The Golden Chain - Robert J. Wieland

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Scripture. An "inclination" to sin resisted and<br />

"condemned in the flesh" is not sin. We must not<br />

permit Roman Catholic error to lessen the full<br />

impact of the gospel. It was "in the flesh" that<br />

Christ "condemned sin," and the condemning of it<br />

was complete and total. He would have needed a<br />

Saviour only if He had failed to condemn sin in the<br />

flesh. Ellen White also says specifically that Christ<br />

was "mortal" (DA 484; 5BC 1127). Had He not<br />

been resurrected, He would have "seen corruption"<br />

(Psalm 16:10; Acts 13:35).<br />

11. Why did Ellen White say that Christ "was a<br />

mighty petitioner, not possessing the passions of<br />

our human, fallen natures, but compassed with<br />

like infirmities, tempted in all points like as we<br />

are" (cf. 2T 509)?<br />

"Passions" are identical to the "evil propensities<br />

to sin" that Christ did not have "for one moment."<br />

A "passion" in this context is a compulsive<br />

surrender to evil. However, her use of a pivotal<br />

"but" indicates how she wished to preserve the<br />

truth that Christ was tempted on the point of<br />


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