Nityananda Caritamrta

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Çrémän Mahäprabhu Glorifies Lord Nityänanda<br />

Both Lord Viçvambhara and Nityänanda Prabhu resided<br />

at Navadvépa, enjoying Their transcendental pastimes.<br />

Nityänanda Prabhu was always merged in an ocean of transcendental<br />

love of Kåñëa. He constantly behaved like an ordinary<br />

child. He loved everyone and always spoke with them in a sweet<br />

voice. He danced, sang, played musical instruments, and laughed<br />

to Himself. Sometimes, out of His deep sentiment, He roared<br />

loudly, causing everyone to become filled with wonder. In the<br />

rainy season, when the Ganges was filled with fierce waves and<br />

crocodiles, Lord Nityänanda fearlessly swam and floated in her<br />

water. Although everyone who saw Him floating in the Ganges<br />

became afraid for Him, shouting, “Alas! Alas!” Nityänanda continued<br />

floating in ecstasy among the crocodiles. He floated in<br />

the Ganges, absorbed in the mood of Ananta. Not understanding<br />

this, common people lamented.<br />

75<br />

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