Last Day Events - Ellen G. White

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The wicked ... declared that they had the truth,<br />

that miracles were among them, that angels from<br />

heaven talked with them and walked with them,<br />

that great power and signs and wonders were<br />

performed among them, and that this was the<br />

temporal millennium that they had been expecting<br />

so long. The whole world was converted and in<br />

harmony with the Sunday law.—Selected<br />

Messages 3:427, 428 (1884).<br />

The whole world is to be stirred with enmity<br />

against Seventh-day Adventists because they will<br />

not yield homage to the papacy by honoring<br />

Sunday, the institution of this antichristian<br />

power.—Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel<br />

Workers, 37 (1893).<br />

Those who trample upon God’s law make<br />

human laws which they will force the people to<br />

accept. Men will devise and counsel and plan what<br />

they will do. The whole world keeps Sunday, they<br />

say, and why should not this people, who are so<br />

few in number, do according to the laws of the<br />


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