Nityananda Caritamrta

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The Birth of Véracandra Prabhu and Disappearance of Lord Nityänanda<br />

and forcefully slapped their chests crying, “O Lord Hari! O Lord<br />

Nityänanda! You have left us.”<br />

The devotees cried and rolled in the dust. Hearing the news<br />

of the Lord’s disappearance, all the people of Nadia came to Ekacakra.<br />

They became terribly distressed, being unable to see Lord<br />

Nityänanda anymore. They also held their heads and cried. All<br />

the local devotees cried continuously. Everyone, including children,<br />

the elderly, women, and men cried in separation. However,<br />

the atheists laughed, thinking, “We will no longer have to see<br />

this Nityänanda.”<br />

Lord Nityänanda is the deliverer of the fallen souls. Never<br />

serve anyone other than Him. Only a most foolish person unaware<br />

of the glories of Nityänanda takes shelter of others. I consider<br />

such a person to be the most sinful person in this world.<br />

jaya nityänanda caitanyera priyatama<br />

tri jagate ära keha nähi tomä sama<br />

änanda kanda mahäprabhu premabhakti dätä<br />

ye sebaye sei bhakti päye ta sarvathä<br />

sarva jévera prabhu ! karilä prasäda<br />

kñemilä sakala mahä mahä aparädha<br />

çré kåñëa caitanya deva nityänanda näma<br />

påthivéra bhägya avatäri anüpäma<br />

All glories to Lord Nityänanda, the dearest associate<br />

of Çré Caitanya! No one is equal to You within the<br />

three worlds. You are the reservoir of transcendental<br />

bliss who bestows prema-bhakti for Mahäprabhu. Those<br />

who serve You achieve pure devotional service. O Lord,<br />

You delivered all the fallen souls, forgiving their grave<br />

offenses. Çré Kåñëa Caitanya and Çré Nityänanda are<br />

the two matchless Lords who appeared for the good fortune<br />

of this world.<br />

ära ki kahiba kathä bhägye avadhi<br />

çré caitanya nityänanda mahäguëanidhi<br />

abhimäna duranta tathi nä päi kåñëa rati<br />

ihä jäni nityänanda karaha bhakati<br />

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