The Golden Chain - Robert J. Wieland

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In what consisted the strength of the assault<br />

made upon Adam, which caused his fall? It was not<br />

indwelling sin; for God made Adam after His own<br />

character, pure and upright. <strong>The</strong>re were no corrupt<br />

principles in the first Adam, no corrupt<br />

propensities or tendencies to evil. Adam was as<br />

faultless as the angels before God's throne (Letter<br />

191, 1899; 1BC 1083).<br />

But Jesus makes clear that His temptability was<br />

in our realm of the inclination to follow His own<br />

will even as we are tempted in that same way, and<br />

His victory lay in the denial of His own will: "I<br />

came ... not to do My own will, but the will of Him<br />

who sent Me." "I do not seek My own will but the<br />

will of the Father who sent Me" (John 6:38; 5:30).<br />

Here was an inward struggle that Jesus bore<br />

constantly, which Adam never experienced in his<br />

sinless state. Before the Fall, Adam had no<br />

constant cross to bear, no need to deny self as did<br />

our Lord who "did not please Himself" (Romans<br />

15:3).<br />

3. Does Paul's use of "like" in Romans 1:23<br />


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