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Page 476<br />

but by means of an order which is planned down to the slightest detail. Despite even shorter working hours than in More, only four hours a day, and a communist<br />

distribution of the proceeds once again, the beneficial burden of rules lies on every hour, and also on every pleasure. The rules are ascertained and upheld by savants,<br />

particularly astrological savants; the City of the Sun is precisely fitted into the universe. It is a long way from here, via 1789, via the formal freedom and equality of all<br />

which followed and turned into the cruellest misery, a long way to the utopians of the industrial age, to Owen, Fourier, Saint­Simon. Natural Right lies on this path, and<br />

also Fichte's dream of a closed commercial state in which everyone possesses de jure, and thus in utopian terms in facto, the provisions and goods to which he has a<br />

fundamental right. But in the meantime cash payment had become the sole link of society, a different link was sought, the forgotten one of fraternity for example. Owen<br />

at first turned directly to the workers and remained active in their midst, not just as a factory owner. Private property, the Church and the prevailing form of marriage<br />

destroy human happiness; in New Harmony they do not exist any more. The capitalists of distribution and production: merchant and factory owner, are regarded as<br />

dispensable phenomena; bazaars are to arise in their place, in which the worker receives in exchange the commodity which other workers have produced and which he<br />

needs, in accordance with the number of hours of work he has put in. Fourier, the other, harsher utopian, pre­Marxist in the sharpness of his analysis, Fourier<br />

constructed the Nouveau Monde industriel et sociétaire not so much on philanthropy as on criticism. On criticism of bourgeois civilization, as the last order that has<br />

appeared. It is the curse against which Fourier sets the vision of gentleness, of the disappearance of the fear of life. Fourier was the first to see how in present society<br />

poverty springs from affluence itself; the remedy is a departure to communist islands, to the social islands which Fourier calls phalanxes; and they are all attuned to one<br />

another as if under world­leadership. A kind of harmonic theory of passions completed the smoothly designed economy; the new world was to be as clearly tuned as a<br />

harp. Owen and Fourier designed their state (more a happy group than a happy state) along federalist lines; in Saint­Simon, however, it appears in centralized form,<br />

again closer to order than to individual freedom. Almost more fervid than in Owen and Fourier is the hatred here of unearned income and the misery it presupposes, of<br />

the feudal and bourgeois men of private means, as painted by Goya and Daumier. All love is reserved for work, and the magic word for Saint­Simon is l'industrie. For<br />

him workers are of course also the factory

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