Nityananda Caritamrta

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Lord Nityänanda’s Meeting with Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu<br />

about Lord Nityänanda’s arrival at Navadvépa will certainly obtain<br />

the treasure of love and devotion.<br />

Aware of Lord Nityänanda’s arrival in Navadvépa, Çré Viçvambhara<br />

became extremely happy within His heart. The Lord<br />

had already, on some pretext or other, disclosed the news of<br />

Nityänanda Prabhu’s arrival to the Vaiñëavas. However, none of<br />

them could understand the meaning of His words. Lord Viçvambhara<br />

had said, “Within a day or two, an exalted personality<br />

will come here.”<br />

By providence, Lord Nityänanda arrived at Navadvépa that<br />

very day. Lord Viçvambhara, after completing His worship of<br />

Lord Viñëu, came and sat with the Vaiñëavas. The Lord said<br />

to everyone, “Today I had a wonderful dream. I saw a beautiful<br />

chariot, bedecked with an auspicious flag, came and stop near<br />

My door. Seated upon that chariot was a remarkable personality.<br />

He carried a large plough on His shoulder, and He appeared<br />

very restless. He had a stick tucked into His clothing, and He<br />

carried a pitcher in His left hand. He was dressed in blue garments,<br />

and a blue cädara covered His chest. A wonderful earring<br />

hung from His left ear. By His features, I assume He is none<br />

other than Haladhara Balaräma.<br />

“He repeatedly asked, ‘Is this the house of Nimäi Paëòita?’<br />

“I have never seen such a noble and powerful personality.<br />

He was effulgent and He was dressed as an avadhüta, or mendicant.<br />

I was struck with wonder just by seeing Him. I asked Him,<br />

‘Who are you?’ He smilingly replied, ‘I am Your brother. We will<br />

meet tomorrow and get to know one another.’ By hearing His<br />

words, My happiness increased. I consider Myself as being very<br />

similar to that personality.”<br />

Speaking like this, Lord Caitanya became absorbed in<br />

an ecstatic trance and began to roar loudly in the mood of<br />

Haladhara Balaräma. The Lord demanded, “Bring Me wine!”<br />

His loud voice almost shattered the ears of everyone present.<br />

Çréväsa Paëòita then said, “Please listen, O Gosäi! The wine<br />

that You are asking for is right here in front of You. Only those<br />

You give it to can relish it.”<br />

All the devotees remained trembling at a distant place. They<br />

all thought there must be some reason behind the Lord’s actions. The<br />

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