Nityananda Caritamrta

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The Deliverance of Jagäi and Mädhäi<br />

Approaching them, Nityänanda and Haridäsa loudly repeated<br />

the Lord’s message to the two debauches. They said:<br />

bala kåñëa bhaja kåñëa laha kåñëa näma<br />

kåñëa mätä kåñëa pita kåñëa dhana präëa<br />

“Chant Kåñëa, worship Kåñëa, and sing the glories<br />

of Kåñëa. Kåñëa is your mother, father, wealth, and life.<br />

Lord Kåñëa will mercifully deliver you. Please give up<br />

your sinful life and worship Him.”<br />

Upon hearing the loud voices of Nityänanda and Haridäsa,<br />

the two drunkards raised their hands and looked around. Their<br />

eyes became red with anger. Seeing the sannyäsa features of<br />

Nityänanda and Haridäsa, they began to chase them, screaming,<br />

‘‘Catch them, catch them!”<br />

Nityänanda and Haridäsa quickly fled. The two drunkards<br />

chased them, yelling, “Wait! Wait!” running behind Nityänanda<br />

and Haridäsa like a raging storm. The two Lords ran<br />

away as if in great fear. All the pious people thought, “We tried<br />

to stop these two sannyäsés from going near the drunkards. Now<br />

they are in great danger.”<br />

However, the impious persons present there smiled and said,<br />

“Today Lord Näräyaëa has awarded fit punishment to these<br />

pseudo sannyäsés.”<br />

The pious brähmaëas prayed, “O Kåñëa, please save them.<br />

O Kåñëa, please save them.”<br />

At this time, everyone ran away out of fear of the two brothers,<br />

Jagäi and Mädhäi. They chased Nityänanda Prabhu and<br />

Haridäsa and the two Lords ran as fast as they could. Although<br />

the drunkards shouted, “We have almost caught them!” still,<br />

they were unable to catch hold of Nityänanda and Haridäsa.<br />

While running, Nityänanda said to Haridäsa, “O Vaiñëava<br />

Haridäsa, what do you think? If we survive today, it will be our<br />

good fortune.”<br />

Haridäsa replied, “O Lord, what can I say? It is all my fault<br />

that we will soon lose our lives. This is the result of trying to<br />

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