Nityananda Caritamrta

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Prayers to Lord <strong>Nityananda</strong><br />

häsa! Våndävana däsa sings. “Lord Nityänanda is my<br />

Prabhu. He is full of nothing but pleasure.”<br />

Nitäi Guna-Mani Ämara<br />

My Lord Nitäi is the Jewel Mine<br />

of All Transcendental Qualities<br />

By Çréla Locana däsa Öhäkura<br />

nitäi guëa-maëi ämara, nitäi guëa-maëi<br />

äniya premera banyä bhäsäilo avané<br />

premera banyä loiyä nitäi äilä gauòa-deçe<br />

òubilo bhakata-gaëa déna héna bhäse<br />

déna héna patita pämara nähi bächhe<br />

brahmära durlabha prema sabäkäre jäche<br />

äbaddha karuëä-sindhu katiyä muhäna<br />

ghare ghare bule prema-amiyära bäna<br />

lochan bole hena nitäi jebä na bhajilo<br />

jäniya çuniya sei ätma-ghäté hoilo<br />


It is said that Çréla Nityänanda Prabhu is more<br />

merciful, more magnanimous, more munificent than<br />

Çrémän Gauräìga Mahäprabhu.<br />

1. My Nitäi is the jewel mine of transcendental<br />

qualities, the jewel mine of transcendental qualities.<br />

Bringing the flood of prema, He inundated the earth.<br />

2. Çré Nitai came to Gauòa-deça with a flood of<br />

kåñëa-prema. Òubilo bhakata-gaëa déna héna bhäse,<br />

those who are bhaktas drowned in that flood, premera<br />

banya, but the déna héna, the fallen souls and those who<br />

were unfortunate, floated on the surface!<br />

3. Lord Nityänanda Prabhu offers this pure love<br />

of Godhead, pure love of Kåñëa, indiscriminately. He<br />

distributes this prema with two hands! He never discriminates<br />

whether one is patita, most degraded or fallen,<br />

or one is pämara, most elevated, or whether one is<br />

qualified or not qualified. He never discriminates. Even<br />

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