The Golden Chain - Robert J. Wieland

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ace.<br />

Hence He must become "Immanuel, God with<br />

us" not God with the sinless Adam. Here is where<br />

the problem is, and here the Son of God must come<br />

in order to solve it, all the way to where we are. He<br />

can redeem only that which He assumed.<br />

If God has called the Seventh-day Adventist<br />

Church to proclaim "the everlasting gospel" to<br />

"every nation, kindred, tongue, and people" in this<br />

time of the cleansing of the sanctuary, this truth of<br />

the cross must find central place in our message.<br />

Our Evangelical friends are hungering to<br />

understand it. We must no longer deprive them of<br />

the blessing they deserve. This is "the beginning"<br />

of that light which must yet lighten the earth with<br />

glory, the fourth angel's message. "Of all<br />

professing Christians, Seventh-day Adventists<br />

should be foremost" in proclaiming that larger truth<br />

of the cross. Our spiritual impotence in the face of<br />

the world's desperate need is due to our failure to<br />

behold Christ as He truly is, and to present Him<br />

thus to the hungering multitudes. <strong>The</strong>re is grave<br />


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