Last Day Events - Ellen G. White

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this day.”—The Review and Herald, August 1,<br />

1893. [The bracketed comments are by <strong>Ellen</strong><br />

<strong>White</strong>.]<br />

The church is in the Laodicean state. The<br />

presence of God is not in her midst.—A New Life<br />

[Revival and Beyond]1:99 (1898).<br />

Abuse of Power at Church Headquarters<br />

The General Conference is itself becoming<br />

corrupted with wrong sentiments and principles....<br />

Men have taken unfair advantage of those<br />

whom they supposed to be under their jurisdiction.<br />

They were determined to bring the individuals to<br />

their terms; they would rule or ruin....<br />

The high-handed power that has been<br />

developed, as though position has made men gods,<br />

makes me afraid, and ought to cause fear. It is a<br />

curse wherever and by whomsoever it is<br />

exercised.—Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel<br />

Workers, 359-361 (1895).<br />


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