The Golden Chain - Robert J. Wieland

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justification of life" (verse 18, KJ V). For "all men"<br />

Christ has canceled out the guilt of "original sin."<br />

We have no reason to adopt the Catholic theory.<br />

We are born with a sinful nature, however,<br />

which means that we are born in a state of natural<br />

separation from God—alienation from Him. If that<br />

terrible gulf of separation is not bridged by divine<br />

love expressed through "the praying mother" (and<br />

father), the child's natural alienation from God will<br />

result in its becoming perverse in disposition,<br />

expressing temper tantrums, etc. Actually, it is "the<br />

faith of the praying mother" that enables her babe<br />

to "dwell as under the shadow of the Almighty."<br />

24. In what way then was Christ different from<br />

us as a baby?<br />

Christ was indeed different from us in that<br />

"God is agape," says 1 John 4:8. He Himself<br />

exercised faith. Since Christ was agape in human<br />

flesh, He was always divine as well as human.<br />

Thus He was different from us, who are born<br />

without agape, and are only human, not divine. But<br />


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