The Golden Chain - Robert J. Wieland

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danger that the false christ of Babylon can confuse<br />

us and deflect us from our true mission.<br />

Those who believe in the natural immortality of<br />

the human soul cannot appreciate the dimensions<br />

of the love that led Christ to His cross; they cannot<br />

comprehend the reality of the second death which<br />

He died.<br />

Here is the truth that will make the Sabbath<br />

truth come alive, the truth that will penetrate to the<br />

inner consciousness of that vast host of honest<br />

people in "Babylon" who will someday soon hear<br />

that "voice" from heaven saying with authority and<br />

power, "Come out of her, My people" (Revelation<br />

18:4).<br />

23. Here is the question of questions: How could<br />

Christ be sinless as a Baby before He came to<br />

the age of accountability? Why was He<br />

"different" front "other children"? Why for<br />

example did He never have temper tantrums as<br />

other children have? Does this not indicate that<br />

He took on Himself the sinless nature of Adam<br />


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