Nityananda Caritamrta

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Lord Nityänanda Prabhu’s Appearance Day Lecture<br />

fering from one disease— anxiety. Ask anybody. Take one small<br />

ant and take the big elephant; take the President of United<br />

States or take one street beggar. Ask him, “Whether you are<br />

free from anxiety?” Everybody will say, “No, I am full of anxiety.”<br />

That’s a fact. So why are they in anxiety, full of anxiety?<br />

That Prahläda Mahäräja had replied, “sadä samudvigna-dhiyäm<br />

asad-grahät.” Because we have taken to asad-vastu, what does<br />

not exist. Everything, whatever you have got. Our, this body will<br />

not exist. And this is the main platform of our existence. In the<br />

material world, so long the body is there, you exist. So Prahläda<br />

Mahäräja said that, “Real solution of problems of life is to get<br />

out of this material condition. That is best thing in my opinion.”<br />

Sadä samadvigna-dhiyäm asad. That is Vedic injunction also.<br />

ASATO mä sad gamaya: “Don’t live in this asat, in this material<br />

condition.” SAD gamaya: “Go to real existence.” That real<br />

existence means spiritual life. NA hanyate hanyamäne çarére.<br />

So if we actually want life, blissful life, then we must get out<br />

of this material existence. That is Prahläda Mahäräja’s instruction.<br />

samudvigna-dhiyäm. And if you remain in the material<br />

existence, you must suffer some anxiety. There is no excuse.<br />

So Prahläda Mahäräja advises that hitvätma-pütaà gåham<br />

andha-küpaà vanaà gato yad dharim äçrayeta. Real problem<br />

is anxiety. And this anxiety will continue so long you are in<br />

material existence. Therefore the real life is to get out of this<br />

material hitvätma-pütam. Ätma-ghätam means killing the soul.<br />

This material civilization is killing the soul. They have no information<br />

of the soul. They do not know how to become peaceful,<br />

how to become blissful. They are trying to be peaceful, bahirartha-mäninaù,<br />

by external material energy. They are thinking<br />

by constructing big, big buildings, just like in Bhubaneswar they<br />

are doing, and having good, very big, big roads and motorcars,<br />

that is advancement of civilization. No. That is not advancement<br />

of civilization. That is increasing their anxiety. There is<br />

no solution of the anxiety. Formerly there was no university.<br />

The university was in the cottage—Vyäsadeva. Vyäsadeva was<br />

writing Çrémad-Bhägavatam and all the Puräëas in a cottage.<br />

The university was there. Who can produce such literature as<br />

Vyäsadeva has given? From any angle of vision, from literary<br />

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