The Golden Chain - Robert J. Wieland

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5. Were Jones and Waggoner in harmony with<br />

themselves?<br />

Ellen White deeply appreciated their perfect<br />

harmony between themselves. Repeatedly we<br />

discover that each came to the same conclusions<br />

independently. In her many endorsements of their<br />

message, she linked their names together as a unit.<br />

For example: "God is presenting to the minds of<br />

men divinely appointed precious gems of truth,<br />

appropriate for our time" (1888 Materials, p. 139;<br />

1888). "I have deep sorrow of heart because I have<br />

seen how readily a word or action of Elder Jones or<br />

Elder Waggoner is criticized. How readily many<br />

minds overlook all the good that has been done by<br />

them in the few years past, and see no evidence<br />

that God is working through these<br />

instrumentalities" (p. 1026; 1892).<br />

6. What does the following mean: "[Christ] is a<br />

brother in our infirmities, but not in possessing<br />

like passions. As the sinless One, His nature<br />

recoiled from evil" (2T 202)?<br />


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