Nityananda Caritamrta

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however, not seeing Lord Nityänanda. Lord Nityänanda could<br />

understand the manifestation of Lord Gauracandra. He resided<br />

in Våndävana, waiting for this auspicious moment. Understanding<br />

that His Lord had revealed Himself, Lord Nityänanda immediately<br />

went to Navadvépa and stayed at the house of Nandana<br />

Äcärya 2 .<br />

Nandana Äcärya was a mahä-bhägavata, a pure devotee of<br />

the Lord. He saw Lord Nityänanda, who is non-different from<br />

Lord Balaräma, as being as effulgent as the sun. Lord Nityänanda<br />

was dressed as an avadhüta, or mendicant. He possessed a very attractive<br />

body. He was always in a deep and sober mood. Lord<br />

Nityänanda chanted the holy names of Kåñëa throughout<br />

the day and night. He was the abode of Lord Caitanya’s mercy<br />

within the three worlds. He often shouted loudly because of His<br />

ecstasy, being maddened with love of God.<br />

The enchanting beauty of His face defeated millions of<br />

moons. His sweet smile enlivened all the people of the world.<br />

His beautiful brilliant teeth were just like rows of pearls, and<br />

His two broad lotus eyes increased the beauty of His face. His<br />

hands reached to His knees and His chest was very broad. His<br />

lotus feet were expert in walking. Lord Nityänanda spoke to<br />

everyone with burning compassion. Hearing the words from<br />

His lotus mouth completely destroyed one’s bondage to fruitive<br />

activities.<br />

When <strong>Nityananda</strong> Prabhu arrived in Nadia, all the people<br />

there began to chant, “Jaya Jaya!” Who is so expert to describe<br />

Lord Nityänanda’s glories? It is Lord Nityänanda who broke the<br />

sannyäsa daëòa of Lord Gaurasundara. It is He who enlivened<br />

all the fallen foolish traders of Bengal. If anyone simply chants<br />

His holy names, he will certainly be purified. Seeing Lord<br />

Nityänanda, Nandana Äcärya became very happy. He<br />

offered Him lunch and kept Him at his house. Whoever hears<br />

2 Nandana Äcärya was the son of Caturbhuja Paëòita, a resident<br />

of Navadvépa. Çrémän Mahäprabhu, Çré Nityänanda Prabhu and Çré<br />

Advaita Prabhu stayed at his house during the course of Their pastimes.<br />

36<br />

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