Nityananda Caritamrta

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The Deliverance of Jagäi and Mädhäi<br />

feel any pain. O Lord, I beg that please give me these two souls<br />

as alms. Kindly give up Your anger.”<br />

When Lord Caitanya heard that Jagäi had spared Nityänanda<br />

Prabhu, He became pleased with him and embraced<br />

him. The Lord said to Jagäi, “May Kåñëa be merciful to you. You<br />

have purchased Me by rescuing Nityänanda. Ask for any benediction,<br />

according to you desire. From today you will achieve<br />

loving devotional service to the Lord.”<br />

When the Vaiñëavas heard the Lord’s benediction upon<br />

Jagäi, they jubilantly chanted, “All glories to Lord Hari!”<br />

As soon as the Lord awarded pure devotional service to<br />

Jagäi, he at once fell senseless onto the ground. “Jagäi, get up<br />

and look at Me,” the Lord said. “I have awarded you love and<br />

devotion for Lord Kåñëa.”<br />

Jagäi then saw the beautiful four-armed form of Lord<br />

Viçvambhara, holding a conch, disc, club, and lotus. Seeing<br />

this form of Lord Caitanya, Jagäi again fell senseless onto the<br />

ground. Çré Gauräìga then placed His lotus feet upon Jagäi’s<br />

chest, so that he obtained the treasure that is the life and soul<br />

of Lakñmé. Jagäi caught hold of those invaluable jewels that<br />

were placed upon his chest. Holding the Lord’s lotus feet, Jagäi<br />

began to cry. Such is the wonderful pastime of Çré Gauräìga.<br />

Jagäi and Mädhäi were one, but they had appeared in two<br />

different bodies. Their piety and sins were also one. As soon the<br />

Lord bestowed mercy upon Jagäi, Mädhäi’s heart became purified.<br />

With folded hands, he fell at Lord Caitanya’s lotus feet and<br />

said, “O Lord, both Jagäi and I committed sins together. Why<br />

then do You discriminate while giving Your mercy? Please be<br />

merciful to me, and I will surely chant Your holy names. There<br />

is no one else in the world that can save me.”<br />

“I see no hope for your salvation,” The Lord said. “You dared<br />

to strike Nityänanda’s body, making it bleed.”<br />

“O Lord, please do not say this,” Mädhäi sorrowfully replied.<br />

“Why are You covering Your merciful nature? When demons<br />

released arrows at You, why did You still give them shelter at<br />

Your lotus feet?”<br />

93<br />

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