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Page I­7<br />

Speeches of Gautama Buddha, see Neumann, K.<br />

Büchlein der Fialen Gerechtigkeit (Booklet of the Justice of Pinnacles) 714<br />

Büchner, Georg 1172<br />

Hessische Landbote (The Hessen Messenger) 1358<br />

Lenz 301, 977<br />

Woyzeck 301<br />

Büchner, Ludwig 379, 1286<br />

Kraft und Stoff (Force and Matter) 379n<br />

Bürger, Gottfried 437 see also Münchhausen<br />

Bunsen 696, 697<br />

Burckhardt, Jakob 705, 710<br />

Butzbach<br />

Des Johannes Butzbach Wanderbüchlein (Johann Butzbach' Little Book of Wandering) 369<br />

Byron 107, 136, 916, 991, 999, 1003–4, 1010<br />

Childe Harold 1003<br />

Don Juan 1010<br />

Manfred 1003–4, 1152–3<br />

Cabet 561–3, 607<br />

Voyage in Icarie (Voyage to Icaria) 562–3<br />

Caesar, Julius 90, 91, 294, 492, 493, 650, 651n, 947, 1028, 1148<br />

Cagliostro 630, 631, 633, 1177<br />

Caiphas 1263<br />

Calderon 421, 422, 983, 1017<br />

Caligula 68<br />

Calvin 1282<br />

Camões<br />

Lusiads 217, 1135<br />

Campanella 139, 479, 510, 512, 523–8, 529, 533, 544, 545, 552, 562, 566, 568, 656, 744<br />

Civitas solis (City of the Sun) 458, 475–6, 477, 490, 523–8, 532, 534, 638, 639, 654, 656, 740, 742, 1220<br />

De monarchia 526<br />

De sensu rerum et magia 524<br />

Philosophia realis 524<br />

Caracalla 1118<br />

Carlyle 615–17, 1198<br />

Heroes, Hero­Worship and the Heroic in History 126<br />

Past and Present 616<br />

The French Revolution 616<br />

The History of Frederick II of Prussia616<br />

Casanova 702<br />

Catechismus Romanus 1131<br />

Cato 933, 947, 1318<br />

Cellini, Benvenuto 433<br />

Cervantes 882<br />

Don Quixote 16, 170, 320, 352, 358, 772, 1025, 1027, 1029, 1035–57, 1316<br />

Cézanne 1347, 1348<br />

Grandes Baigneuses (Large Bathers) 815<br />

Les Ondines (The Water­sprites) 815<br />

L'Estaque 816<br />

Chagall, Marc 398<br />

Charlemagne 565, 567, 708, 730<br />

Charles II 536<br />

Chassin 573<br />

Chekhov, Anton 794<br />

Cherubini 1099<br />

Requiem 1100<br />

Chesterton 55, 930, 1262, 1344<br />

George Bernard Shaw 326<br />

The Return of Don Quixote 1043<br />

The Everlasting Man 1183<br />

Chisolfi<br />

Ruins of Carthage 385<br />

Chopin 180<br />

Christian of Mainz (Bishop) 770<br />

Chrysippos 491, 493, 503, 838<br />

Churchill, Winston 606<br />

Cicero 403, 492, 536, 933, 959, 960, 971, 1319<br />

De fato 243<br />

De finibus bonorum et malorum 1319<br />

De oratore 403<br />

Laelius de amicitia 963<br />

Somnium Scipionis 761<br />

Cieszkovski 270–1<br />

Prolegomena zur Historiosophie (Prolegomena to Historiosophy) 270<br />

Cimabue 819

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