Nityananda Caritamrta

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Eating Pastimes of Çrémän Mahäprabhu and Lord Nityänanda<br />

Mahäprabhu quickly got up and washed His hands. He then<br />

picked up His mother, saying, “O mother, please get up. Please<br />

calm yourself. Why have you suddenly fallen onto the floor?”<br />

After awhile, mother Çacé regained her senses and quickly<br />

tied her hair. She spoke not a word, but simply went and cried<br />

within her room. While breathing heavily, her entire body<br />

trembled. She was filled with love of God and had forgotten<br />

everything else. Éçäna then cleaned the room after taking the<br />

leftover food and washed the kitchen paraphernalia.<br />

Éçäna served mother Çacé constantly. He was the most fortunate<br />

person within the fourteen worlds. Similar pastimes were<br />

enacted every day. No one but the confidential servants of the<br />

Lord know the actual purport of these pastimes.<br />

After Çré Gauräìga and Nityänanda Prabhu finished Their<br />

lunch, mother Çacé anointed Their bodies with sandalwood<br />

paste. She then offered Them various items for worship, including<br />

flower garlands. Seeing Nityänanda satiated the eyes of<br />

mother Çacé. She continued staring at Nityänanda’s face, having<br />

become maddened by her affection for Him.<br />

Çré Gauräìga told His mother, “You must treat Nityänanda<br />

as Your own son. Take care of Him more affectionately than<br />

you do Me.”<br />

Mother Çacé looked at Nityänanda’s face, thinking Him to<br />

be her own son. She said, “From now on, You are my son. Please<br />

be kind to my Viçvambhara. From today on, both of You are my<br />

sons.”<br />

As she spoke, tears flowed constantly from mother Çacé’s<br />

eyes. Out of motherly affection, she took Nityänanda on her<br />

lap. Nityänanda offered obeisances at mother Çacé’s feet, thinking<br />

her to be His affectionate mother. He sweetly said to her,<br />

“Mother, what you say is true. I can declare with confidence<br />

that I am actually your son 10 . O mother, please do not consider<br />

10 The meaning of this is: “I am nondifferent from your son,<br />

Viçvarüpa.” Çré Viçvarüpa merged within the body of Nityänanda. It<br />

is for this reason that mother Çacé felt the same happiness from Nityänanda<br />

as she felt while seeing Viçvarüpa.<br />

67<br />

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