Nityananda Caritamrta

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Gadädhara exchanged. The most enchanting Deity of Lord<br />

Gopénätha resided at the house of Gadädhara Paëòita. He appeared<br />

to be directly the son of Nanda Mahäräja. Lord Caitanya<br />

had personally embraced this Deity. Seeing this Deity bewilders<br />

even a staunch atheist.<br />

When Nityänanda Prabhu saw the beautiful flute and attractive<br />

face of Gopénätha, tears of love incessantly streamed<br />

from His eyes. Knowing that Nityänanda had arrived, Gadädhara<br />

left his recitation of Çrémad-Bhägavatam and in great<br />

haste came to greet Him. As soon as they saw each other, they<br />

embraced and began to cry. They offered their obeisances to<br />

one another and began to glorify one another.<br />

One of them said, “Today my eyes are purified.” The other<br />

said, “Today my life is successful.” Both of them rapturously<br />

floated in the ocean of prema. The love and devotion manifested<br />

from their meeting was so intense that all the servants<br />

began to weep. The love and affection between Nityänanda and<br />

Gadädhara is so wonderful that neither spoke to the other’s enemies.<br />

Gadädhara’s vow was that he would never see the face<br />

of a person who blasphemes Nityänanda. Gadädhara Paëòita<br />

Gosäi does not even manifest himself to those who have no love<br />

for Nityänanda Gosäi.<br />

When they became peaceful, Gadädhara Paëòita and Nityänanda<br />

Prabhu sat down to discuss the auspicious glories of Çré<br />

Caitanya. Thereafter, Gadädhara invited Nityänanda Prabhu to<br />

accept lunch at his home. Nityänanda Prabhu had brought forty<br />

kilos of very fine white rice from Bengal for Gadädhara to offer<br />

to Lord Gopénätha. He also brought a beautifully colored piece<br />

of cloth for the Lord, which He placed before Gadädhara.<br />

Nityänanda said, “My dear Gadädhara, please take this rice<br />

and cook for Gopénätha. After offering it to the Lord, You may<br />

honor the remnants.”<br />

Seeing the fine rice, Gadädhara smilingly said, “I’ve never<br />

seen such rice before. Did You bring this rice from Vaikuëöha<br />

for Gopénätha? Mother Lakñmé cooks this rice, and Kåñëa enjoys<br />

it. The devotees then honor the remnants.”<br />

After happily praising the rice, Gadädhara took the piece<br />

of cloth and went before Lord Gopénätha. He dressed Gopé-<br />

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