. Duties. (1) WO1/CW2 must— (a) Manages personnel and equipment to collect, process, locate, identify, and analyze SIGINT/EW intercept. ( b ) P e r f o r m s r e p o r t i n g p e r S I G I N T / E W d i r e c t i v e s t o p r o d u c e combat information and intelligence. (c) Establishes priorities of intercept missions for acquisition of desired traffic. (d) Prioritizes intercept missions for acquisition of desired traffic. (e) Coordinates SIGINT/EW analytical projects. (f) Advises and assists commanders and staff officer in formulating plans for SIGINT/EW activities. (2) CW3 must— (a) Performs duties described in paragraph g(1). (b) Plans, organizes, coordinates activities, and supervises teams, sections, platoons, or other traffic analysis organizations. (c) Assists R&D elements to develop collection, processing, location, identification, and analytical equipment. (d) Fuses all source information into all source intelligence. (3) CW4 performs duties described in paragraph g(2). (4) CW5 must— (a) Performs duties described in paragraph g(3). (b) Provides guidance and technical input to subordinate elements or other staff elements. (c) Ensures that doctrinal analytical procedures and techniques a r e t a u g h t a t s e r v i c e s c h o o l s a n d i n c o r p o r a t e d i n t o d o c t r i n a l literature.

(b) Have normal color discrimination with corrected vision per<br />

one of the following three categories of the good eye, bad eye<br />

categories: 20/40-20/70; 20/30-20/100; or 20/20-20/400.<br />

(c) Have hearing wherein sound amplitude in one ear does not<br />

exceed 45 decibels at frequencies 250, 500, 1000 <strong>and</strong> 2000 CPS<br />

(HZ) or 65 decibels at frequency 4000.<br />

(d) Be a U.S. citizen. Possess a security clearance of SECRET.<br />

(e) Obtain an S/2, R/2 rating on the DLPT III examination as<br />

verified on DA Form 330 (Language Proficiency Question).<br />

(2) CW3 must—<br />

(a) Meet qualifications described in paragraph f(1).<br />

(b) Complete the resident MI Warrant Officer Advanced Course.<br />

(3) CW4 must—<br />

(a) Meet qualifications described in paragraph f(2).<br />

(b) Complete the Warrant Officer Staff Course (WOSC).<br />

(4) CW5 must—<br />

(a) Meet qualifications described in paragraph f(3).<br />

(b) Complete the Warrant Officer Senior Staff Course (WOSSC).<br />

g. Duties.<br />

(1) WO1/CW2—<br />

(a) Interrogates, translates, <strong>and</strong> interprets as defined by regulation,<br />

the UCMJ <strong>and</strong> other applicable regulations <strong>and</strong> agreements.<br />

(b) Conducts <strong>and</strong> supervises both tactical <strong>and</strong> strategic interrogation<br />

related duties.<br />

(c) Supervises the technical performance of subordinate military<br />

<strong>and</strong> civilian personnel in related job skills.<br />

(d) Develops <strong>and</strong> approves interrogation, documents translations,<br />

plans, <strong>and</strong> missions.<br />

(e) Advises the support element on the best employment of interrogation<br />

assets.<br />

(f) Coordinates with other intelligence <strong>and</strong> non-intelligence agencies<br />

in the performance of interrogation <strong>and</strong> debriefing duties.<br />

(g) Writes, reviews, <strong>and</strong> approves interrogation reports which inc<br />

l u d e d o c u m e n t t r a n s l a t i o n s a n d l i m i t e d t e c h n i c a l i n t e l l i g e n c e<br />

reports.<br />

(h) Performs language support in the form of translations or interpreter<br />

duties when required.<br />

(2) CW3—<br />

(a) Performs duties described in paragraph g(1).<br />

(b) Provides technical guidance <strong>and</strong> direction to subordinate interrogation<br />

elements.<br />

( c ) S u p e r v i s e s a l l i n t e r r o g a t i o n a n d d e b r i e f i n g , a n d d o c u m e n t<br />

translation operations.<br />

(d) Manages interrogation/debriefing <strong>and</strong> document translation elements<br />

throughout all levels of comm<strong>and</strong> within the U.S. <strong>Army</strong> <strong>and</strong><br />

other agencies.<br />

(3) CW4 performs duties described in paragraph g(2).<br />

(4) CW5—<br />

(a) Performs duties described in paragraph g(3).<br />

(b) Provides guidance <strong>and</strong> technical input to subordinate interrogator<br />

<strong>and</strong> debriefing elements or other staff elements.<br />

(c) Manages interrogational/debriefing elements providing those<br />

skills supported from the level of combat comm<strong>and</strong>er to DOD level.<br />

h. Grading <strong>and</strong> position titles. Authorized position titles are provided<br />

in tables 6-2 <strong>and</strong> 6-3. The following grades are used to code<br />

positions into one of four definable skill levels: W2 equals WO1/<br />

CW2; W3 equals CW3; W4 equals CW4; <strong>and</strong> W5 equals CW5. The<br />

grades are listed in the following st<strong>and</strong>ards of grade tables:<br />

(1) Table 8-351E-1. St<strong>and</strong>ards of grade TOE/MTOE.<br />

(2) Table 8-351E-2. St<strong>and</strong>ards of grade TDA.<br />

8–54. Area of Concentration 352—Signals Intelligence/<br />

Electronic Warfare<br />

Must have a thorough knowledge of SIGINT/EW operations, techniques,<br />

<strong>and</strong> reporting procedures. Must demonstrate proficiency in<br />

collection management procedures, signal/antenna theory, <strong>and</strong> signals<br />

analysis. Must know principals, concepts, theory, <strong>and</strong> operat<br />

i o n s o f S I G I N T / E W a c t i v i t i e s o f d e s i g n a t e d f o r e i g n c o u n t r i e s .<br />

Manages, operates, maintains, <strong>and</strong> administers <strong>Army</strong> Intelligence<br />

108 DA PAM 611–21 • 31 March 1999<br />

equipment or support activities while supervising the technical operations<br />

of teams, sections, platoons, detachments, <strong>and</strong> companies<br />

engaged in traffic analysis, cryptanalysis, electronic intelligence,<br />

mode analysis, voice intercept activities or communications intelligence,<br />

<strong>and</strong> EW.<br />

8–55. <strong>Military</strong> <strong>Occupational</strong> Specialty 352C—Traffic<br />

Analysis Technician<br />

a. Licensing/certification requirement. None.<br />

b. Prerequisites. DA Cir 601 series.<br />

c. MOS 352C. MOS 352C is an accession MOS. The enlisted<br />

feeder MOS is 98C.<br />

d. Associated SQI.<br />

(1) 0—No special qualifications.<br />

(2) 7—Parachutist.<br />

(3) 8—Instructor.<br />

(4) T—Transition (personnel only).<br />

(5) Z—Research, Development, Test, <strong>and</strong> Evaluation Technician.<br />

e. Associated ASI.<br />

(1) 6M—Mobilization <strong>and</strong> Demobilization Operations.<br />

(2) 6P—Master Fitness Trainer.<br />

(3) 9C—Tactical Exploitation of National Capabilities Operations<br />

Technician.<br />

f. Qualifications.<br />

(1) WO1/CW2 must—<br />

(a) Complete the MI Warrant Officer Basic Course.<br />

(b) Have normal color discrimination with corrected vision per<br />

one of the following three categories of the good eye, bad eye<br />

categories;: 20/40-20/70; 20/30-20/100; or 20/20-20/400.<br />

(c) Have hearing wherein sound amplitude in one ear does not<br />

exceed 45 decibels at frequencies 250, 500, 1000, <strong>and</strong> 2000 CPS<br />

(HZ) or 65 decibels at frequency 4000.<br />

(d) Be a U.S. citizen. Possess a security clearance of TOP SE-<br />

CRET with eligibility for access to sensitive compartmented information<br />

(SCI).<br />

(2) WO1/CW2 must—<br />

(a) Meet qualifications described in paragraph f(1).<br />

(b) Complete the resident MI Warrant Officer Advanced Course.<br />

(3) CW3 must—<br />

(a) Meet qualifications described in paragraph f(2).<br />

(b) Complete the Warrant Officer Staff Course (WOSC).<br />

(4) CW4 must—<br />

(a) Meet qualifications described in paragraph f(3).<br />

(b) Complete the Warrant Officer Senior Staff Course (WOSSC).<br />

g. Duties.<br />

(1) WO1/CW2 must—<br />

(a) Manages personnel <strong>and</strong> equipment to collect, process, locate,<br />

identify, <strong>and</strong> analyze SIGINT/EW intercept.<br />

( b ) P e r f o r m s r e p o r t i n g p e r S I G I N T / E W d i r e c t i v e s t o p r o d u c e<br />

combat information <strong>and</strong> intelligence.<br />

(c) Establishes priorities of intercept missions for acquisition of<br />

desired traffic.<br />

(d) Prioritizes intercept missions for acquisition of desired traffic.<br />

(e) Coordinates SIGINT/EW analytical projects.<br />

(f) Advises <strong>and</strong> assists comm<strong>and</strong>ers <strong>and</strong> staff officer in formulating<br />

plans for SIGINT/EW activities.<br />

(2) CW3 must—<br />

(a) Performs duties described in paragraph g(1).<br />

(b) Plans, organizes, coordinates activities, <strong>and</strong> supervises teams,<br />

sections, platoons, or other traffic analysis organizations.<br />

(c) Assists R&D elements to develop collection, processing, location,<br />

identification, <strong>and</strong> analytical equipment.<br />

(d) Fuses all source information into all source intelligence.<br />

(3) CW4 performs duties described in paragraph g(2).<br />

(4) CW5 must—<br />

(a) Performs duties described in paragraph g(3).<br />

(b) Provides guidance <strong>and</strong> technical input to subordinate elements<br />

or other staff elements.<br />

(c) Ensures that doctrinal analytical procedures <strong>and</strong> techniques<br />

a r e t a u g h t a t s e r v i c e s c h o o l s a n d i n c o r p o r a t e d i n t o d o c t r i n a l<br />


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