Nityananda Caritamrta

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The Deliverance of Jagäi and Mädhäi<br />

very well. Just you wait and see. Within a few days He will bring<br />

those two drunkards to the assembly of devotees.”<br />

While speaking this way, Advaita Äcärya became somewhat<br />

agitated. In a grave voice, He said, “We will soon see Lord<br />

Caitanya’s wonderful love and devotion towards Lord Kåñëa<br />

become manifest, as well as His power to induce everyone to<br />

dance and chant for Kåñëa. Tomorrow Nimäi and Nitäi will<br />

bring these two drunkards here and dance with them. Nimäi<br />

and Nitäi will not neglect them in consideration of their degraded<br />

condition, but I think you and I had better leave this<br />

place to safeguard our social prestige.”<br />

Seeing Advaita Äcärya’s angry mood, Haridäsa Öhäkura<br />

began to laugh. He was convinced that without a doubt the two<br />

drunkards would soon be delivered. Who can understand the<br />

words of Advaita Äcärya? Only Haridäsa Prabhu understood<br />

their meaning. Nowadays, so many sinful persons take shelter<br />

of Advaita Äcärya and criticize Gadädhara Paëòita. Thus, they<br />

are soon vanquished. A sinful person who takes the side of one<br />

Vaiñëava while criticizing another will surely be destroyed.<br />

The two drunkards, Jagäi and Mädhäi, wandered all over<br />

Navadvépa. One day, they came to the bathing ghäöa at the<br />

Ganges where Lord Caitanya usually bathed. By the will of<br />

providence, the drunkards made their camp at that ghäöa. During<br />

the day, they would wander around Navadvépa, searching<br />

for their prey. All the people, including highly respectable, rich<br />

and famous artisans were very afraid of them. After dusk, no<br />

one dared go to the Ganges to bathe. If someone went, he would<br />

go with a group of ten or twenty men.<br />

At night, the two drunkards stayed near the Lord’s house<br />

and thus remained awake all night hearing the sounds of kértana.<br />

As the mådaìgas and karatälas sounded during kértana,<br />

the two drunkards would happily dance. They could hear the<br />

kértana from afar. As soon as they heard the sacred sounds of<br />

kértana, they would dance and drink more wine. Whenever kértana<br />

began, they got up and danced. Wine bewildered their intelligence<br />

to such a degree that they never knew where they had<br />

just been, nor did they consider where they would go next.<br />

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