Nityananda Caritamrta

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Licensed for Personal Use Only<br />

Çré Nityänanda-caritämåta (2nd Edition)<br />

Adapted and Published by Éçvara däsa<br />

Translated by Bhümipati däsa<br />

First edition edited by Deena Bandhu däsa<br />

Second edition edited by Pürëaprajïa däsa<br />

Proofread by Kåñëa-kåpä däsa<br />

Cover painting by Saccidänanda däsa<br />

Line Arts by Çatadhäma däsé<br />

Title Page Painting by Çyämapriyä däsé<br />

Layout and design by Éçvara däsa<br />

ISBN 81-87897-20-1<br />

© 2008 Éçvara däsa and Touchstone Media. No parts of<br />

this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,<br />

photocopied or transmitted, except brief extracts for the<br />

purpose of review, without the written permission of the<br />

publisher.<br />

This book can be had from www.touchstonemedia.com

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