Nityananda Caritamrta

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While listening to His mother, Lord Viçvambhara smiled<br />

and then spoke to her in a sweet voice: “O mother, You indeed<br />

had an auspicious dream, but please do not describe it to anyone.<br />

Now I am firmly convinced that the Deities worshiped in Your<br />

house are directly the Supreme Personality of Godhead. My<br />

faith has become strengthened by hearing about your dream.<br />

After offering food to the Lord, I repeatedly found half of it<br />

missing, but I was hesitant to tell this to anyone. Actually, I had<br />

a doubt about your daughter-law, but today that doubt has been<br />

removed from My mind.”<br />

While hearing her husband’s words, Lakñmépriyä, who is directly<br />

the goddess of fortune, simply smiled. She heard about the<br />

dream from inside an adjoining room.<br />

“Mother, please listen,” Viçvambhara said. “I will at once<br />

invite Nityänanda and feed Him.”<br />

Upon hearing the words of her son, Çacé was very pleased<br />

and began making arrangements for lunch.<br />

Accepting Çré Caitanya and Nityänanda Prabhu as my life<br />

and soul, I, Våndävana däsa, sing the glories of Their lotus feet.<br />

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