The Golden Chain - Robert J. Wieland

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essential to salvation if we expect to die before<br />

Christ's second coming. Since Waggoner's<br />

presentation of righteousness by faith at<br />

Minneapolis in 1888 was "the first clear [public]<br />

teaching from any human lips" that Ellen White<br />

had heard, apparently the Holy Spirit had not led<br />

anyone else among us to teach this truth forcefully<br />

prior to 1888.<br />

But it would not be correct to say that a right<br />

understanding of Christ's humanity is not vital to<br />

those who will be living on earth when "the<br />

intercession of Christ shall cease in the sanctuary<br />

above." Jones and Waggoner recognized that this<br />

truth was essential to demonstrating a vindication<br />

of Christ in the body of His church. And so did<br />

Ellen White: "<strong>The</strong> humanity of the Son of God is<br />

everything to us. It is the golden chain that binds<br />

our souls to Christ, and through Christ to God. This<br />

is to be our study. Christ was a real man" (1SM<br />

244; cf. GC 425).<br />

If we must die "in the wilderness" for decades<br />

or centuries more to come, then it can be said that<br />


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