The Golden Chain - Robert J. Wieland

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would have sinned if He had taken Peter's advice<br />

and evaded His cross (Matthew 16:22). Here is the<br />

sublime truth of the incarnation of our Saviour: in<br />

order to "condemn sin in the flesh," He needed the<br />

cross. And so do we! <strong>The</strong> cross was not His<br />

"saviour," but He needed the cross in order to<br />

become our Saviour, and thus to "be made sin ...<br />

for us."<br />

16. If the 1888 view is correct, would Christ<br />

Himself need a Saviour? Would not His sacrifice<br />

have been imperfect, polluted?<br />

On the contrary, His sacrifice could have been<br />

perfect only if He had identified Himself fully with<br />

us by taking our fallen, sinful nature. A messiah<br />

"exempt" from our inheritance or from the identical<br />

conflict we have with temptation would have been<br />

a useless sacrifice because he could not have made<br />

full satisfaction for our sin. Heaven would never be<br />

secure against a recurrence of sin unless the<br />

Saviour's victory were won by triumphing<br />

completely over our sinful nature with all its<br />

liabilities "in the likeness of sinful flesh." Any<br />


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