Nityananda Caritamrta

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devotees understood the Lord’s mood by various hints. Others<br />

knew nothing.<br />

On the plea of going on pilgrimage, all the devotees bid<br />

farewell to the Lord, one by one. Nityänanda Prabhu also bade<br />

farewell to the Lord and started for Bengal with some devotees.<br />

He traveled along the road, absorbed in ecstatic kåñëa-prema.<br />

He appeared as if intoxicated from drinking honey. After some<br />

time, He arrived on the bank of the Ganges and entered Räghava<br />

Paëòita’s house in the village of Pänihäöi. Hearing about Nityänanda<br />

Prabhu’s arrival, everyone, including children and<br />

the elderly, happily rushed to see Him. People from Pänihäöi to<br />

Triveëé poured in nonstop to join in the kértana. Many people<br />

took prasäda there, and many people carried it to their houses.<br />

Nobody could estimate how many people brought ingredients<br />

and how many people distributed prasäda.<br />

During the day, they distributed prasäda and at night, they<br />

arranged huge näma-saìkértana parties. Even Lord Ananta<br />

was unable to count the visitors. Many devotee singers sang and<br />

danced while others fanned them with peacock feather fans.<br />

Nityänanda Prabhu decorated His head with a turban made<br />

of colourful cloths. He wore beautiful earrings, and His brightly<br />

shining face defeated the beauty of the moon. He had bracelets<br />

on His hands and rings on His fingers. He wore a golden chain<br />

with a blue sapphire locket. His lotus feet were decorated with<br />

golden ankle bells whose tinkling sound banished one’s miseries.<br />

Tears of love flowed constantly from His lotus eyes. Honeybees<br />

poured their honey on His lotus feet. His head resembled<br />

that of a lion, and His shoulders those of an elephant. He had<br />

a huge body whose two arms reached to His knees. His large<br />

hands resembled those of a wrestler. His golden limbs exuded<br />

prema. He was attached to chanting the holy names of Çré<br />

Caitanyacandra.<br />

Nityänanda Prabhu swung back and forth while chanting,<br />

“Kåñëa! Kåñëa!” just like an elephant in rut when struck by a<br />

goad. Sometimes He laughed while rolling his eyes and speaking<br />

very sweetly. At other times, He closed His eyes and remained<br />

silent. He sometimes cried loudly, saying, “O My dear Kåñëa!”<br />

Sometimes, folding His hands, He chanted, “O My Lord!” and<br />

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