Nityananda Caritamrta

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A Brähmaëa’s Doubt about the Character of Lord Nityänanda and Its Removal by Lord Caitanya<br />

Material piety and sin, which arise from the good<br />

and evil of this world, cannot exist within My unalloyed<br />

devotees, who, being free from material hankering,<br />

maintain steady spiritual consciousness in all circumstances.<br />

Indeed, such devotees have achieved Me,<br />

the Supreme Lord, who am beyond anything that can<br />

be conceived by material intelligence.<br />

padma patre yena kabhu nähi loge jala<br />

ei mata nityänanda svärüpa nirmala<br />

paramärtha kåñëacandra tähäna çarére<br />

niçcaya jäniha bipra sarvadä bihare<br />

adhikäré bai kare tähäna ämära<br />

duùkha päya sei jana päpa janma täya<br />

rudra bine anye yadi kare biñagäna<br />

sarvathäya mare sarva puräëa pramäëa<br />

“Just as water does not touch a lotus leaf, no faults<br />

touch Nityänanda Svarüpa. O brähmaëa, know that<br />

Kåñëacandra eternally resides in Nityänanda’s body.<br />

Those disregarding an exalted person will suffer miseries<br />

and reap sinful reactions. The Puräëas say that<br />

if anyone other than Lord Çiva drinks poison, he will<br />

surely die.<br />

Çrémad-Bhägavatam (10.33.29-30) also says:<br />

çré-çuka uväca<br />

dharma-vyatikramo dåñöa éçvaräëäà ca sähasam<br />

tejéyasäà na doñäya vahneù sarva-bhujo yathä<br />

“Çukadeva Gosvämé said: The status of powerful<br />

controllers is not harmed by any apparently audacious<br />

transgression of morality we may see in them, for they<br />

are just like fire, which devours everything fed into it<br />

and remains unpolluted.<br />

161<br />

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