Nityananda Caritamrta

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Yädunätha Kavicandra was full of love of God. Lord Nityänanda<br />

was always merciful to him.<br />

The most effulgent Jagadéça Paëòita 33 was a devotee of Nityänanda.<br />

Lord Nityänanda was his and his family’s very life<br />

and wealth.<br />

Paëòita Puruçottama was born in Navadvépa. He was a great<br />

devotee of Nityänanda Svarüpa. Lord Nityänanda had previously<br />

resided at his house. By his mercy, one’s mind becomes<br />

fixed at the lotus feet of Nityänanda.<br />

Dvija Kåñëadäsa, who was born in Räòha-deça, was counted<br />

among the associates of Nityänanda.<br />

Käliya Kåñëadäsa 34 was a devotee famous throughout the three<br />

worlds. Remembering him, one attains Gauracandra’s lotus feet.<br />

The most fortunate Sadäçiva Kaviräja 35 was an associate of<br />

Nityänanda. The name of his son was Puruçottama däsa 36 . Due<br />

to love of God, Puruçottama däsa was always absorbed in ecstasy.<br />

Lord Nityänanda constantly remained within his heart.<br />

33 Jagadéça Paëòita was the famous dancer of Vraja named Candrahäsa.<br />

His birthplace was in Jessore. Maheça Paëòita was his younger<br />

brother. The two brothers came to Navadvépa to reside. Jagadéça’s<br />

wife, Duùkhiné-devé, was Gauräìga’s nurse. Jagadéça Paëòita brought<br />

a Deity of Jagannätha from Néläcala and installed Him at Jessore. Later,<br />

Mahäprabhu, out of affection for Duùkhiné-devé, came to Jessore<br />

and took the form of Gaura-gopäla. This Deity of Gaura-gopäla is still<br />

present there.<br />

34 In his previous incarnation, Käliya Kåñëadäsa was a friend of<br />

Kåñëa known as Lavaìga. He resided at the village of Akäihäöa. He<br />

was a companion of Çré Gauräìga when He visited South India.<br />

35 Sadäçiva Kaviräja was the gopé of Vraja named Candrävalé.<br />

He was born in the village of Bodhakhänä. His father’s name was<br />

Kaàsäri Sena, his son was Puruçottama däsa, and his grandson was<br />

Känu Öhäkura. All of them were the Lord’s associates in Vraja.<br />

36 Puruçottama däsa, the son of Sadäçiva Kaviräja, was a friend of<br />

the Lord in Vraja named Däma. He lived in the village of Sukhasägara.<br />

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