Nityananda Caritamrta

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Introduction<br />

Sréla Narottama däsa Öhäkura has sung, hena nitäi bine<br />

bhäi rädhä kåñëa päite nai; without the mercy of Lord<br />

Nityänanda, no one can attain Çré Çré Rädhä and Kåñëa.<br />

The ultimate goal of life is the attainment of kåñëa-prema,<br />

or love for Kåñëa. This is possible only by the mercy of a<br />

sädhu-guru. Çré Nityänanda Prabhu is the sum total of all gurus<br />

(samañöi-guru). Indeed, He is guru-tattva. All individual<br />

gurus (vyañöi) are representations of Çré Nityänanda. Çréla<br />

Bhaktisiddhänta Sarasvaté Öhäkura wrote in his Harmonist<br />

magazine about the manifestation of guru as the representative<br />

of Çré Nityänanda:<br />

“The guru is the embodiment of the manifestation of the<br />

Divinity to the pure receptive spiritual essence of the disciple.<br />

Nityänanda is the primary manifestive constituent of the Divinity.<br />

Nityänanda alone possesses the distinctive function of the<br />

guru. In Nityänanda the function is embodied. Nityänanda is<br />

the servant-God. He serves Çré Gaurasundara by the distinctive<br />

method of reverential servitude. He is identical with Çré Balaräma<br />

of kåñëa-lélä. Çré Balaräma is not the chum of Kåñëa, but<br />

His respected elder brother. It is an intimate relationship characterized<br />

by becoming reserved on one side, and of respectful<br />

deference on the other. Individual souls are under the direction<br />

of Nityänanda. They receive their service of Çré Gaurasundara,<br />

i.e., of Kåñëa, at His hands. Nityänanda is not a jéva. He is Divinity.<br />

He is the ultimate source of the jéva. The jéva is a potency<br />

of Nityänanda. No jéva can be the medium of the service of the<br />

Absolute to another jéva. The Absolute alone may communicate<br />

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