The Golden Chain - Robert J. Wieland

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Saviour's character in the emphasis he gives to His<br />

"refusing" evil and "choosing" good. Such<br />

righteousness through the exercise of His will by<br />

choice meant that "Christ, coming to the earth as<br />

man, lived a holy life, and developed a perfect<br />

character" (DA 762).<br />

25. Can a baby have faith?<br />

If John the Baptist was filled with the Holy<br />

Spirit even from his mother's womb and, says<br />

Elizabeth, leaped "in my womb for joy" at the<br />

sound of Mary's greeting (Luke 1:44), the answer<br />

must be "yes." "<strong>The</strong> fruit of the spirit is ... faith"<br />

(Galatians 5:22). But please note: the "faith" a<br />

sinless infant could have must of course be<br />

infantile; but at the same time the "temptations" an<br />

infant would have under the care of a loving,<br />

praying mother would also be infantile.<br />

We must not neglect the effect of proper<br />

prenatal influence. We need to give more attention<br />

and respect to the virgin mother of our Lord. She<br />

had a marvelous faith. She gave to the Baby Jesus<br />


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