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Page I­15<br />

Heraclitus 114, 840, 841, 846, 850, 853, 854, 958, 863, 864, 877, 1098<br />

Herbart 728<br />

Herder 120n, 134n, 780, 781, 812<br />

Genius der Zukunft (Genius of the Future) 286<br />

Reisejournal. 1769 (Travelogue 1769) 1034<br />

Vom Geist der Hebräischen Poesie (On the Spirit of Hebrew Poetry) 134<br />

Herodotus 877, 1205–6, 1207, 1220<br />

Hertzka<br />

Eine Reise nach Freiland (A Journey to Freeland) 612<br />

Herwegh 578<br />

Herzl, Theodor 602–7, 609<br />

Altneuland (Old New Land) 603<br />

Der Judenstaat (The Jewish State) 603<br />

Hesiod 62, 334, 111, 1205–7, 1209, 1214<br />

Hess, Moses 271, 600–2, 603, 604, 605, 607, 608, 609, 611<br />

Rom und Jerusalem 600, 601<br />

Hildebrandt 739<br />

Hipparchia 482<br />

Hippel, Theodor Gottlieb von 1143<br />

Hippocrates 463<br />

Hippodamos 738<br />

Hippolitos 1268<br />

Elenchos 1120<br />

Historia von D. Johann Fausten (Chapbook) 1012<br />

Hitler, Adolf xxiii, 29, 30, 68, 310, 386n, 428, 443, 587, 606, 733, 892, 894, 1172<br />

Hobbes, Thomas 257, 536–7, 543, 859, 867<br />

De cive 536, 537<br />

Leviathan 536, 537<br />

Hölderlin 933, 1164–5, 1318, 1338<br />

Am Quell der Donau (At the Source of the Danube) 121<br />

An die Deutschen (1798) (To the Germans) 1365<br />

An die Deutschen (1799) (To the Germans) 178<br />

Der Tod des Empedokles (The Death of Empedocles) 841, 1151–2, 1165<br />

Patmos 112, 939<br />

Hoffmann, E. T. A. 357, 378, 391, 392–3, 398, 803<br />

Das Majorat (The Estate) 393<br />

Der goldene Topf (The Golden Pot 358–60, 393, 708, 755<br />

Don Juan 1101<br />

Fermate 179<br />

Lebensansichten des Katers Murr (Murr the Tom­cat' Views on Life) 179–80, 323, 1003, 1060<br />

Ritter Gluck 189<br />

Hofmannstal<br />

Die ägyptische Helena 184–5<br />

Hogarth<br />

Analysis of Beauty 727<br />

Holbein (the younger) 957<br />

Hollingworth<br />

Jews in Palestine 605<br />

Homer 213, 792, 1111, 1113, 1143, 1162, 1203, 1205–8<br />

The Iliad 127, 313, 1207<br />

The Odyssey 185, 304, 313, 418, 437, 758, 1020n, 1023–7, 1207–8, 1281<br />

Honegger<br />

Pacific 231 1081<br />

Hooch, Pieter de 796, 797<br />

A mug of beer 796<br />

Hooke, Robert 647n<br />

Horace 293, 373, 937, 959, 1214, 1257, 1318<br />

Epistles 154n<br />

Odes 290n, 393<br />

Horkheimer, Max xxiv<br />

Horseman of Bamberg (sculpture) 932<br />

Howard, Ebenezer<br />

Garden Cities of Tomorrow 612<br />

Tomorrow 612<br />

Hsia Kuei 1226<br />

Huch, Friedrich<br />

Träume (Dreams) 99<br />

Hudson, W. H.<br />

A Crystal Age 474<br />

Hufeland<br />

Makrobiotik (Macrobiotics) 461, 463<br />

Hugh of St Victor 1019, 1302<br />

Hugo<br />

Lehrbuch des Naturrechts (Textbook of Natural Right) 547<br />

Humboldt, Alexander von 39, 774, 1342<br />

Ansichten der Natur (Views of Nature) 816<br />

Kosmos 213

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