Nityananda Caritamrta

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The Deliverance of Jagäi and Mädhäi<br />

to meet Lord Viçvambhara, who was sitting inside His house. He<br />

appeared very charming, His beauty conquering that of Cupid.<br />

The Lord was seated, surrounded by many Vaiñëavas, explaining<br />

the truth of Himself to the assembly, just as Lord<br />

Näräyaëa, the Lord of Çvetadvépa, had previously instructed<br />

great sages, headed by Sanaka.<br />

In this way, Nityänanda and Haridäsa arrived before the<br />

Lord to report the day’s activities. They said, “Today we saw two<br />

drunkards who still claim to be brähmaëas. We politely asked<br />

them to chant the holy names of Kåñëa, but they chased us in<br />

anger. We are fortunate to be alive.”<br />

The Lord asked, “Who were those two drunkards? What<br />

are their names? Being brähmaëas, why are they acting in such<br />

a degraded manner?”<br />

Gaìgädäsa and Çréväsa Paëòita, who were sitting in the<br />

assembly, described all the sinful activities committed by the<br />

drunkards. “O Lord, their names are Jagäi and Mädhäi,” they<br />

said. “They are sons of a pious brähmaëa, but due to bad association,<br />

they have become exceedingly degraded. Indeed, they cannot<br />

live without wine for even a single day. The people of Nadia<br />

are very afraid of them. There is no house in Nadia where these<br />

two have not committed theft. There is no end to their sins. O<br />

Gosäi, You must have seen them and know everything.”<br />

“Yes, yes, I know them very well. If they come here, I will cut<br />

them both to pieces,” Lord Caitanya replied.<br />

“You can do whatever You want, but as long as these two<br />

drunkards are around, I am not going to preach,” Nityänanda<br />

said. “Why do You needlessly brag about Yourself? First, make<br />

them chant the names of Govinda. By nature, a pious person<br />

chants the holy names of Kåñëa, but these two drunkards do<br />

nothing but commit sinful activities. If You deliver these two<br />

drunkards by awarding them devotional service, then Your reputation<br />

as the deliverer of the fallen souls will have meaning.<br />

Your glories were broadcast after delivering Me, but Your reputation<br />

will be enhanced to a much greater extent if You deliver<br />

these two fallen souls.”<br />

“These drunkards were already delivered the moment<br />

they had Your darçana,” Lord Viçvambhara smilingly replied.<br />

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