Military Occupational Classification and Structure - U.S. Army

Military Occupational Classification and Structure - U.S. Army Military Occupational Classification and Structure - U.S. Army
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(11) K6—MH-47E Pilot (for use with MOS 154C in Special Operations units only). f. Qualifications. (1) WO1/CW2 must— ( a ) B e a U . S . c i t i z e n . Q u a l i f y f o r a s e c u r i t y c l e a r a n c e o f SECRET. (b) Meet medical qualifications. WO1 and CW2 must— 1. Initially meet the medical examination requirements of Class 1 medical standards as prescribed by AR 40-501. 2. Class II medical standards must be maintained once an officer is on flight status. (c) Maintain height and weight standards per AR 600-9 and AR 40-501. (d) Successfully complete the Warrant Officer Technical Certification Course (IERW for AOC 152 thru 155). (e) Successfully complete the appropriate aircraft qualification training. (f) Be commissioned upon promotion to CW2. (2) CW3 must— (a) Meet qualifications listed in f(1)above. ( b ) S u c c e s s f u l l y c o m p l e t e t h e A v i a t i o n W a r r a n t O f f i c e r A d - vanced Course (AVWOAC). (3) CW4 must— (a) Meet qualifications listed in paragraph f(1)(a), f(1)(c), f(1)(d), f(1)(e), and f(2)(c) above. (b) Meet qualifications listed in paragraph f(1)(b) above unless awarded ASI G7 through board action. ( c ) S u c c e s s f u l l y c o m p l e t e t h e W a r r a n t O f f i c e r S t a f f C o u r s e (WOSC). (4) CW5 must— (a) Meet qualifications listed in paragraph f(3) above. (b) Meet qualifications listed in paragraph f(1)(b) above unless awarded ASI G7 through board action. ( c ) S u c c e s s f u l l y c o m p l e t e t h e W a r r a n t O f f i c e r S e n i o r S t a f f Course (WOSSC). g. Duties. (1) WO1/CW2— (a) Plans flights, ascertains factors such as load, weight, fuel supply, route, altitudes or schedules as necessary to safely accomplish mission. (b) Supervises loading and unloading of aircraft to ensure load stability, balance and adherence to aircraft load limitations. (c) Pilots and commands assigned aircraft under tactical and nontactical conditions for military purposes. (d) Conducts pre/post-tactical mission briefings. (e) Performs aeromedical evacuation missions. (f) Performs external load missions. (g) Performs water landing missions. (h) Performs aerial evasive maneuvers. (i) Trains personnel to engage hostile forces with aircraft armament subsystems. (j) Maintains Aircrew Training Program requirements in appropriate aircraft. ( k ) D e t e c t s s a t i s f a c t o r y a n d u n s a t i s f a c t o r y a i r c r a f t s y s t e m o r flight performance. ( l ) E x e c u t e s e m e r g e n c y o p e r a t i n g p r o c e d u r e s f o r a s s i g n e d aircraft. (2) CW3— (a) Performs duties described in paragraph g(1)(a) through (l) above. (b) Performs duties as an aircraft armament maintenance officer on MH-47 aircraft. (3) CW4— (a) Performs duties described in paragraph g(1)(a) through (b) above. (b) Performs duties as an IP, ASO, MTP or tactical operations officer in Special Operations Aviation. (4) CW5— (a) Performs duties as described in paragraph g(1)(a) through (b) above. DA PAM 611–21 • 31 March 1999 (b) Performs duties as an SIP, ASO, MTFE or tactical operations officer in special operations aviation. h. Grading and position titles. Authorized position titles are provided in tables 6-2 and 6-3. The following grades are used to code positions into one of four definable skill levels: W2 equals WO1/ CW2; W3 equals CW3; W4 equals CW4; and W5 equals CW5. The grades are listed in the following standards of grade tables: (1) Table 8-154C-1. Standards of grade TOE/MTOE. (2) Table 8-154C-2. Standards of grade TDA. 8–24. Area of Concentration 155—Fixed Wing Utility Pilots and commands fixed-wing aircraft under tactical and nontactical conditions. Operates aircraft during all types of meteorological conditions during day and night conditions. Transports passengers, mail or cargo for military purposes. When appropriately equipped, performs military intelligence and aerial radio relay missions. Maintains aircrew training manual (ATM) requirements in appropriate aircraft. 8–25. Military Occupational Specialties MOS 155A—Fixed Wing Aviator (Aircraft Nonspecific); 155D—U- 21 Pilot and 155E—C-12 Pilot. a. Licensing/certification requirements. None. b. Prerequisite. DA Cir 601 Series. c. MOS. MOS 155A, 155D and 155E are nonaccession MOS. All MOSs at the WO1 and CW2 level in AOCs 152, 153 or 154 are feeder MOS for 155D and 155E. MOS 155D, 155E and 156A may be substituted for MOS 155A CW5 positions at the battalion level. d. Associated SQI. (1) 0—No special qualifications. (2) 7—Parachutist. (3) 8—Instructor. (4) B—Aviation Safety Officer. (5) C—Instructor Pilot. (6) F—Senior Instructor Pilot and Instrument Flight Examiner. (7) G—Aviation Maintenance Officer. (8) H—Standardization Instructor Pilot. (9) I—Tactical Operations Officer. (10) J—Engineering Test Pilot (for use with MOS 155A only). (11) L—Maintenance Test Flight Evaluator. (12) T—Transition (personnel only). ( 1 3 ) Z — R e s e a r c h , D e v e l o p m e n t , T e s t , a n d E v a l u a t i o n Technician. e. Associated ASI. (1) 6M—Mobilization and Demobilization Operations. (2) 6P—Master Fitness Trainer. (3) B2—UH-60 Pilot. (4) E3—C-20 Pilot. (5) E4—U-21 Pilot (for use with MOS 155A only). (6) E5—C-12 Pilot (for use with MOS 155A only). (7) E6—C-21 Pilot. (8) E7—C-23 Pilot. (9) E8—C-26 Pilot. (10) F2—RU-21 Pilot (for use with MOS 155A and 155E). (11) F3—RC-12D/G/H Pilot (for use with MOS 155A and 155E only). (12) F4—RC-12K/N Pilot (for use with MOS 155A and 155E only). (13) F5—EO-54/O-5B Pilot. (14) G2—Instructor Pilot (not for use with positions coded with SQI C). (15) G6—Aviation Maintenance Officer (not for use with positions coded with SQI G). (16) G7—Aviation Related. (17) H2—Aviation Life Support Equipment Officer (for use with MOS 155D and 155E only). (18) H3—Aircraft Survivability Equipment and Electronic Warfare Officer. f. Qualifications. (1) WO1/CW2 must— 97

( a ) B e a U . S . c i t i z e n . Q u a l i f y f o r a s e c u r i t y c l e a r a n c e o f SECRET. (b) Meet medical qualifications.WO1 and CW2 must— 1. Initially meet the medical examination requirements of Class I medical standards as prescribed by AR 40-501. 2. Class II medical standards must be maintained once an officer is on flight status. (c) Maintain height and weight standards per AR 600-9 and AR 40-501. (d) Successfully complete the Warrant Officer Technical Certification Course (IERW for AOC 152 thru 155). (e) Successfully complete the appropriate aircraft qualification training. (f) Be commissioned upon promotion to CW2. (2) CW3 must— (a) Meet qualifications listed in paragraph f(1) above. ( b ) S u c c e s s f u l l y c o m p l e t e t h e A v i a t i o n W a r r a n t O f f i c e r A d - vanced Course (AVWOAC). (3) CW4 must— ( a ) M e e t q u a l i f i c a t i o n s l i s t e d i n p a r a g r a p h f ( 1 ) a b o v e u n l e s s awarded ASI G7 through board action. ( b ) S u c c e s s f u l l y c o m p l e t e t h e W a r r a n t O f f i c e r S t a f f C o u r s e (WOSC). (4) CW5 must— ( a ) M e e t q u a l i f c a t i o n s l i s t e d i n p a r a g r a p h f ( 3 ) a b o v e u n l e s s awarded ASI G7 through board action. ( b ) S u c c e s s f u l l y c o m p l e t e t h e W a r r a n t O f f i c e r S e n i o r S t a f f Course (WOSSC). g. Duties. (1) WO1/CW2— (a) Plans flights, ascertaions factors such as load, weight, fuel supply, route, altitudes or schedules as necessary to safely accomplish mission. (b) Supervises loading and unloading of aircraft to ensure load stability, balance and adherence to aircraft load limitations. (c) Pilots and commands assigned aircraft under tactical and nontactical conditions for military purposes. ( d ) C o n d u c t s p r e / p o s t - a d m i n i s t r a t i v e a n d t a c t i c a l m i s s i o n briefings. (e) Performs aeromedical evacuation missions. (f) Performs aerial evasive maneuvers. (g) Maintains Aircrew Training Program requirements in appropriate aircraft. ( h ) D e t e c t s s a t i s f a c t o r y a n d u n s a t i s f a c t o r y a i r c r a f t s y s t e m o r flight performance. ( i ) E x e c u t e s e m e r g e n c y o p e r a t i n g p r o c e d u r e s f o r a s s i g n e d aircraft. ( j ) P e r f o r m s e l e c t r o n i c s u r v e i l l a n c e a n d i n t e l l i g e n c e g a t h e r i n g missions. (2) CW3 performs duties described in paragraph g(1)(a) through (i) above. (3) CW4 performs duties described in paragraph g(1)(a) above. (4) CW5— (a) Performs duties described in paragraph g(1)(a) above. (b) Provides guidance, advice and counsel to commanders and other staff members. h. Grading and position titles. Authorized position titles are provided in tables 6-2 and 6-3. The following grades are used to code positions into one of four definable skill levels: W2 equals WO1/ CW2; W3 equals CW3; W4 equals CW4; and W5 equals CW5. The grades are listed in the following standards of grade tables: (1) Table 8-155A-1. Standards of grade TOE/MTOE. (2) Table 8-155A-2. Standards of grade TDA. (3) Table 8-155D-1. Standards of grade TOE/MTOE. (4) Table 8-155D-2. Standards of grade TDA. (5) Table 8-155E-1. Standards of grade TOE/MTOE. (6) Table 8-155E-2. Standards of grade TDA. 98 DA PAM 611–21 • 31 March 1999 8–26. Area of Concentration 156—Fixed Wing Surveillance (Rescinded.) 8–27. Military Occupational Specialty 156A—OV-1/RV-1 Pilot (Rescinded.) 8–28. Branch 18—Special Forces (Closed to women—see paragraph 6-12) (Proponent: JFK Special Warfare Center and School) Manages all aspects of Special Forces Operations in all operational environments. Supports Joint and Army strategic, operational and tactical requirements at all levels of execution as concerns mission planning, development, and execution of special operations worldwide. Is responsible for the conduct of unconventional warfare, intelligence collection and strategic reconnaissance, collective security, strike operations, and counterterrorism operations; supports psychological, civil affairs, and deception requirements; and the conduct of other missions, relative to special forces capabilities, as directed. 8–29. Area of Concentration 180—Special Forces There is one warrant officer specialty within this AOC. The skills and knowledge required to qualify for this specialty provides the Army with the tactical and technical expertise to effectively conduct the missions of special forces operations. 8–30. Military Occupational Specialty 180A—Special Forces Warrant Officer a. Licensing/certification requirements. None. b. Prerequisites. DA Cir 601 series. c. MOS 180A. MOS 180A is an accession MOS. The enlisted feeder MOSs are 18B 18C, 18D, 18E, 18F and 18Z. d. Associated SQI. (1) 0—No special qualifications. (2) 8—Instructor. (3) T—Transition (personnel only). (4) Z—Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation Technician. e. Associated ASI. (1) 4W—Underwater Special Operations. (2) 4X—Military Free Fall Special Operations. (3) 6M—Mobilization and Demobilization Operations. (4) 6P—Master Fitness Trainer. f. Qualifications. (1) WO1/CW2 must— (a) Complete the Special Forces Warrant Officers Basic Course. (b) Be able to perform parachute duty. (c) Be able to pass the Special Forces swim test. (d) Possess a language rating of 2/2 reflected on a current DA Form 330. (e) Meet the Medical Fitness Standards for Special Forces duty per AR 40-501, SERE and if required for MFF (HALO)/UWO (SCUBA). ( f ) B e a U . S . c i t i z e n . Q u a l i f y f o r a s e c u r i t y c l e a r a n c e o f SECRET. (g) Must initiate Special Background Investigation (SBI) to be later indoctrinated for Special Compartmented Information (SCI) prior to attendance at WOAC. (2) CW3 must— (a) Meet qualifications described in paragraph f(1). (b) Complete the Special Forces Technician Warrant Officer Advanced Course. (3) CW4 must— (a) Meet qualifications described in paragraph f(2). (b) Complete the Warrant Officers Staff Course (WOSC). (4) CW5 must— (a) Meet qualifications described in paragraph f(3). (b) Complete the Warrant Officer Senior Staff Course (WOSSC). i. Duties. (1) WO1/CW2—

(11) K6—MH-47E Pilot (for use with MOS 154C in Special<br />

Operations units only).<br />

f. Qualifications.<br />

(1) WO1/CW2 must—<br />

( a ) B e a U . S . c i t i z e n . Q u a l i f y f o r a s e c u r i t y c l e a r a n c e o f<br />

SECRET.<br />

(b) Meet medical qualifications. WO1 <strong>and</strong> CW2 must—<br />

1. Initially meet the medical examination requirements of Class 1<br />

medical st<strong>and</strong>ards as prescribed by AR 40-501.<br />

2. Class II medical st<strong>and</strong>ards must be maintained once an officer<br />

is on flight status.<br />

(c) Maintain height <strong>and</strong> weight st<strong>and</strong>ards per AR 600-9 <strong>and</strong> AR<br />

40-501.<br />

(d) Successfully complete the Warrant Officer Technical Certification<br />

Course (IERW for AOC 152 thru 155).<br />

(e) Successfully complete the appropriate aircraft qualification<br />

training.<br />

(f) Be commissioned upon promotion to CW2.<br />

(2) CW3 must—<br />

(a) Meet qualifications listed in f(1)above.<br />

( b ) S u c c e s s f u l l y c o m p l e t e t h e A v i a t i o n W a r r a n t O f f i c e r A d -<br />

vanced Course (AVWOAC).<br />

(3) CW4 must—<br />

(a) Meet qualifications listed in paragraph f(1)(a), f(1)(c), f(1)(d),<br />

f(1)(e), <strong>and</strong> f(2)(c) above.<br />

(b) Meet qualifications listed in paragraph f(1)(b) above unless<br />

awarded ASI G7 through board action.<br />

( c ) S u c c e s s f u l l y c o m p l e t e t h e W a r r a n t O f f i c e r S t a f f C o u r s e<br />

(WOSC).<br />

(4) CW5 must—<br />

(a) Meet qualifications listed in paragraph f(3) above.<br />

(b) Meet qualifications listed in paragraph f(1)(b) above unless<br />

awarded ASI G7 through board action.<br />

( c ) S u c c e s s f u l l y c o m p l e t e t h e W a r r a n t O f f i c e r S e n i o r S t a f f<br />

Course (WOSSC).<br />

g. Duties.<br />

(1) WO1/CW2—<br />

(a) Plans flights, ascertains factors such as load, weight, fuel<br />

supply, route, altitudes or schedules as necessary to safely accomplish<br />

mission.<br />

(b) Supervises loading <strong>and</strong> unloading of aircraft to ensure load<br />

stability, balance <strong>and</strong> adherence to aircraft load limitations.<br />

(c) Pilots <strong>and</strong> comm<strong>and</strong>s assigned aircraft under tactical <strong>and</strong> nontactical<br />

conditions for military purposes.<br />

(d) Conducts pre/post-tactical mission briefings.<br />

(e) Performs aeromedical evacuation missions.<br />

(f) Performs external load missions.<br />

(g) Performs water l<strong>and</strong>ing missions.<br />

(h) Performs aerial evasive maneuvers.<br />

(i) Trains personnel to engage hostile forces with aircraft armament<br />

subsystems.<br />

(j) Maintains Aircrew Training Program requirements in appropriate<br />

aircraft.<br />

( k ) D e t e c t s s a t i s f a c t o r y a n d u n s a t i s f a c t o r y a i r c r a f t s y s t e m o r<br />

flight performance.<br />

( l ) E x e c u t e s e m e r g e n c y o p e r a t i n g p r o c e d u r e s f o r a s s i g n e d<br />

aircraft.<br />

(2) CW3—<br />

(a) Performs duties described in paragraph g(1)(a) through (l)<br />

above.<br />

(b) Performs duties as an aircraft armament maintenance officer<br />

on MH-47 aircraft.<br />

(3) CW4—<br />

(a) Performs duties described in paragraph g(1)(a) through (b)<br />

above.<br />

(b) Performs duties as an IP, ASO, MTP or tactical operations<br />

officer in Special Operations Aviation.<br />

(4) CW5—<br />

(a) Performs duties as described in paragraph g(1)(a) through (b)<br />

above.<br />

DA PAM 611–21 • 31 March 1999<br />

(b) Performs duties as an SIP, ASO, MTFE or tactical operations<br />

officer in special operations aviation.<br />

h. Grading <strong>and</strong> position titles. Authorized position titles are provided<br />

in tables 6-2 <strong>and</strong> 6-3. The following grades are used to code<br />

positions into one of four definable skill levels: W2 equals WO1/<br />

CW2; W3 equals CW3; W4 equals CW4; <strong>and</strong> W5 equals CW5. The<br />

grades are listed in the following st<strong>and</strong>ards of grade tables:<br />

(1) Table 8-154C-1. St<strong>and</strong>ards of grade TOE/MTOE.<br />

(2) Table 8-154C-2. St<strong>and</strong>ards of grade TDA.<br />

8–24. Area of Concentration 155—Fixed Wing Utility<br />

Pilots <strong>and</strong> comm<strong>and</strong>s fixed-wing aircraft under tactical <strong>and</strong> nontactical<br />

conditions. Operates aircraft during all types of meteorological<br />

conditions during day <strong>and</strong> night conditions. Transports passengers,<br />

mail or cargo for military purposes. When appropriately equipped,<br />

performs military intelligence <strong>and</strong> aerial radio relay missions. Maintains<br />

aircrew training manual (ATM) requirements in appropriate<br />

aircraft.<br />

8–25. <strong>Military</strong> <strong>Occupational</strong> Specialties<br />

MOS 155A—Fixed Wing Aviator (Aircraft Nonspecific); 155D—U-<br />

21 Pilot <strong>and</strong> 155E—C-12 Pilot.<br />

a. Licensing/certification requirements. None.<br />

b. Prerequisite. DA Cir 601 Series.<br />

c. MOS. MOS 155A, 155D <strong>and</strong> 155E are nonaccession MOS. All<br />

MOSs at the WO1 <strong>and</strong> CW2 level in AOCs 152, 153 or 154 are<br />

feeder MOS for 155D <strong>and</strong> 155E. MOS 155D, 155E <strong>and</strong> 156A may<br />

be substituted for MOS 155A CW5 positions at the battalion level.<br />

d. Associated SQI.<br />

(1) 0—No special qualifications.<br />

(2) 7—Parachutist.<br />

(3) 8—Instructor.<br />

(4) B—Aviation Safety Officer.<br />

(5) C—Instructor Pilot.<br />

(6) F—Senior Instructor Pilot <strong>and</strong> Instrument Flight Examiner.<br />

(7) G—Aviation Maintenance Officer.<br />

(8) H—St<strong>and</strong>ardization Instructor Pilot.<br />

(9) I—Tactical Operations Officer.<br />

(10) J—Engineering Test Pilot (for use with MOS 155A only).<br />

(11) L—Maintenance Test Flight Evaluator.<br />

(12) T—Transition (personnel only).<br />

( 1 3 ) Z — R e s e a r c h , D e v e l o p m e n t , T e s t , a n d E v a l u a t i o n<br />

Technician.<br />

e. Associated ASI.<br />

(1) 6M—Mobilization <strong>and</strong> Demobilization Operations.<br />

(2) 6P—Master Fitness Trainer.<br />

(3) B2—UH-60 Pilot.<br />

(4) E3—C-20 Pilot.<br />

(5) E4—U-21 Pilot (for use with MOS 155A only).<br />

(6) E5—C-12 Pilot (for use with MOS 155A only).<br />

(7) E6—C-21 Pilot.<br />

(8) E7—C-23 Pilot.<br />

(9) E8—C-26 Pilot.<br />

(10) F2—RU-21 Pilot (for use with MOS 155A <strong>and</strong> 155E).<br />

(11) F3—RC-12D/G/H Pilot (for use with MOS 155A <strong>and</strong> 155E<br />

only).<br />

(12) F4—RC-12K/N Pilot (for use with MOS 155A <strong>and</strong> 155E<br />

only).<br />

(13) F5—EO-54/O-5B Pilot.<br />

(14) G2—Instructor Pilot (not for use with positions coded with<br />

SQI C).<br />

(15) G6—Aviation Maintenance Officer (not for use with positions<br />

coded with SQI G).<br />

(16) G7—Aviation Related.<br />

(17) H2—Aviation Life Support Equipment Officer (for use with<br />

MOS 155D <strong>and</strong> 155E only).<br />

(18) H3—Aircraft Survivability Equipment <strong>and</strong> Electronic Warfare<br />

Officer.<br />

f. Qualifications.<br />

(1) WO1/CW2 must—<br />


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